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  1. Love A'kin

    Ask Alison ?

    Hi PPC, :hi: What's illogical about it, is that someone having made a negative comment themselves, bears no relation whatsoever to how they feel about someone else making a negative comment - as is always very evident on these type of threads. For example: Someone could make a negative comment...
  2. Love A'kin

    Alison on new CID

    Thank you Catkins! :flower: What a lovely thing to say! :sun: The sunflower pic gives me a little pick me up every time I see it. I love it! :happy:
  3. Love A'kin

    Ask Alison ?

    It was rude and unnecessary the first time you said it Gemma1. Not to mention lacking in logic. There's no need to bring it up again.
  4. Love A'kin

    Ask Alison ?

    I don't think that expressing a contrary opinion is having a go at, or having a dig at someone. I do think it's illogical to think it's ok for these people to express their negative opinion of something, but wrong for those people to express their negative opinion of something. Speaking of...
  5. Love A'kin

    Ask Alison ?

    You've confused me there cherub. Not hard to do I grant you. :tongue: Are you 1) Saying that you hold a different opinion to Earthgirl or 2) Saying outright that Earthgirl is wrong to say what she feels. :confused2:
  6. Love A'kin

    Alison on new CID

    I thought Alison looked awesome at the Perricone TSV launch, but my daughter really liked her New CID look. Horses for courses isn't it? :sun:
  7. Love A'kin

    NV Perricone TSV - 08/09/11

    :hi: I really wanted to order it, and if I had ordered it I would have gone for the AD - but I daren't in case I liked it. It's not that long since I kicked my £120 every two months cut and colour habit. Taking on a commitment to buying Perricone now would be like having struggled to giveup...
  8. Love A'kin

    QVC has threatened to closed my account!

    I keep a detailed record of the reasons for every one of my returns - because I know QVC don't. This year I began emailing the reasons because I know they don't read record or keep what we write on the Return Slip - which forces them to keep a record, because they do keep emails.
  9. Love A'kin

    3 mucky looking bras. vile

    :hi: I suspect that they put them in two for the extra support, rather than the nipple coverage. I noticed the youngest model with the perkiest ****s wasn't wearing two. Can't believe how quickly they sold out! :doh:
  10. Love A'kin

    Why did John Barrowman bother?

    I enjoyed it. My Mum went so far as to ring me and ask me to order the cd for her even though as far as I can see she's got all the songs but one already. My daughter did say she thought he was looking a little older but... Ooh I don't know if I should repeat her comment... :angel: :wait...
  11. Love A'kin

    Julia Roberts You Are Brilliant

    :wave: Julia is a very good QVC presenter. I almost never throw cushions at the screen and bellow "show us the colours!" or "Sizes! What are the bliddy sizes?!" when Julia is presenting. She gobsmacks me with the things she says sometimes, but the mere sight of her doesn't irk me. If that...
  12. Love A'kin

    QVC has threatened to closed my account!

    They do include clothing, and faulty items. That's why we can't generalise about people who have had The Letter, because we don't know why the returns happened. Generalising about everyone who gets The Letter is buying into the QVC way of looking at things that a return is a return and why it...
  13. Love A'kin

    QVC has threatened to closed my account!

    Absolutely. I forgot that one! :flower: It's not that simple though is it? You can't tar everyone with the same brush. When you say this Burlz, it sounds as if you think that everybody who gets the letter has been taking the wotsit with the MBG. When we all know that's not necessarily true...
  14. Love A'kin

    QVC has threatened to closed my account!

    I don't think that's true Burlz. :down: If QVC send the wrong item it still counts as "a return". If QVC send you a broken item it still counts against you as "a return". If the item such as a tv or computer stops working after 6 months and you have to purchase packaging at your own...
  15. Love A'kin

    Laura Geller TSV - 06/08/11

    :hi:Have you seen the Laura Geller Youtube channel? Loads of tutorials on there with the Vanilla Nudes. :clapping:
  16. Love A'kin

    Best Balm/oil cleanser

    Beautypedia is brilliant resource. I also like Ruth Winter's book (order-able from your local library):sun:
  17. Love A'kin

    did anyone get a hair band with emma hardie try me

    Were we s'posed to get a brush??? :doh:
  18. Love A'kin

    Tiana B

    How is 42.5 a maxi dress length? I'm 5'5 (and a half!) and I've got maxi skirts that are 40 inches long. The maxi dress I bought from Next recently is 58 inches long I think and it hits me perfectly just above my foot. I thought maxi meant full length or almost full length. 42.5 would hit me...
  19. Love A'kin

    Best Balm/oil cleanser

    I had a hideous reaction whilst using Elemis and the £300 per appointment dermatologist I went to said it was full of well known irritants that would aggravate lots of people's skins. She then went into a bit of a mini rant about how people ask if things are fragrance free and hypoallergenic...
  20. Love A'kin

    did anyone get a hair band with emma hardie try me

    I got a hairband and a cloth as well as the three products. It's a really nice hairband too, much nicer than the Liz Earle and Elemis ones I already had from yonks ago. :sun: