Alison Young At It Again!


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I never saw The Slap, I never watch any beauty shows because AY does my head in. I just find it interesting having read through this thread that, for all the outrage at AY assaulting a guest, there are a fair few comments along the lines that if the guest had responded with equal violence, well that would be hilarious. Don't get me wrong, I know a lot of the comments are tongue-in-cheek, but am I the only one who detects the fair stench of hypocrisy?

I reckon it'd have been far more interesting if the guest had walked off the set.

I don't think Lee's slapping AY back would be funny, though I do think that it would have been understandable if she'd tried to defend herself.

After all, who expects to be slapped in the face by someone one works with?
the sheer nerve of the woman, raising her hand to a colleagues face. its truly the stuff of last century, whether in fun or otherwise.

shows how "safe" she feels at QVC.

too safe imo.
AY should not have done it I agree and I hope QVC will speak to her about it, but I feel that the high emotions this is causing here are mainly from peeps that never liked her to begin with.
She has indeed her faults, mainly not giving sufficient info about products, and this should have been addressed by QVC long time ago.

However, we all have different opinions on all things in life, even on the qvc presenters. I do not like all of them and get annoyed as most of you do by JR/CH....

It was not that long ago that sometimes when a negative comment on a presenter was posted, most members were not happy, and you got told off.

Now, things have changed drastically here, and most QVC posts are not longer about products, but solely about critisizing presenters and slagging them off. This is indeed shoppingtelly, but it feels more like presentertelly lately.
And if a ST member does not agree, he/she gets attacked, like I am sure I will be now.

This forum used to be so great for many many years: funny, informative, helpful sometimes cheeky but most of all friendly
Those days have clearly gone and I wish somehow the lighthearted banter would return
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I haven't attacked anyone, but have been accused of forming a clique and ganging up on people, bullying, and Lord only knows what else. That was just today.

I have posted again and again that I enjoy this site BECAUSE people aren't afraid to voice their opinions, and that people have differing experiences of shopping telly.

Now, I don't see how anyone can divorce presenters' on-air behaviour from the rest of the "shopping telly" experience: that's the whole point of the format. Plus the likes of QVC invites customers/viewers to interact with the presenters and guests via phone and text.

IMO, I don't think that any right-minded person would be able to approve of anyone slapping someone else: I haven't got any feelings one way or another for AY, but she's gone down in my estimation for hitting out at a guest while on air.

Since that DID happen on-air, why shouldn't it be commented on? And just because people are stating that they don't like AY's actions does not mean that they have always been strident haters of the woman.

I really wish people wouldn't make assumptions.
I haven't attacked anyone, but have been accused of forming a clique and ganging up on people, bullying, and Lord only knows what else. That was just today.

I have posted again and again that I enjoy this site BECAUSE people aren't afraid to voice their opinions, and that people have differing experiences of shopping telly.

Now, I don't see how anyone can divorce presenters' on-air behaviour from the rest of the "shopping telly" experience: that's the whole point of the format. Plus the likes of QVC invites customers/viewers to interact with the presenters and guests via phone and text.

IMO, I don't think that any right-minded person would be able to approve of anyone slapping someone else: I haven't got any feelings one way or another for AY, but she's gone down in my estimation for hitting out at a guest while on air.

Since that DID happen on-air, why shouldn't it be commented on? And just because people are stating that they don't like AY's actions does not mean that they have always been strident haters of the woman.

I really wish people wouldn't make assumptions.

I don't think Lee's slapping AY back would be funny, though I do think that it would have been understandable if she'd tried to defend herself.

After all, who expects to be slapped in the face by someone one works with?

I don't think my sales rep or a client would like me to 'slap' their face (in a fun sense) even if I knew them really really well, think I would be reported pretty quickly!

You are at work (friends or not) and are supposed to be professional at all times.
I decided to go a bit "serious": as a victim of bullying at work I've found it rather disconcerting to have people on here today accuse me of bullying them, just because I post that I don't agree with somebody ELSE'S bullying behaviour while at work.


MsTrouble: I couldn't agree more. I doubt my customers wouldn't see the funny side if I decided to arbitrarily punch them while they were talking to me.

The tiger will be back, Lottie :wink:

And Pink Sapphire - please continue! :cheeky:
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I like some presenters more than AY as well as some less than her.
Sometimes I find her funny and witty as I do some of the others.
But if any of the presenters do such a thing like pulling of someones hair, poking, making their skin red, kicking as well as smacking the face all of what AK has done in the past.
I am afraid I feel I am totally justified to comment on here, that would not make any difference if they would be my favourite or my least favourite presenter.
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AY should not have done it I agree and I hope QVC will speak to her about it, but I feel that the high emotions this is causing here are mainly from peeps that never liked her to begin with.
She has indeed her faults, mainly not giving sufficient info about products, and this should have been addressed by QVC long time ago.

However, we all have different opinions on all things in life, even on the qvc presenters. I do not like all of them and get annoyed as most of you do by JR/CH....

It was not that long ago that sometimes when a negative comment on a presenter was posted, most members were not happy, and you got told off.

Now, things have changed drastically here, and most QVC posts are not longer about products, but solely about critisizing presenters and slagging them off. This is indeed shoppingtelly, but it feels more like presentertelly lately.
And if a ST member does not agree, he/she gets attacked, like I am sure I will be now.

This forum used to be so great for many many years: funny, informative, helpful sometimes cheeky but most of all friendly
Those days have clearly gone and I wish somehow the lighthearted banter would return

ive been here a fair while and i dont recall this "golden age" where most of the discussion revolved around products. in fact i would go so far as to say the forum is more sedate now than it's ever been.

as long as i can remember the presenters appearance and personalities has been as much a part of the discussion as the products have been, if not moreso. and the ding dongs that went on between FM's had to be seen to be believed!
happy days!

i'm afraid we have to accept that we live in a society where people on TV are fair game for discussion and criticism. thats the way it goes.
Ah yes Burlz, I remember many a spat in the old days of ST, it certainly is very sedate nowadays!:call:
Ah yes Burlz, I remember many a spat in the old days of ST, it certainly is very sedate nowadays!:call:

it was brilliant wasnt it? i used to RUN to the computer to see what had been kicking off. talk about "characters"!
You would have loved it...and been right in the thick of it imho. :wink:
I didnt see the incident so havent commented about the slap because I dont know the context in which it happened. I do think people who did see it are eintitled to their opinions and to post them on here however there are one or two posts on both sides that are bordering on being personal and I am not sure if they were meant to be or if as is common on forums they have been interpreted as being more personal than they were intended to be.

The trouble with forums is that it is communication without visual signals, when you are in the same room as someone you can pick up on the body language and the inflection of the speech whether something that has been said was meant in a nasty way or was just someone stating their view. On the internet you dont get any of that its only what is written down and that is so easy to misinterpret.
On here an awful lot ot the threads are " negative" because there is an awful lot on QVC to be negative about, P&P,quality, presenters are spring to mind. So it is quite easy to interpret al threads and comments as negative

All too often the presenters on QVC are a bit to "pally" with the guests with far too many personal conversations/in jokes and Alison Young is one of the chief offenders. Too a point that is nice to watch I am sure sometimes it is just a selling tool but occasionally it oversteps the mark and becomes annoying.

They are there to do a job which is to provide information to sell a product and the truth is that fine line between being friendly but peruasive and over familiar is all too often stepped. I am sure we all enjoy bantar with our friends which taken out of context cold be seen as something more sinister

I suppose what I am saying is that maybe we should all think about what and how we post because just as we might misinterpret somethign a presenter says as being boastfu, nasty etc. other forum members could misinterpret what we write as being a personal attack
Klarionthewitchboy I love the new cat. The Tiger was grrrrreat too but the black cat is stunning. Please keep him for a while. :rock:
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it was brilliant wasnt it? i used to RUN to the computer to see what had been kicking off. talk about "characters"!

I would love to know how many "characters" are still about. If there is any action now I either miss it or it goes over my head. I did miss AY's recent doings, I can't imagine Ali really meaning to hurt anyone, having said that if she did upset someone imo she should be made to apologise in public to that person.

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