She is not one of my fave presenters, although I could name many who are a lot worse (incl. 'I hear the emerald isle' calling). I initially found her so grating when she never shut up about 'Steve' and her relationship. This, as we are all aaware, came back and bit her on the behind, because it went south, now we hear of no mention of a man (thank God!) But she never shuts up about her family - why is is that some of the presenters think we are remotely interested in their private lives? They are mere salespeople whose place of work just happens to be the tv - and what she has got. She is always telling us how many Lulu Guinness bags she has. That is, in my opinion,an extremely frivolous waste of money for an overpriced 'designer' accessory. Buying yourself one as a treat, something you normally wouldn't spend your money on (I wouldn't do it once!), could be acceptable, especially if you only have yourself to support. But 3, 4, or 5? Get real, woman!
You may have nothing better to spend your hard earned on, but I'm sure the rest of us do.[/QUOTE]
Then spend it on what you want and stop dictating to others what to spend theirs on

What does "nothing better" mean anyway?! Are you implying that because she is single that she has "nothing better" to spend on? I really don't understand what you are getting at here.
I have a few LG bags but I wouldn't dream of spending my hard-earned cash on bingo or alcohol or **** or even holidays for that matter. My money is spent on my home firstly then myself secondly. Can't see a problem with that personally, as it's my money my choice.