Would You Leave the House Without Make-up?


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I've never been a wearer of "full make-up", Just the odd brush of bronzer and occasional lippy works fine for me. My sister on the otherhand used to wear all the colours of a rainbow on each eyelid...way over done for me lol
I think good genes have a lot to do with it - at almost 64 the only real wrinkles I have are around my eyes - and they do at least show I've had a lot to laugh at in life! (Mainly when I look in the mirror..!)

I agree, genes are the key.
I agree, genes are the key.

this morning I was out shopping - in one shop the assistant was there on her own, obviously fed up as the shop was empty, and wanted to talk..that was ok by me and we got onto her telling me she thought she was starting her menopause so off we went with symptoms and suddenly she looked at me and said "you must be older than you look then.." bit of a back-handed compliment but nevertheless, having not felt at my best just lately, it did give me a lift and I left the shop with a bit more spring in my step! I think we should all pay someone a compliment every day!
"you must be older than you look then.."

Doesn't that just make your day!
My mother-in-law (who suffers from dementia) was until recently in hospital for quite a long time.
The patient in the next bed told me that "your father looks like his mother" Needless to say, Himself was miffed, but consoled because the lady was quite elderly.
A few days later another patient made the same mistake lol.
I've had a lot of mileage out of this. His best comment was, "Well from the back you look like a teenager."
I was talking to my Mum earlier and was telling her about the wrinkle chart and she reminded me that at 85 years old she has no wrinkles around her eyes at all, mind you my Mum looks amazing for her age, most people put her in her early 60's so I'm hopeful I'll take after her. I do remember when I was with my first husband and we had a shop that we'd have people come in and they'd be saying to me "I was talking to your dad yesterday etc." which my then husband hated, he used to get really moody about it.....shame [:) needless to say I loved it, I even got asked for proof of age in an off license on my 28th birthday, so maybe I have inherited my Mum's youthful looking genes.
now i have hit my forties i find i am wearing make up more often and using more too but i dont wear it every day and i am not yet at the point when i wear it every time i leave the house... but i am not ruling it out for the future lol
i often leave the house without makeup, but use the magix avon stuff as a moisturiser each day which does help... however, still cant get the hang of eye make up, so any tips would be appreciated!!!
of eye make up, so any tips would be appreciated!!!

less is more
light touch so don't drag skin
use sable brushes or fingertip patting not dragging
neutral colours so don't clash with lipstick
matte if over 40
shimmer if under
don't go too far into inner corners as can look messy and change eyeshape
follow contour of lid
Bit of a sore point (literally). I have inflammation in the eye and as well as not being able to wear my contact lenses for FOUR weeks, don't think I should be wearing make up either.

Will check with doc tomorrow, but looks like lipstick only for me (and foundation on a night out).


maybe you could get an eyelash tint? at least you dont risk clumps of mascara going in and irritating your eyes, and it does make a difference if you feel naked without mascara.

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