Would You Leave the House Without Make-up?


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I used to have terrible nails ever since I was a child. They peel, get big white marks if i knock them, the skin around the nail hangs hangs off in long pieces. At least this is how it used to be before I realised I could have nice nails with the right products and (a lot of) effort. I discovered Nail Envy & nail oil 5 years ago and have never looked back. I always wear polish now and make sure they're groomed. Going out without polish (or heaven forbid, chipped polish) is an absolute no-no, it makes me feel scruffy.

So nails and make-up are my thing. But when it comes to hair that's very different. I never use heat appliances. I wash, run some cream through it and I'm out the door.
I've slotted putting on mascara into my early morning routine for ages ..... in between a 'wake up' coffee and breakfast. I'm blonde so if I didn't wear mascara it would look as though I'd lost my lashes in the night. If I go out in the evening then I rootle in my make up bag for eye shadow .... and that's about the only make up I wear.
don't bother much with make up unless going on a night out, but would never ever leave the house without earings, feel naked without them. For work I just wear tinted mosituriser and lip gloss, if I am going out I do like to make my eyes up and put some blush on. guess I am lucky as have good colour, reasonable skin and high cheek bones. On the down side I have horrible stubby eyelashes and have yet to find a mascara I am totally happy with. I'd love to be able to get to grips with eyeliner but am a bit cack handed and never get it right.
I often leave the house without make-up - make-up is something fun, I love playing with it and am sometimes very happy I can use it to hide flaws or make my face look more interesting. But I don't feel naked without it and don't feel I have to have my facepaint on to look pretty or feel confident.
I have never worn much make up, just a light translucent powder, mascara and lippy so it doesn't worry me to be seen without it. I'm lucky that I have clear skin with very few wrinkles and have never had to wear foundation, and tbh I couldn't bear to put all that slap on me chops. :wonder:

Confession ~ I used to wear much more eye make up in my teens but we all wanted the panda look then... :blush:
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Never liked makeup much myself, too much fiddling, I use it for special occassions and feel better for it but that's part of the occassion in my eyes. IMO You can look so different than normal when people are not used to seeing you with it.
As i suffer from broken veins on my cheeks (on my face that is )I do wear a bit of foundation to try and tone down the redness but other than that I dont wear anything else but even then thats only on the days I go to work
at home the O.H and the cats dont scare easy.
I always wear make up and perfume if I go out, or stay in for that matter.

Routine down to about 3 mins, so no primer or all the extra faffy bits.
You lucky ladies that don't need, or don't feel the need to bother, with daily make-up! There I sit looking in the mirror at a phizzog that resembles a slice of corned beef most mornings, the red blotches move about, but they're always there! No way I like facing the world without my "armour"! I've got it down to between 5 & 10 mins, depending on whether I drink my coffee first or keep stopping for a few slurps, but it really doesn't take much out of my day and I feel better for it...nay, I actually ENJOY my little oasis of peace & tranquillity each morning ...each to her..or his..own eh..!
I would never leave home without my makeup - I've had three operations this year and I even put makeup on to go to the hospital and only took it off when they made me for going into theatre (apparently they need to see your real colour just in case you get crook :smirk:).

I even went as far as to have some permanent makeup beforehand as well - don't want to scare the neighbours by going out "naked" now do I!
I would never leave home without my makeup - I've had three operations this year and I even put makeup on to go to the hospital and only took it off when they made me for going into theatre (apparently they need to see your real colour just in case you get crook :smirk:).

I even went as far as to have some permanent makeup beforehand as well - don't want to scare the neighbours by going out "naked" now do I!

God luv yer WhyMe - I think I'd be the same! Can just see meself sitting up on the trolley being wheeled along, with mirror and lippy ..!
No never. Not since I was about 15!!!

I remember buying my first mascara when I was 15 - Rimmel (which means mascara apparently) & I've never gone without mascara since.
It had to be applied with a light hand because if the Senior Mistress thought it was too heavy, off it had to come.
I even went as far as to have some permanent makeup beforehand as well - don't want to scare the neighbours by going out "naked" now do I!

Oooh! What did you have done?
I tried eyelash tinting just the once. It lasted days rather than weeks.
Don't wear make up for work or every day,wear it only to go out,ie for a meal,drinks or party etc.
Wear moisturiser every day and body lotion when I remember !!
I have my eyelashes tinted regularly - last Tuesday actually. Sometimes it lasts better than others. I don't wear make up every day, but always if I am going out. Saying that, my skin looks flat most of the time so I will just put a small bit of BB Pot rouge to brighten it up even if I am not wearing any other make up.

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