Alison Young At It Again!


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You don`t have to know people personally to form a clique - I meant an online clique... I think in time, this forum will just be peeps who are too frightened to speak against certain things, so keep silent & the clique, who will band together like a pack & shout anyone down.... Its actually happening right now.... Good luck with it.... There are far nicer places to be :bandit:
You don`t have to know people personally to form a clique - I meant an online clique... I think in time, this forum will just be peeps who are too frightened to speak against certain things, so keep silent & the clique, who will band together like a pack & shout anyone down.... Its actually happening right now.... Good luck with it.... There are far nicer places to be :bandit:

That does sound rather paranoid, you know.

I'm sorry if you feel that my expressing an opinion was in some way a "bullying" move. I'm not quite sure what to say to that, except that would make it very difficult to converse with you.
Ok enough personal attacks!!!

As I have said before everyone is entitled to their opinion and no-one should be attacked for stating what their opinion is. We are all adults and should be able to cope if someone has a differing opinion to our own.

Can we please get back to the topic or I will have close the thread.
I don't know about anyone else but don't you think that slapping a guest on air is a bit off?:giggle::giggle::giggle:
I don't know about anyone else but don't you think that slapping a guest on air is a bit off?:giggle::giggle::giggle:

No: in fact, I think QVC should hold a special day where AY can invite on anyone she likes (QVC presenters, guests, neighbours, old school bullies, anyone at random) and slap their faces off.

While we all sit at home and laugh our heads off at how much fun AY is having. QVC could release a special disc set of all the best slaps, with commentaries from AY and the "slappees", behind the scenes footage, amd a gallery of pics of AY struggling on and off her horse.

Why should kids have all the "happy slapping" fun?

/sarcasm :devil:
No: in fact, I think QVC should hold a special day where AY can invite on anyone she likes (QVC presenters, guests, neighbours, old school bullies, anyone at random) and slap their faces off.

While we all sit at home and laugh our heads off at how much fun AY is having. QVC could release a special disc set of all the best slaps, with commentaries from AY and the "slappees", behind the scenes footage, amd a gallery of pics of AY struggling on and off her horse.

/sarcasm :devil:
Sounds like jolly good fun to me. :mysmilie_59: We could even give the slaps marks out of 10 for velocity, force, technique etc. :mysmilie_481:
I just wish QVC would give us a wider selection of presenters. I bet there are some great beauty experts out there who would present shows with humour and intelligence and generally add a bit of freshness to the whole thing. I guess clever agents have got some clients tied in to terrific contracts at QVC.
I think they should poach Mandy Penalver from Ideal World! She really knows her stuff, advocates healthy diet and exercise alongside her beauty knowledge and is always clean, smart and well groomed on air - and she can apply make up properly too...
I think they should poach Mandy Penalver from Ideal World! She really knows her stuff, advocates healthy diet and exercise alongside her beauty knowledge and is always clean, smart and well groomed on air - and she can apply make up properly too...

She also looks very well for a chick over 40 imo. I am very against the age and attractiveness fascism in television but for this job it is essential to be well turned out and looking well.
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She also looks very well for a chic over 40 imo. I am very against the age and attractiveness fascism in television but for this job it is essential to be well turned out and looking well.

Yes, indeed - I take your point and do agree with you :) I mean, I do think Ali definitely doesn't look her age, and it's clear she looks after her skin (the 'before' pics last time she was on with Mally showing her without any make up prove this, her skin was flawless...) Mandy is probably the best thing Ideal World have in all honesty - she is 45 and is just glowing and healthy (and not hyper on sugar and coffee all the time like AY :wink: ) and always looks incredibly smart and poised.
I mentioned on some other thread that AY's tactic is to neg people, eeek you have flaws etc. which is outdated now as a sales pitch and was always hateful anyway. Mandy seems to be of the make the very best of yourself persuasion which is far more pleasant and enticing and schmucks like me fall for it too.

I just can't imagine Mandy literally slapping an actual guest or model though so maybe she isn't QVC material.:grin:
i cannot stand her. if i met her i'd probably smack her in the face ... happy with that?

No, not really. Not at all, in fact. You'd slap a total stranger? Ummmm.....

isn't that what people have been up in arms about. * slinks away*
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Violence should never be the answer; unless it's a question of self-defence.

See what I did there?
Well sadly I missed the debacle, but wouldn't it have been funny if the lady had turned round and belted her back!!!! Full blown fight in the beauty hour, now that would have been entertaining!
All credit to Lee she didn't sink to her level & react. Regardless of whether Lee was offended or upset by what happened is not really the issue. Its unacceptable behavior by any stretch of the imagination & disciplinary action should be taken. Of course it will all be hushed up & the public will never know what QVC management did about it.

I hope they are reading this & taking seriously that it was not liked or appreciated & should never be repeated.
Well sadly I missed the debacle, but wouldn't it have been funny if the lady had turned round and belted her back!!!! Full blown fight in the beauty hour, now that would have been entertaining!

Oh yes, hair pulling, screeching, nails and a nice big mud bath as well.
Now that would make interesting viewing :grin:

Anyone noticed how the viewing numbers for the QVC board are about 50 higher than usual :giggle:
Nearly 300 earlier. Ideal world forum is stuck on minus 7 as usual.
I never saw The Slap, I never watch any beauty shows because AY does my head in. I just find it interesting having read through this thread that, for all the outrage at AY assaulting a guest, there are a fair few comments along the lines that if the guest had responded with equal violence, well that would be hilarious. Don't get me wrong, I know a lot of the comments are tongue-in-cheek, but am I the only one who detects the fair stench of hypocrisy?

I reckon it'd have been far more interesting if the guest had walked off the set.

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