This evenings 'Award Ceremony'


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Aug 2, 2018
Short read: 2 mins.

I'm guilty of watching this - well I recorded it & then fast played through. Took about 20 mins for me to cherry pick from a 2 hour show!

For those of you who didn't waste your time with this, I can confirm that it was the biggest load of **** ever - worst so far - so phoney. AY & her bitch were attempting to do a double act, with AY in the funnyman role....Lordy!

'Winning' guests using their 5mins+ podium spot for a free ad opportunity, all whilst the other 'guests' at this 'big night out' are scrolling through their phones (HOW RUDE!!!! Have I been on another planet & missed that this is now normal/acceptable behaviour at a 'do' even if it's ****? How has this happened? Rant over)

Priceless was Kara Becks face on the line up spot with 2 others, waiting for the winner to be announced, who, wisely didn't bother coming. When absentees name was called she looks from left to right thinking 'who the feck is that' before clapping along with the rest.

They must accept the invite months before the show & obviously forget how **** the whole thing is when they agree to go. I've done that before with a Wedding or 2 - difference being I wasn't paid to go to the **** wedding.

Anyone else see the 'show' - perhaps whilst flicking the channels?
Didn’t see it, I think I chose the more pain free option of soldering my eye balls to my eye lids.
Never watched the show. But loved this comment on Facebook.

It is a bit like watching the Eurovision Song Contest , you know where the votes are going before they have been announced. Have had to switch off!
Stopped watching after tuning in for one of these events. The format simply doesn't work in a tv studio.

Let's face it, it really is simply a sales channel, selling its wares, the same as they do every day, every hour.
QVC UK needs to stop trying to be something it most definitely isn't concentrate on what it should be doing. However, their delusions of grandeur & increasing number of mistakes are laughable :mysmilie_19: & occasionally I find something worth buying.
Saw 30 seconds of it, wondered what AY had on her cheeks to make them so pink and shiny. Then switched off and went to clean the kitchen sink.

A much better use of your time EM, aerobic exercise with the benefit of being hygienic, anearobic if you really went for it! I always think cleaning sinks & basins is very therapeutic especially when I can put out some new soap at the same time.
Saw 30 seconds of it, wondered what AY had on her cheeks to make them so pink and shiny. Then switched off and went to clean the kitchen sink.

Me too EM, only difference I gave it 45secs and my sink didn’t need cleaning but done it anyway whilst listening to Brexit on the radio!
I switched on to see Abbi Horne and her bloody Dyson, standing next to a Diana Dors look alike holding the trophy, but I couldn't take my eyes off the monstrosity of the dress she was wearing. Blue sequins one shoulder with a huge sleeve and a slit to the thigh - and she was a big girl so it did her no favours.

Everyone around the tables were talking while AY was talking, - the Oscars it was not ! Whoever stuck it out to watch this farce clearly don't have a life.
I did the same as SisterBliss. I recorded it and then pressed fast forward (a lot.) I never usually bother with this ridiculous annual awards thing but fancied a laugh and also wanted to see if our random, multiple votes would make a difference. The amusement factor was there, as was the predictability of the results.

They kept saying that no one knew the results beforehand, so it struck me as odd that two of them, who weren't in the studio, had pre-recorded their winning speech.

The audience looked bored rigid and the entrants looked awkward when standing like lemons waiting to hear their name read out .... or not.

Were the results fixed? Of course not (she says sceptically.)
I didn’t watch, well forgot it was on but may have put up with a few minutes just for a laugh.I went on the website & ‘voted’ for different things as the mood took me, so the point is?The fake surprises and gritted teeth expressions are well worth a watch.Did they take the long walk along the corridors of power?
I taped it (as I always do these days) but I had no idea it was going to be such an embarrassing load of crap.

Skipped through in seconds.

Seems I came to the same conclusion as everyone else did. The Dyson woman (Abbie?) looked a mess and seemed the only one genuinely excited to be there. Says a lot about her. Her dress spoke (and took up) volumes. Probably swiped from a leftovers prom sale.

The lighting was nightmarish. The "guests" looked like they were there at gunpoint.

Where are the QVC bosses? How do they clear all this self-important *****?

Utterly cringeworthy.
I accidentally caught it when I put my PVR on to watch something I had recorded and QVC must have been on from last time I used it. I stood transfixed by it for a couple of minutes - it was at the award for hair product or whatever, which Dyson won, surprise surprise. I expect QVC made sure of that win because it must be a massive earner for them at about a month's salary per product. I was only transfixed because I couldn't believe the level of naffness. Then OPI Nail Envy won best something something and I had to suppress the urge to hurl as AY's lapdog crawled up her backside to tell us all that she was responsible for bringing OPI to QVC....

I expect there are a lot of people out there who stayed in especially to watch (while simultaneously posting on Bookface and Twatter). Give me strength.

What a load of old curmudgeons we are.
I started to watch it but the headache inducing lighting meant I had to switch off, but not before seeing AY wearing what looked like a Victorian nightie.

The whole thing is a complete farce isn't it,and Will is ridiculous in his reverence of AY and all things Q beauty related.
I think Alison got slightly mixed up and thought it was a fancy dress party. What other reason could there be for her to come dressed as a dish of Angel Delight?
Saw 30 seconds of it, wondered what AY had on her cheeks to make them so pink and shiny. Then switched off and went to clean the kitchen sink.[/QUOTE

Wow. I need your dedication. You're so hardcore, EM! xx

A much better use of your time EM, aerobic exercise with the benefit of being hygienic, anearobic if you really went for it! I always think cleaning sinks & basins is very therapeutic especially when I can put out some new soap at the same time.

Me tooooooo!! I totally love changing the soap, & soap dish. See also new tea towel. Best ever.

Tip: If one uses smaller/travel sized bars, one can change more often!

I think Alison got slightly mixed up and thought it was a fancy dress party. What other reason could there be for her to come dressed as a dish of Angel Delight?


Edited to add: They do a grey flavour now?
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Those of you putting out bars of soap by your clean sinks, I hope it’s Bonne Maman. Or Molton Brown handwash with the matching hand lotion.

I buy mine from Bloomtown Botanicals. I'm currently using The Rose Garden & will move on to The Woods when autumn starts. I love this company, their products are glorious & they have won many real awards.
I did notice on QVC Facebook people wanting to know the actual winners? Dear old Q put a link and everyone a nominee none say, winner.

Now I do know that Elemis won 3 as they did their strut of fame and I got an email from them telling me the exciting news.:dull: Of course and I say this as someone who actually uses it(well I do use others as well currently and Emma Hardie moisturiser), that PCMC will win. If not the world is doomed.

I was in my well one of them Molton Brown stores yesterday killing time until my bus home. No banners up announcing the QVC Award anywhere. Oh, they have revamped in interesting new bottles their fragrances and now do an edp version(oh AY will be over-excited about that as we all know how rare and luxurious edp is), which are £110. By revamped I mean reformulated and changed.

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