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Most shopping takes around an hour once maybe twice a week. How fing difficult is it to put a bit of fabric around your face for this short period of time. If workers have to wear them for extended periods, and I for one don’t envy them, then why do shoppers make such a big thing about it. Mind you judging from what I see most of the masks worn haven’t been washed just thrown in the car/shoved in the pocket/pushed in a handbag, makes you wonder if they are worse than nothing.
I can understand why a shop assistant, especially one in a shop on their own, wouldn’t be comfortable confronting a customer but bigger stores have security people who should be patrolling and enforcing the rules.
Oh Vienna I hope you family recover quickly from this awful virus. My Mum, who broke her hip last month was moved to a nursing home from the hospital just to get her back up on her feet before she comes home, has tested positive this week. She was tested before she went to the nursing home and was negative, so we have been trying to get to the bottom of why she has got it. Seemingly a few patients have got it. They have their own rooms and she hasn't been out of it since she went there, so there has been no mixing.

To say we're upset and angry is an understatement. When I asked the Sister she got very shirty with me and said that I just wanted her to point fingers. I know we can't do anything about it but all the patients were tested before they were admitted, so the only conclusion is that one of the staff has brought it in. She is 90 my Mum and quite frail, so we are worried sick about her and we haven't seen her for ages. We are in tier 3 from Monday, so things are just getting worse. I have spoken to her today and she says she is fine, I just hope she will be.
Catz, so sorry about your mum. I hope she pulls through ok.
These are worrying times, no doubt about it. The more we learn about this virus the more uncertainty there is. We can have it, with no symptoms, and be infectious; if you have had it, it seems you lose any immunity within a short time... the news on it never seems to get better, but for all our sakes we have to find a way to live with ot large in our communities. Masks (a clean one every day), keeping social distancing, and washing hands are not onerous requirements, and if it stops more people getting infected and allows us to live in a more normal way more quickly, why is that hard?
Vienna, I'm so sorry to hear how ill your son is. It will be such a worry, knowing the only thing you can do right now is just to be there for him. It's a very strange virus. Judging by my conditions, I should have had it badly but I didn't yet there's your fit and healthy son, like others, who are suffering really badly. Our next door neighbour's son is on dialysis and needs a kidney and liver transplant but seems to have avoided it so far, even though he's back in hospital. The sooner they look into what's in our genes that seems to ward it off, the better. Some people seem to have more of whatever it is than others.

Catz, I feel your pain because we've had to deal with uncaring staff who tried to fob us off, too. (Sorry, I wasn't going anywhere). The reaction of that sister was disgraceful but don't be intimidated or worn down by them. Most of the carers were lovely and did a fantastic job but we had other issues with our mum in the care home and judging by what I saw, I'm surprised there isn't more infection. They got used to seeing me heading to the manager's office and I'm sure there was a lot of eye-rolling when I marched in. But they did become more careful with my mum. Be strong and let her know you're always there for her but beware of the games management can play and the bullying by the likes of that sister. Your mum deserves the best. End.
Old James Dyson was in the newspapers last month complaining about how Singapore employment laws were changing. Yes, poor James who closed down his UK factories making all the staff unemployed and move to the far east is not happy as they are tightening the employment laws. So no doubt he will be pushing extra hard to make people buy his overprice vacuums and hair styling machines.

Meanwhile, in the real world people are suffering from real problems.
Judging from the number of times that QVC are ramming his wretched hair gadgets down our throats, I doubt he’ll suffer. I don’t often watch QVC but, recently, it seems that every time I turn the channel on that Abbie Horne is waxing lyrical about the hair dryer or the AirWrap etc.

As you quite rightly said LATI, they’re six times plus the price of other gadgets that do just as good a job in my opinion. I think Dyson’s prices are ridiculous.
I'm going to preface this by writing that I can totally understand the fear & uncertainty people are feeling about this virus; there are several illnesses that scare me, however, the Chinese horror isn't one of them. I've just come back from seeing my daughter, her best friend & her mum in the gazebo attached to our nearest pub, the weather's foul & my boots may never recover but with yet another national wotsit likely it was our last chance for a catch up. I've written about the bestie before, she's a nurse & has spent the last 7 months working on a ICU ward so knows everything there is to know about treating covid patients. She said that unless we wear masks that are top grade medical, think ebola, they are useless against the tinier than minute virus particles, however, the one good thing they do is prevent us from touching our faces, something we're hard-wired to do. Even handing the outside of a mask isn't as bad as the constant hand to face touching we do when bored, uncertain, have a dry cuticle, bite nails, puck teeth, stroke beards - yes, I'm talking to you Mr T. She also said that casual contact - shop queues, passing in the street, taking post/shopping from a delivery driver isn't a problem & the spread is happening within homes. She's recently changed jobs & is working in coronary care, I told her about a neighbour's experience this week when she was in hospital & several patients died from heart issues that hadn't been dealt with this year, her reaction was that covid will pass but that the deaths from ALL other conditions will rocket.
Manys the time I've bemoaned the fact that living alone can be lonely since hubby died 19 years ago, BUT in the current climate my contact with anyone other than seeing dog walkers at a distance, and shop assistants (like in my normal lifestyle), has done me favours. I have 2 friends who are my 'bubbles' but I see them spasmodically, and my family lives at distance. Its not an ideal situation, but living alone has kept me safe.

I heard on tv today that women between 18 and 40 are the ones now creating the high numbers for hospital admissions, well that seems to tell its own story - the age group who are students or have been socially mixing without the distancing.
I am pretty well in the same situation as you Brissles.I communicate via phone, email etc.the only human contact I have is shopping or walking in the fresh air so that is minimal.I am not in a bubble why should I take my virtually no contact self and share it with someone who may have many contacts including children going to school etc.? Am I selfish? Yes.
Manys the time I've bemoaned the fact that living alone can be lonely since hubby died 19 years ago, BUT in the current climate my contact with anyone other than seeing dog walkers at a distance, and shop assistants (like in my normal lifestyle), has done me favours. I have 2 friends who are my 'bubbles' but I see them spasmodically, and my family lives at distance. Its not an ideal situation, but living alone has kept me safe.

I heard on tv today that women between 18 and 40 are the ones now creating the high numbers for hospital admissions, well that seems to tell its own story - the age group who are students or have been socially mixing without the distancing.
That was Semple, & like all scientists he never states numbers only percentages & nebulous increases so saying that for every man aged 20 - 40 taken into hospital there are 3 or 4 women of the same age group admitted is meaningless. Back in January he said that face masks are only effective in a medical environment when combined with other protection & don't work in the community, however, he's a SAGE boffin & they've told us to wear them.
I am pretty well in the same situation as you Brissles.I communicate via phone, email etc.the only human contact I have is shopping or walking in the fresh air so that is minimal.I am not in a bubble why should I take my virtually no contact self and share it with someone who may have many contacts including children going to school etc.? Am I selfish? Yes.
You're not selfish, you're sensible.

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