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  1. JCR1982

    Wen tsv 5/11/14

    See I liked the Wen haircare range - nothing special in my opinion for my hair but it was really nice for my scalp as it doesn't make it itch. I have very long hair though so it goes down so quickly : (
  2. JCR1982

    Ultrasun TSV 2/7/14

    Nikkid I've used it on my two since they were very young (obvs they weren't in direct sun when younger but used it as precaution). Now they are 2 & 3, I will use it again this Summer I put it on in the morning but I do top up with a spray sunscreen during the day (not sure if I need it but makes...
  3. JCR1982

    Confessions of a Beauty Addict TSV 4/7/14

    Oh and the blue liner dried out ridiculously quickly but my black one is still going strong, I wonder if its because the lid came apart so I can clip a cover directly over the nib
  4. JCR1982

    Confessions of a Beauty Addict TSV 4/7/14

    I'm not keen on the mascara, found it difficult to get off my lashes even using oil cleansers but yet it smudged under my eyes. Quite like the brow gel but can just pick up a clear mascara. Xx
  5. JCR1982

    Josie Maran

    Does anyone know if we are due to get a TSV from Josie Maran? I'm sure I saw Ali young say we were going to get one awhile back but I have never seen it! Thank you
  6. JCR1982

    Tria 4x Laser Hair Removal System TSV 26/01/14

    Yep that's what I thought - re spot size - tria actually went into my basket and even went through but I cancelled the order! I think I may give the bigger one ago, saw some reviews and someone said it got really hot so they had to have a break while doing their legs, does that happen to you?
  7. JCR1982

    Tria 4x Laser Hair Removal System TSV 26/01/14

    How are you getting along with it now? I'm really considering buying it as it has good reviews and the Tria doesn't have any!!
  8. JCR1982

    WEN Haircare TSV 27/4/14

    Have to say I'm going through it very quickly - My bottle only has half left : S I'm still undecided - I like it but not sure I really think its worth £40? Although have to say psoriasis doesn't seem as flaky
  9. JCR1982

    WEN Haircare TSV 27/4/14

    I'm not blown away so far (not bad but not sure worth £40) but I'm going to keep at it and use it all up as I'm hoping it will help the psoriasis on my scalp.
  10. JCR1982

    WEN Haircare TSV 27/4/14

    Washed my hair tonight so still waiting for the results. I did 12 on the head and 12 on my lengths - I have thick long hair, does that sound about right? Seemed to be a lot on it and felt creamy and nice. X
  11. JCR1982

    WEN Haircare TSV 27/4/14

    Mine too! Looking forward to getting it and giving it a go : )
  12. JCR1982


    Ask for testers so you can apply a full face at home. Most places do them but you could always take a little pot to ask them to put a few squirts in. X
  13. JCR1982

    WEN Haircare TSV 27/4/14

    I think sometimes they have brushed it but only for the curly or wavy hair so it frizzes out. Mine does look like that if I brush out my curls but obviously it's not really a fair representation!
  14. JCR1982

    WEN Haircare TSV 27/4/14

    It was £40.83 including p&p. Have you tried ringing Donna? You will be able to get it that way I'm sure.
  15. JCR1982

    WEN Haircare TSV 27/4/14

    I've just ordered by telephone so must be available now - Oh and its at TSV price as I checked before it went through!!! x
  16. JCR1982

    WEN Haircare TSV 27/4/14

    I'm really interested in this. Just read their website though and its saying for my hair which is mid way down my back to use 32 pumps - 8 pumps per each section will the bottle not run out really quickly?
  17. JCR1982

    Ultrasun TSV 3/4/14

    I ordered medium/high on auto del this morn when there were problems and just looked at my account and it's only the single option! Grrr phoned up customer services and got my delivery refunded! Last ultrasun tsv they got the option wrong and I got sent a free lot! It won't be too long till the...
  18. JCR1982

    Alpha-H TSV on 24/02/2014

    I've been told to use once a week as I've got sensitive skin. X
  19. JCR1982

    Alpha-H TSV on 24/02/2014

    Which SPF does everyone use? Ultra Sun - 30/50 or Alpha H daily 50? I have dry patches so need to probably put moisturizer on as well but I'm pretty pushed in the morning so don't want to wait 20mins for the SPF to set if it can be helped! If Ultrasun is the best, well I'll just have to...
  20. JCR1982

    Alpha-H TSV on 24/02/2014

    I have dry skin and sensitive from psoriasis but my pores are getting bigger and open. Would this be good for me? I fancy giving it a go! X