Where are Debbie Greenwood & Julian Ballantyne?


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A person who has been on a fixed term contract that has been renewed (don't think it requires many times) is entitled to the same basic employment law rights as a permanent member of staff. So if they want to get rid, they have to do it fairly and make them redundant unless they can come to a settlement. In order to make them redundant there would have to be no job for them, so they can't just get rid and replace with new blood without good, lawful reason unless they want to be taken to the cleaners in an employment tribunal.

I didn't know that. Of course, theoretically it's fair, and everyone should have some protection but it's damned irritating from our qvc viewer perspective. I suppose 'annoying the customers half to death' doesn't cut it as good reason. Shame! Will just continue to keep the remote handy and hope some of them win the lottery and call it a day.
the only time I was less than impressed with DG is when Sharon the model fell down on set, and DG just made a "funny" quip - didn't rush over to help her as most of us would have done instinctively.

If it weren't for the tweets I would have assumed she had gone to Portugal with the family for summer - I think she mentioned they have "a place" on the Algarve and she was learning portuguese ?
According to this QVC blog entry her Dad is definitely Ron Greenwood, ex policeman...


"It was lovely to see Mum and Dad when they came down from Liverpool on Boxing Day. They are so easy to have around. Dad loves to go out for a walk. As a former police officer, his natural curiosity and sheer cheek mean that he always comes home after his ‘constitutional’ with loads of gossip. If he spots a police car stationary in the street, he has no hesitation in approaching, waving a metaphorical warrant card and announcing, "Ron Greenwood. Ex-job. What's occurring?" He is shameless."
I see she has dropped Qvc from her twitter name, if she has left i think QVC should let her fans know. Has anyone asked on QVC facebook.
You are 100% correct, she has been married twice. I think he worked in computers.

She may have been married twice I am not sure but her maiden name was Greenwood, her dad was Greenwood.
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the only time I was less than impressed with DG is when Sharon the model fell down on set, and DG just made a "funny" quip - didn't rush over to help her as most of us would have done instinctively.

If it weren't for the tweets I would have assumed she had gone to Portugal with the family for summer - I think she mentioned they have "a place" on the Algarve and she was learning portuguese ?

"Ooh, oh Sharon's just fallen over, oh dear!" ("The last two words in a feigned "caring / concerned" voice). I guess she was trying to acknowledge the incident without making a drama. She acted quite professionally,
Julian ballantyne would have scooped her up in his arms and taken her home! Bet Debs was given instructions in her earpiece equipment as to what. to do
The plot thickens.

A lady on FB has asked Q to clear up the rumours. Seems Carmel has been Twittering hugs to Anna,DG and Julian!!!

Sending love, good luck and best wishes to anyone caught up in this rumour - i just hope its unfounded? but from the twitter messages its looking like Debs G,Anna,Carmel and Julian may be going - special hugs to Debs G and JB - you'll be missed guys - whose going to share my love of chocolate now Debs(sad face) take care all xx
Personally I hope they revamp the whole of Q. New presenters , new format, new brands. Out with the old etc ... including ALL of the presenters. It`s dated, they`re dated and almost every brand they sell is dated.
What is going on with the preseters at QVC ?

Nothing irritates me more when things appear to change for no good reason, whether it be products moved to different sections in a supermarkets , rules changed to confuse the consumer and as far as QVC is concerned, presenters who you get to know, trust and like just disappearing off our screens for no apparent reason? God forbid you should ask anyone at QVC where a favourite presenter is, or ask about an updated blog as you are met by a wall of silence. Maybe the cosy family image that QVC try to portray is nothing more than a sham. Come on QVC come clean, where are the presenters that we like? You like our money, so how about showing us all a little bit of respect?
Our maybe like your presenters,we will go elsewhere!
I usually enjoy the shows Debbie presents so think it would be a shame if she was no longer on our screens.

QVC need to get their media machine better oiled, their PR is disgraceful. This type of 'guessing' in public is doing no-one any favors at all.
I think the four of them have been let go from what i have heard, maybe they can't confirm anything yet due to legal reasons. I am surprised about Julian and debbie but maybe they have to cut the wage bill ect. I could think of a few others i would of liked to go.
Once you've been spat out at the bottom of TV direct selling there's only Babe Station, Chat Box and Gay Rabbit left!
Carmel and Julian could be the hours on offer. You notice most of presenters who have left are due to having babies. Sara, Kara etc. Julian does a radio show and has disappeared before for a long time.

DG no one can say she is dropping cryptic messages. Anna again who knows. Contract came to an end and she did not want to renew.

I doubt anyone was sacked or will be sacked.

JF is pretty open to all hours offered to her.

AY is like JR part of the furniture.

Kathy only seems to do mornings(she is on holiday), that shift would mean getting up an say 4 or 5 am. Which will not suit many of them.

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