who has influenced you the most on QVCich presenter


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By 'influence' I take it as influence to buy....In the early days Alison Young, it all sounded so great, of course you live and learn and am now 'an old hand' and realise they are all salespeople. But I still remember having QVC fever back in the day. :32:
Who was the dark haired girl who left years ago, was always telling the cameraman to back up so you could see the proper size and look of the jewellery, she was good.
There are certain brands that I'd never heard of before QVC - Bare Escentuals, Liz Earle, Smashbox and even Decleor all of which I am very glad I watched QVC for - so I suppose the answer has to literally be Alison Young.

My favourite is Julia Roberts. Mug as I am I tend to believe what she says more than the other presenters.
I think the only real influence is when one of them makes me decide NOT to buy.

I would never buy anything presented by Claire Sutton, because I find her profoundly irritating and unconvincing. In fact, I have to turn her off; can't bear even to watch her with the sound turned down.

I'd say the same for Claudia Sylvester, who is presentation-lite. You can listen to her for an hour and not learn a single thing; it's all empty patter.

At least some of the others do their homework and tell you something of value. But you have to filter the nuggets from the hype.

Basically, they're like the people flogging their wares from market stalls -- it's just that the medium is more sophisticated.
I think the only real influence is when one of them makes me decide NOT to buy.

I would never buy anything presented by Claire Sutton, because I find her profoundly irritating and unconvincing. In fact, I have to turn her off; can't bear even to watch her with the sound turned down.

I'd say the same for Claudia Sylvester, who is presentation-lite. You can listen to her for an hour and not learn a single thing; it's all empty patter.

At least some of the others do their homework and tell you something of value. But you have to filter the nuggets from the hype.

Basically, they're like the people flogging their wares from market stalls -- it's just that the medium is more sophisticated.

Exactly! They are, whatever they may think, sales assistants. Some may have a little more knowledge about the product they are selling as their "resident beauty expert" loves to tell us she does, but I would never be influenced by someone who is being paid to extol the virtues of a very limited and usually, very expensive, range of products.

I also loathe all the name dropping, I suppose it impresses the gullible but I am me, not part of a herd and I don't care if some so called celebrity wears it, applies it or sticks it where the sun don't shine, if I'm in two minds whether or not to buy the stuff they're flogging, all that celebrity spiel makes my final decision NO! :54:
Agree with Alison Young. Much as i find her irritating, she is very informative.
Powers of persuasion, i would say Pippa or Sara as they seem to have similar tastes to me in jewellery, clothes etc

Ditto for me, although I would add Claudia because I would LOVE to be that elegant and ladylike!
I've learned a lot from AY over the years but the celebrity name dropping annoys me - it is more likely to stop me from buying whatever she is trying to flog.
Alison Young.

Some of what she says is a bit dubious, but (as a scientist) it's clear she does have quite a good understanding of 'proper' physiology/biochemistry, and it's not all just beauty school guff.

The other person who surprised me was Lee, who answered a T-Caller question a while back (about peptides) in a manner that immediately made me think he probably had scientific qualifications/training.
PS I think Julia has the most integrity and is more at pains than most of the other presenters to make sure the information given out is factual and correct.
Julia Roberts - I have always been a fan - and in the past the late Steve Whately. All he had to say was " you know you want it........." and I would be on the phone ordering!
Oh dear, Oh dear. I agree with everybody.

Alison Young, because in the early days before she became such a proficient sales woman, she harped on and on about not using soap on your face. She was right and my skin is pretty soft and moisturised for my ancient years.

BUT I am so thrilled with the Liz Earle Supersensitive moisturiser, I use nothing else and never watch Declear, Gatineau or Elemis any more. wonderful not to have to listen to all that jabber which did nothing much for me.

I agree with the remarks about Julia too, with all her faults, she is extremely conscientous.

Claudia is fun and natural and does not do the hard sell, so she is third on my list.
As a crafter, I'd have to say Dawn. Love her or hate her (or the products), you have to admit that she shows the products well and knows what the kits contain in detail.

I'm another one who uses Liz Earle and loved watching her shows when I began to use her stuff. Never really watch them now 'cause I know what to do!

I also like Alexis. She's so elegant herself that I was drawn to the range. Good thing to - I love L'Occitane.

AY - never listen to a word she says. Truly scary woman.
I agree with you I can make my own decisions without being influenced by someone who says every product sold on QVC is the best and a must have. What rubbish.

To be fair I don't think the thread was about influencing people in the sense of brainwashing!:25: We are not (as far as I can tell) under some sort of hypnosis where we believe everything we are told, what AY does is provide potential answers to our problems etc and we then use our own free will to decide whether (and how best) to act upon her advice.
I think we all realise QVC is a shop and employees are not going to recommend items on sale elsewhere! On the other hand AY is very careful to put people off buying things if they are entirely inappropriate for them - and guiding them in a better direction. The beauty items I have bought from QVC have not always suited me - I have returned items that do not. But overall I have been very happy with what I use - a combination of Decleor and Elemis mostly. Without the guidance of AY I would not have known where to start.
To be fair I don't think the thread was about influencing people in the sense of brainwashing!:25: We are not (as far as I can tell) under some sort of hypnosis where we believe everything we are told.

I have to say that the power of suggestion is very strong, and my will is very weak. Just seeing something is a TSV makes me want, want, want, even if it's a giant inflatable gnome which sings Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer in Spanish while flashing its bottom.

Actually, I want everything; it all looks wonderfully attractive until the split second AFTER you click the 'confirm order' button.

I have to say that the power of suggestion is very strong, and my will is very weak. Just seeing something is a TSV makes me want, want, want, even if it's a giant inflatable gnome which sings Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer in Spanish while flashing its bottom.

Actually, I want everything; it all looks wonderfully attractive until the split second AFTER you click the 'confirm order' button.

satis, are you talking about me? :32::32::32:

i used to work 2 extra duties as overtime, just to pay qvc, all those many years ago!!!! i loved almost everything. all the beauty tsvs. oh oh.
i was with them from day 1!
i am out of that now.
i no longer have the funds, the time or the inclination.
it is years since i bought off qvc. actually, i might treat myself today, it is my birthday on monday.:11::16:
that E-Z pay was my trap.
i do not see qvc when i am away..... goooddyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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