Would You Leave the House Without Make-up?


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Oooh! What did you have done?
I tried eyelash tinting just the once. It lasted days rather than weeks.

Brave or stupid - you choose - but I had my eyebrows done! I couldn't face going public without 'em.
I have fair eyelashes so I do feel a bit "bald" without mascara. By far the most horrible thing that happened to me was when I was 21 and I managed to blow up the gas oven in my face and I singed my lovely long lashes off!!

I couldn put mascara on anything then, all I had were stumps....

I had to go for a job interview too, I was so self-conscious of my deformity. I got the job though - my first proper one :grin:
.... I even put makeup on to go to the hospital and only took it off when they made me for going into theatre (apparently they need to see your real colour just in case you get crook :smirk:

What? You fell for that old coconut???
Not if Im just popping to the local shop for a pint of milk etc. If I am going out properly them always with my slap on & I feel under dressed if I haven't got perfume on.
Can leave home without knickers but NEVER without makeup. My natural skin colour clashes with every shade known to man so I could never wear lippy without foundation, and wearing pink, peach, purple or red clothes without it would be impossible.
Life is strange.............when I was a young I could spend hours applying me face when the truth was I really didn't need all that slap........now I am older and me face is falling apart by the hour I can't be ar$ed:grin:

Fortunately now it's the summer(allegedly) I have a bit of colour in my cheeks but in the depths of winter my complextion can resemble that of a deatheater.............I tend to try and make a bit of an effort then!!:giggle:
Wouldn't choose to go out without eye make up, although if I can wear sunglasses I'll walk the dogs or pop to the local shops with naked eyes. If I can't wear sunglasses then no chance! Have been blessed with good skin, so although I do wear a light brush of mineral powder foundation when going to work, I hardly ever put anything other than Dermalogica moisturiser on my face at the weekends.
Gosh I can't remember the last time I wore makeup Oops, I have lots of the stuff as I buy Avon for my daughter as it's the only make that doesn't set her skin off. I did buy some mascara in a teal colour recently as I thought kill two birds with one stone sort of thing but have mislaid it. I used to wear makeup in my teens but I would forget I had mascara on and I would rub my eyes, then I went to work with horses and well they couldn't tell if I had stuff on or not lol.

My cat Darcey's eyes look as though she has eyeliner on, it really looks smart and I am quite jealous. Several of the ladies in the office come in totally made up hair, eyes the lot they all look very nice then one imparted that she got up almost 3 hours early so she can get "done"
Well each to their own!

P's if any one knows where to get different colour mascara could they let me know.

Many thanks

piper & darcey
Barry M Coloured Mascaras

Emerald Green, Sky Blue, Shocking Pink, Bright Turquoise or Electric Purple.

These coloured mascara's are fragrance free, long lasting, with a lengthening and thickening formula. Use this mascara to make your eyelashes bright with colour, longer and thicker.

Price: £5.19
Bit of a sore point (literally). I have inflammation in the eye and as well as not being able to wear my contact lenses for FOUR weeks, don't think I should be wearing make up either.

Will check with doc tomorrow, but looks like lipstick only for me (and foundation on a night out).

Thanks so much for that I will check it out, by the way I love the wee cat with the hat and the words underneath makes me smile every time I see it!

He's a cutie isn't he.

I've got him as my screen-saver now & his little face cheers me up every morning.
Shame that looking at my face in the morning does not have the same affect :biggrin:
I went through a stage of never leaving the house without full make up on, I wouldn't even pop to the corner shop without make up on, then I met my OH who said I looked gorgeous without make up and so I stopped wearing any, I only put a little on if I'm going somewhere special, I don't know if it has anything to do with it but I sent off for the Garnier 14 day ultralift trial, you have a wrinkle reader card where you match your wrinkles with one of the pictures on the card, then you use the cream every day for 14 days and then match your wrinkles to one of the pictures again to see how much better your wrinkles are, the problem that I've got with it is that I'm in my 50's and don't have any wrinkles to match up with their pictures so can't really do the trial, the thing I'm getting at is I wonder if it is not wearing any make up that has stopped me getting wrinkles or is it just luck?
I went through a stage of never leaving the house without full make up on, I wouldn't even pop to the corner shop without make up on, then I met my OH who said I looked gorgeous without make up and so I stopped wearing any, I only put a little on if I'm going somewhere special, I don't know if it has anything to do with it but I sent off for the Garnier 14 day ultralift trial, you have a wrinkle reader card where you match your wrinkles with one of the pictures on the card, then you use the cream every day for 14 days and then match your wrinkles to one of the pictures again to see how much better your wrinkles are, the problem that I've got with it is that I'm in my 50's and don't have any wrinkles to match up with their pictures so can't really do the trial, the thing I'm getting at is I wonder if it is not wearing any make up that has stopped me getting wrinkles or is it just luck?

I got that thing too and asked DH to match me up and he said I didn't have any lol, we must be lucky.
I got that thing too and asked DH to match me up and he said I didn't have any lol, we must be lucky.

...or maybe it's a marketing ploy to make you feel good and therefore associate "I don't have many wrinkles" with "Garnier Ultralift"? (sorry) If the card truly matched our skin we'd be able to see that there was no real improvement in the 14 days. Feeling v cynical today.
I think good genes have a lot to do with it - at almost 64 the only real wrinkles I have are around my eyes - and they do at least show I've had a lot to laugh at in life! (Mainly when I look in the mirror..!)

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