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  1. S

    My order

    For the first time in "years" I ordered from Gems over the weekend, three pair of earings (for Christmas pressys), I have just recieved my order but it contained only two pair, on checking I find I have two seperate order numbers and two lots of P&P, the last pair of earings were only £4 so I...
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    Well done Ideal world !!

    Its been quite a while since I ordered anything from IW, in the past I have had all sorts of problems with delivery i.e taking ages !, not being delivered etc etc !.....but OH spotted the all singing all dancing ladders a week or so ago and decieded he needed them in order to decorate the hall...
  3. S

    NN heavyweight TSV ?

    Did anyone else order this set ? and what do you think of it ?, I ordered the brownish/coffee coloured set !, and am very disappointed with the feel the bottom sheet is not "fluffy" at all and I cant even say the duvet cover is as soft as my "normal" NN set !, is it just me ??:(
  4. S

    Whats "lurking" in your cupboard ?

    I wonder if anyone else has purchases from QVC lurking around the house that they just dont use ?, you know the one !, you fall for the sales pitch and "dash" to the phone !, then it never sees the light of day !, we all must have something :thinking2::flower:... mine well here goes ! I still...
  5. S

    If QVC gave you a gift ?

    Ok ladies (and gents) as I know children will be soon sending their Christmas lists to Santa what ONE item would you like from QVC (thats one thing Love A'Kin LOL !). You can spend up to £50 the same as the prize for the morning show competition. I would like a nice cosy Carol Hochman PJ set...
  6. S

    Name one product !

    Can you name one product that QVC introduced to you and now you could not do without ? Mine is Yankee candles !, OK so I dont buy them any more from QVC but I am grateful for "the introduction". :flower:
  7. S

    Calling Debbie Greenwood !

    Things must be really bad for the Greenwood/Coia household at the moment !, I have just been shopping in ASDA and a staff announcement came over the tannoy system for Debbie Greenwood to report to the customer service desk :grin::grin:, perhaps QVC are sending their presenters out for "training"...
  8. S

    Free pendant e-mail ?

    Has anyone else had a e-mail offering a free Diamantaire neckalce for just the price of the postage ??, its a thank you !, I have not ordered anything for a while so what are they thanking me for ?.
  9. S

    Quidco ??

    Hi everyone !, can anyone tell me how Quidco works ?, I notice that QVC are on it !, how do you order etc ?. Thanks in advance.
  10. S

    What can you see ?

    What can you see from where you are sitting now, that you bought from QVC ?. I have my Cheeky Charlie monkey looking at me my two wind spinners in the garden a stone mountain cross body bag and nothing else at all what about you ?
  11. S

    Whose going to be first ?

    For all of us who have ordered the TSV or bears/monkeys here when yours arrive, it may be interesting to see who gets their delivery first and where you live !
  12. S

    Super million hair ?

    I watched this yesterday !, it looked quite good, but is it one of those things that are not the same when you try and use them ??.
  13. S

    How "daft" do they think we are ?

    have just had a look at the web site and seen 695769 a Diamonique Veronese bangle selling for £180 !!!!!!!!!!!!!, do they realise it is silver ?, or am I missing something :thinking2:
  14. S

    Film characters ?

    The book thread got me thinking !, which QVC presenters, guests, models etc would you cast in what film ? Can I suggest Tova in a remake of "whatever happened to Baby Jane", remember the character played by Bette Davis ! Jill Franks in "Pycho" playing the girl who gets stabbed in the shower ...
  15. S

    Supercoolwillow !

    I think you deserve credit for all the work you put in keeping us up to date with bargains, new products etc, and I want to thank you, well done please keep it up :clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::flower:
  16. S

    Shrewsbury outlet

    On my travels in Wales I suddenly found myself in Shrewsbury, guess what I found the QVC outlet, honest I wasnt looking for it :dull:....I thought it was better than the Warrington shop seemed cleaner and a better lay out. Just like Warrington there were lots of Oreck, rails of clothes with 70%...
  17. S

    Here we go again !

    Just got back today from a two day break in Wales !, to find a card through my door from a delivery firm called "Hermes ", the card said "your package is left in your porch !, strange that as I have not got a porch ! :cheeky:, the card was dated the 17th (the day I went away) I had placed an...
  18. S

    Dreamkeeper TAT !

    I have just switched on to see the fairy dust woman trying to sell a piece of utter tat a plastic wristlet bag for just over £20 :11::11: what planet is this woamn on ?, she said the glitter is covered in plasic to protect it !, the whole thing is plastic !!!!. I have seen better bags in the...
  19. S

    Worst QVC products

    Items which have disappointed me ! The plants this year ! a diamond pendant with dull, lifeless stones california jewellry, cheap looking ! some so called soft flannel Northern Nights bedding, that could have been used as sandpaper, and no way could you sleep on it !. Hannahs candles...
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    Tree peonies

    I have just spoken to customer service about the tree peonies !, two have died and the other one does not look very healthy at all, we had a couple of buds but they never flowered. I rememeber when these where shown seeing large flowers and the facy that they where 10 years in "the making" I...