While we're reminiscing down memory lane, it was the 85th anniversary of the Beano recently.
My favourite boyhood comic and Summer Specials, read avidly cover to cover.
Dennis the Menace club Membership card and gnasher badge still around somewhere!
So I took the opportunity to catch-up and collect:
85th anniversary issue / Summer Special 2023
View attachment 26322
Regular 24Jul23 issue / Collector's edition of selected strips 1938 - 2008 showing history/evolution of the Beano.
The drawing art has got 'simpler' but the jokes and detail is still fun. And the kids ideas, comedy drawings and contributions are as enthusiastic and wonderfully thoughtful & caring about the planet and people, as ever.
The 85th issue has famous caricatures on the rear cover, Adele, Harry Kane, etc. as voted for by the readers.
The Summer activity special used to be in hardback; I still have some old ones from the 80s in store.
Think I'm regressing to my second childhood!!!

