Alexis's baby


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So what about Gary O'Donoghue? He is a political reporter for the BBC. Perhaps you should write to them and ask for his removal because of his obvious blindness. Or maybe you just turn over when he comes on! :wonder:

Actually you are correct, i switch over as i find him and his eye movements off-putting! :blush:
Yes, but as a representative of the company, she should be good at communicating and not have a speech impediment. :doh:

I don't find her speech impediment a barrier to communication at all. I understand what she is saying and how she says it - she conveys the company ethos perfectly. Sometimes our "flaws" can be endearing to others.
Yes she should!
Sorry but life is hard - how many tv presenters do you see with speech problems or facial disfigurements?????????????


I think you will find there are some!!

Your comments in this thread are very offensive and you have earned yourself another infraction, carry on the way you have been and you won't be a member here much longer!
Goodness Simon1966 you are very rude and shallow. She only has a lisp FFS - to say she should be in the back office is utterly disgraceful. You come over a very bigotted person which I genuinely hope you are not as its a hideous trait to possess.
I think Simon1966 is one of those type of blokes that we all know who thinks he is edgy witty and funny....and so isn't,not at all.
To be honest I hadn't even noticed Alexis has a lisp, I find her very pleasant to watch - enthusiastic, knowledgeable and not too pushy. I don't know who you think you are to make such personal remarks, 'Mr' Simon, there are lots of third world dictatorship countries out there where you will more at home so get lost and do us all a favour.
I bet he's Mark Ryes moonlighting on here again picking on random people...
If some people thing it's post-worthy to comment on a slight lisp then it's no wonder there's such prejudice against disability in general in this world.
IMHO Alexis is a very beautiful woman, I am also now starting to warm to her personality after previously finding her cold and slightly snobbish. Who cares if she has a slight lisp? My 4 yr old son has a lisp and I sincerely hope he never comes into contact with anyone like you in his lifetime Simon, although, rest assured, I will make sure he is well - equipped to deal with them if he does!! :angry::angry::headbang::angry::angry:
Lordy what a vile little man!!!

Alexis is a lovely young woman and doesn't let her very slight speech impediment stand in her way.

I have absolutely no problem understanding Alexis and she is indeed a beautiful woman who any company would view as a great asset as an ambassador for them but I sometimes think that maybe her speech is more to do with a hearing problem than a speech problem.
I have a good friend who suffers from partial deafness and she speaks in exactly the same way.
Is she the lady selling L'Occitane, who talks as though she has a plum in her mouth?

She is so annoying and needs help with her massive speech impediment!

Not good for a guest presenter.

Well that's funny seeing as it's so 'massive', you'd have thought I've have noticed it. Maybe Simon is a troll and we shouldn't feed him.
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hurtful and unnecessary

How very cringeworthy...

One step forward all those who are perfect...(I know I'd be taking a big step back!)
Sorry everyone - looks like somone i lent my laptop to has being making very rude comments and homophobic comments on here and other sites i have bookmarked.

The person is now banned from using my laptop and password has been changed.

Sorry for any offense caused.
Sorry everyone - looks like somone i lent my laptop to has being making very rude comments and homophobic comments on here and other sites i have bookmarked.

The person is now banned from using my laptop and password has been changed.

Sorry for any offense caused.

What a rotten thing for them to do. Glad you got it sorted!
Sorry everyone - looks like somone i lent my laptop to has being making very rude comments and homophobic comments on here and other sites i have bookmarked.

The person is now banned from using my laptop and password has been changed.

Sorry for any offense caused.

That person must have been watching Alexis with you Simon to have noticed how she speaks:sun:
Sorry everyone - looks like somone i lent my laptop to has being making very rude comments and homophobic comments on here and other sites i have bookmarked.

The person is now banned from using my laptop and password has been changed.

Sorry for any offense caused.

whats that smell?

rat? :happy:
What a shame that a lovely positive thread has been hijacked in such a vile way.
I wish I'd caught a glimpse of Alexis's baby, if she's half as pretty as her Mum she'll be lovely. Does anyone know what the baby's name is?

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