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  1. M

    Gardening prat of the month

    For the first time this morning i switched off i can no longer stand watching him and his overpriced products he is becoming a smug bore and the presenters like JB and SB boosting his ego is pathetic.
  2. M

    Does Jill Franks eat Candles?

    Don't no if she eats them but she is as bright as one.
  3. M

    "Don't you get the feeling you've been cheated?"

    Snap, now that is short
  4. M

    The Ideal World Drinking Game

    I literally feel listening to people saying literally is literally boring pass the vodka.
  5. M

    Qvc Overhaul!!!

    Sorry to repeat what has been said but please please ditch the i pads on air its as bad as mobiles on buses.
  6. M

    Hayloft TSV 09/04/13

    The tsv is interesting might try them but frankly i am sick fed up with virtually the whole hour being taken up by RJ plugging his own products.
  7. M

    New Easyfill Baskets

    To be honest these new ones are just a marketing ploy to sell a few hundred thousand as a new design,last year we were brainwashed into being told the old style were the greatest ever.
  8. M

    Hayloft TSV 09/04/13

    I have often wondered if the plants shown represent what are actually supplied i know the tree lilies i received a couple of years ago were smaller than advertised and consequently i have not bothered since.
  9. M

    New Easyfill Baskets

    I did get the 14inch ones but went back to the 12inch as they were to big and also do not mound up the centre with compost it's a nightmare to water.
  10. M

    Hayloft TSV 09/04/13

    Bought caliente geraniums from Hayloft last year and they arrived in excellent condition but did not do well, though i suspect the rotten wet summer played its part i cant help but feel the hayloft guy go's a bit OTT when he describes their plants but anyone is better than the flowerpot man...
  11. M

    Simple Simon Pies!!!!

    It only goes to show some people have more money than sense IMVH
  12. M

    2 million pound rip off

    We agree tristar i hate damn mobile phones worst things ever invented.
  13. M

    Re: Richard jackson's (not so) hot pics

    Your right brissles always better with electric pump always found solar hopeless certainly where i am.
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    Remember when she used to do security lights on qvc then it was spray and grow then it was inflatable beds now she is a garden expert god these people get around.
  15. M

    Re: Richard jackson's (not so) hot pics

    Tristar if you like him fine each to there own but i think you are looking at life through rose tinted glasses (no pun intended) if you think they are all great buddies TV is full of false people.
  16. M

    Re: Richard jackson's (not so) hot pics

    The day he shows us a plant fed by his product and one fed by a top branded product side by side and if his is better i will think about buying his.
  17. M

    I'm not surprised.

    yup drives me mad as well
  18. M

    Gardening Pick of the Month

    Personally every time i see RJ i have a vision of him with a flowerpot on his head and strings on his arms and legs like one of the flowerpot men sorry RJ but i can't help it.
  19. M

    Gardening Pick of the Month

    Fair enough Toril but how do you know plants being plants that the plant might not have just recovered anyway with some other plant food, but if you like it fine i hope you have a great garden this year.
  20. M

    Hayley Green

    lost count of how many times she said fantastic on the gardening show this morning also has an annoying habit of looking at the monitor when she thinks she is not on camera.