Yankee Candles TSV 15/02/17


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Tarketta, that something is probably the poor response to the Mint candle! Personally, I liked it but sometimes you just can't be sure. If I hadn't already got these two in the TSV I would for sure have bought this set and got the Linden Tree elsewhere. I think it is very good value but only if you really want all three elements. Maybe they will do the holder in another set....

According to CJ's Desert Isle Skin blog, the auto delivery drop scents are Tulips, Hydrangea and Sweet Honeysuckle

Well THAT is a real surprise. I have the Tulips candle upstairs, very nice and I do like honeysuckle. I have seen but never had the hydrangea one. Ooh, don't know what to do now! Will have to resniff Tulips and see if I want another (I can guess the answer).

According to CJ's Desert Isle Skin blog, the auto delivery drop scents are Tulips, Hydrangea and Sweet Honeysuckle


Darn it, I was hoping the AD would be some of the new scents that weren't included in the previous TSV AD, not recycled ones - not interested in this second drop at all I'm afraid.

I'm generally disappointed by YC's flowery smells, but I will still get the TSV I think as I love the sound of the Lavender and Mediterranean ones. Oh well, saved me a few more quid...maybe I should buy that Cherry Blossom/Mint duo?!?!?!
I'm not usually a florals fan either, although a couple have surprised me.

Mazza, what does Tulips smell like? I didn't think the flowers had (much of) a smell? Is it just a general florists smell?
I'm not usually a florals fan either, although a couple have surprised me.

Mazza, what does Tulips smell like? I didn't think the flowers had (much of) a smell? Is it just a general florists smell?

Well to me it is more of an outside in the garden smell than a heady floral. Perhaps closer to Garden Hideaway or Child's Wish. Definitely not as intensely floral as walking into a florists. I have just resniffed and I do like it, in fact I think it is quite a popular "treasure" number.

Well to me it is more of an outside in the garden smell than a heady floral. Perhaps closer to Garden Hideaway or Child's Wish. Definitely not as intensely floral as walking into a florists. I have just resniffed and I do like it, in fact I think it is quite a popular "treasure" number.


Thank you so much. I loved Child's Wish (if only it had a more powerful throw though). I do like that softer, sweet floral type of smell.
I really fancy the Honey Lavender Gelato and the Mediterranean Breeze, but not the Cafe Al Fresco one. Don't normally like the foodie scents, but have made an exception for the Honey Lavender Gelato on account of the amount I'd like to eat it!! Although, there's nothing I like eating more than chocolate and I wouldn't want a chocolate candle, so perhaps it just sounds intriguing! Thankfully not tempted by the auto delivery.

I was thinking you bought the TSV with the same two candles and Linden Tree. I didn't, of course, and am pleased now as this set is much better for me - the Linden Tree wasn't my thing. I don't like to encourage you, especially when you've been so supportive of my efforts to cut down on candles, etc. But, as sets go, and if you want a holder, this is a good'un, I think. The holder, by the way, is not as tall as the two others I've been using. I don't think it will make much of a difference, if any, to the way a holder keeps a candle warm so it pools perfectly but that's the only thing I can't assure you of all the same.

Yes, you dodged a bullet with the Linden Tree! :grin: Am now thinking I'd have preferred that set, too, but hopefully the other auto delivery drops from the last TSV will make it worth it. Will keep my eyes peeled for a bargainous holder, as I like the look of that, although I have been very pleased with the performance of my illuma lid.
Has anyone had a survey about candles from QVC? I haven't bought any Yankee for quite a while so I wondered if that was why I was picked to take part.
Has anyone bought from this company? Some of their things seem very cheap.


As well as Yankee.co.uk, I have also had emails from Yankee Direct and Yankee Doodle about this. It seems they have all combined into this one site. I looked on there and it has an NI address, as did Y Direct and I found them very reliabl although have not used them for a while. So I regard it as a streamlining of YC outlets in the UK rather than a new kid on the block.

And NO! I haven't been surveyed about candles. Boo!

Another question, you'll be getting sick of me!
I burned a votive last night in one of their little holders. How do I get what's left out of the pot? Do I just have to dig it out with something sharp, it's stuck fast!
As well as Yankee.co.uk, I have also had emails from Yankee Direct and Yankee Doodle about this. It seems they have all combined into this one site. I looked on there and it has an NI address, as did Y Direct and I found them very reliabl although have not used them for a while. So I regard it as a streamlining of YC outlets in the UK rather than a new kid on the block.

And NO! I haven't been surveyed about candles. Boo!


I used to buy loads from Yankeedoodle about 8 years ago when they were an independent retailer and they had amazing bargains and rare scents - the current incarnation is still a good outlet though, would recommend.
Another question, you'll be getting sick of me!
I burned a votive last night in one of their little holders. How do I get what's left out of the pot? Do I just have to dig it out with something sharp, it's stuck fast!

Rosa's tip is to put a little water in the holder before putting the candle in. In your case it is clearly too late for that. What you do next depends on how burned down the votive is and what you might wish to do with the residue. Personally I would use a slim flexible blade to go round the perimeter. If you then get a bit of space between the wall of the holder and the candle, go in withe your fingers and try to rock the votive free from the base of the holder if that is a no-go, you may need to be more destructive. Go in with a more rigid by still slim blade, doesn't need to be sharp as such. Dig a channel round the edge then do the rocking thing. If you have no patience and don't care if the votive is destroyed, take the blade through the candle at an angle towards the wall of the holder, and repeat to the bottom of the holder. Afterwards the wax can be used as a wax melt in a melt warmer.

Others may have different suggestions.

Personally I try to avoid votives because of the palaver. If I'm going small I prefer tealights.
Another question, you'll be getting sick of me!
I burned a votive last night in one of their little holders. How do I get what's left out of the pot? Do I just have to dig it out with something sharp, it's stuck fast!

you can freeze the whole thing and the wax residue will pop out 5 mins in the freezer should do it. i usually put a small drop of water in the bottom of the holder then put the votive in and of course trim it. when its all finished (it usually extinguishes itself) and its cold just pop the residue out it comes out very easily. another tip buy the straight sided holders that are the same shape and size as the votive it burns them evenly and you get a good 14 hours or more burn time. no roly poly or large holders these waste all the wax.
I don't usually have much wax left from a votive but I probably burn them down further than you're supposed to. When there's so little left, I find it quite easy to lift or crack out (I re-use the bits if there's more left by dropping it into the next candle). The "snug fit" votive holders are much better for the life of a votive and not wasting much because the melting wax just spreads out into too big an area with the larger holders and then won't "pool" (if you can talk about votives pooling). I have never understood why they sell sets of votives on QVC together with holders which are much wider than the votive itself. When they are not selling a holder, they always say to use one which the votive fits snugly but they conveniently forget to tell you this when they are trying to flog one of the bigger holders.
I used to buy loads from Yankeedoodle about 8 years ago when they were an independent retailer and they had amazing bargains and rare scents - the current incarnation is still a good outlet though, would recommend.
I used them too, great deals and loads of Evening Air, many of which came here!! Weren't they told to keep in line with approved YC pricing policies though and so sold the YD name and started up as Kringle? I know it was all published either on the website or in customer emails at the time. From what I read they felt rather hard done by as they had worked hard in their business.

I used them too, great deals and loads of Evening Air, many of which came here!! Weren't they told to keep in line with approved YC pricing policies though and so sold the YD name and started up as Kringle? I know it was all published either on the website or in customer emails at the time. From what I read they felt rather hard done by as they had worked hard in their business.


Ooh now I did not know that, but that would make sense as the websites now look v generic, YC spinoffs.

I was also a very keen customer of Kringle, their (sadly now discontinued as all smells are that I love) Provence was one of my all time faves - have one jar I'm saving :(

I agree re Yankee Doodle, they were absolutely brilliant for sourcing the US fragrances, that's how I got Pomegranate Fruit and I also loved Evening Air, truly one of those evocative fragrances that did transport you, sigh.
I used them too, great deals and loads of Evening Air, many of which came here!! Weren't they told to keep in line with approved YC pricing policies though and so sold the YD name and started up as Kringle? I know it was all published either on the website or in customer emails at the time. From what I read they felt rather hard done by as they had worked hard in their business.


Mazza i saw this while i was looking for something else & its evening air large jar £29.99 https://www.ys4ucandles.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=10714&search=evening+air

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