And if you order something that never turns up, you ring them get a form to fill in, send it back so you can have a refund of your money for something you never, ever had, it counts as a return.
Absolutely. I forgot that one! :flower:
so stop taking the **** with the 30 day MBG and everything will be fine, Simples..
It's not that simple though is it? You can't tar everyone with the same brush.
When you say this Burlz, it sounds as if you think that everybody who gets the letter has been taking the wotsit with the MBG.
When we all
know that's not necessarily true.
You're extrapolating from the particular (Someone you may have heard of who does take the pee) to the general (Tens of thousands of people who have received the Letter without taking the pee.)
The point that I was trying to make is that even if QVC is at fault for the return it still counts against the customer as part of their Returns Total. They don't read our returns slips and they don't log our reasons for return.
As far as I can tell goods returned within 14 days unused are not logged separately even though they are covered by the Distance Selling Regulations.
However, I still don't think trying things out at home is taking the pee.
How else are you supposed to know if a foundation colour and texture works on your skintone, or a perfume smells nice with your body chemistry without trying it?
QVC shouldn't sell make up, skincare and fragrance if they object to people using the 30 day money back guarantee, because the only reason anybody buys make up, skincare and fragrance off the tv is
because of the 30 day money back guarantee.
Very few people would order perfume without knowing they could return perfumes that reacted with their skin chemistry to create cat's pee, or foundations that looked like the man in the Tangoed ad.
If a guest or presenter says on air you'll definitely see results within your 30 days, but if you don't. send it back - then I don't think it's wrong of people to send it back if they don't see the promised results.
One of my friends orders every single new beauty product that QVC stock.
Everything. She's in the post office a couple of times a week returning things. She's never had The Letter. She's always invited to customer events, she's on panels. They make a fortune out of her, so they don't care about the returns.
My customer account on QVC has a return every few pages, hers has 3-6 returns per page. On The last Mally TSV the on air shade advice was so unclear she ordered three different colours tried them all and returned two. She's been doing this for a decade or more now.
You can't generalise.
P.S. The "friend" isn't me - I promise!