Ali Young at home


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I liked it too. Makes me wonder if the super screecher mode she goes into on the telly is a bit too much nervous energy having an adverse effect. When she's relaxed and on her own turf she seems like someone I'd probably get on with.
She looked so much prettier! I thought my dogs were spoilt but I would go mental if they even considered stealing!! Actually they are very spoilt but I could put a plate on the floor but they wouldn't touch it (well for a minute or so, I doubt it would last 20 mins!) but there would be a huge puddle of drool
Cant wait to see this after reading all these threads, but i was wondering why were being privliged to see inside her home, which is her own personal
space. Maybe im just being suspicious , and when i watch it, maybe i"ll see if i was wrong . Just cant imagine any of the other presenters letting the
cameras into their homes, theres my susppicious mind again sorry
Oh there i go, openin my mouth and putting my foot in it. Should have looked at the video before i posted
that opinon. See its part of June beauty month, so thats why . doh
Very good video, very natural and her house is beautiful, and shes very relaxed, and seems to love her dogs and her
beauty products, my cupboards are full of stuff like that too , all from qvc
I saw it too.. very funny! Alison's home looked very nice! I think it's quite far out in the country.. she must have about an hour or more drive into London? I remember her saying ages ago.. and she has been late before when traffic has been very bad! :)
Ali's house was lovely but I wouldn't be eating a sandwich with the dogs able to get to the work surfaces thank you. Although it looks like you'd have to be quick and determined to get a sandwich full stop!

Ali has said before that Guildford is her local high street so she's somewhere in Surrey. It probably would take her an hour minimum from Guildford in rush hour. Actually more like 90 minutes but going in at another time could take 45 minutes.

There are some beautiful and very rural bits of Surrey.
Lovely videos, though I really don't fancy eating at hers after the dogs had climbed over the surfaces :wink:. She is great when she's just allowed to be herself. She looks fantastic in those jeans and that shirt and came across so well. Lovely sense of humour too...what a gorgeous house!!
There is another video, one of Alisons bathrooms. How does she get in the shower with all those bottles?
just watched the bathroom clip, but sorry guys thought this was boring in comparison to the kitchen one. She has so many products all over the place its daft, and whilst I understand that they have to try them etc for the shows, I think it just goes to show that the comments of "ooh couldn't live without this etc etc" is all a load of old twaddle as she has so much stuff to choose between, therefore if X wasn't there should would just to Y without a second thought. Hope the other clips are better, love to see her lounge and garden. Her house does look very nice and modern, hoping hubby will appear in one of them soon.
Its a good job she doesn"t have to buy any of that stuff, it"d cost a fortune. I "d love to "test" all of those things
all that stuff would make me dizzy! Agree she looked great and came over as far more relaxed and funny than her t v self.
Right I am going to be pernickety if I had ALL those products in my shower it's would be absolutely pigging as I wouldn't be arsed moving them,wiping them etc and the shower tray itself wouldn't be spotless.

Methinks that Ali most certainly has a lady wot does !
I thought exactly the same Jabba! It's bad enough with the litre sizes of Shampure I have. :sweat:
what a wonderfull job testing free beauty products..nice bathroom but the dogs are the star of the show suprised they were not in the bath lol

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