Who are these "theDX" people then?


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Any sign of them yet L'akin. I have visions of you sitting with puffs of steam coming out of your ears

I have got the raging hump LE lover! I've taken my card details off the website and told Hubby to mock me cruelly if I weaken and even consider ordering from QVC.

I can't go through this again.

I went on the DX website and punched in my tracking number and it says that they tried to deliver today.

B*ll*cks did they!

It also says that if I want to arrange another mythical delivery the next available date is Dec 21st - 3 weeks after I ordered.

QVC are really going for the record on this one. :mad:
I have got the raging hump LE lover! I've taken my card details off the website and told Hubby to mock me cruelly if I weaken and even consider ordering from QVC.

I can't go through this again.

I went on the DX website and punched in my tracking number and it says that they tried to deliver today.

B*ll*cks did they!

It also says that if I want to arrange another mythical delivery the next available date is Dec 21st - 3 weeks after I ordered.

QVC are really going for the record on this one. :mad:

Oh L'Akin, you poor thing, this is ridiculous, Have you been back on the phone to qvc CS, i would give them hell.
Awwww, Toots, I totally empathise. I'd get on the phone and INSIST on speaking to a supervisor ( I've done it and it really seems to work ). Tell them about your delivery saga, lay it on thick, demand your delivery and a P&P refund. If they don't play tell them you are getting in touch with the CEO. It's not directly QVC's fault, but it's their responsibility....
Oh L'Akin, you poor thing, this is ridiculous, Have you been back on the phone to qvc CS, i would give them hell.

Do you know what my lovely?

I can't be @r$ed.

I've spoke to them several times already and got no joy - so sod 'em. I think they must be trying to tell me that they don't want my money.

As my oh so philosophical hubby says, it's not like anything from QVC is life or death important. I can do without most of it and source things elsewhere.

The wording of their email is still bugging me too. It's the "can not" part. People write "can't", or if they are trying to write proper English they write "cannot" can not is just waggle headed Jeremy Kyle stroppiness.
oh bless you. your hubby's right but it's the principle of you ordering something in good faith and they have not delivered their part of the transaction. Sleep on it sweetie and i'm sure you'll be a***d to call them tomorrow. I think the whole debarcle is a disgrace.
A'kin you have the patience of a saint in my opinion. I wonder whether they'll be using DX for deliveries from this weekend's last minute Christmas shopping shows. Buyers beware if they are...
I'm still at the "Meh. It's their loss" stage.

You're right Jude - we all have no way of knowing when we order which carrier our package will be sent via. We could all be in the same boat this time next week! "Guaranteed Delivery for Christmas?" Don't hold your breath! :rolleyes: :D
I don't expect anything i order now to be delivered before the new year:mysmilie_73:
it'll be interesting tomorrow to see if they are guaranting the ojon TSV to be with us before christmas.
I don't expect anything i order now to be delivered before the new year:mysmilie_73:
it'll be interesting tomorrow to see if they are guaranting the ojon TSV to be with us before christmas.

All over the website there are still little red "stickers" saying "Delivered For Christmas" but I can't even imagine that happening! I ordered my ring about midnight on Dec 1st - and it's not here yet so what hope do you have the weekend before Christmas???

They don't tell you in advance that they're using a new delivery service so anybody waiting for their orders could be in the same boat as me and just not know it yet. (Sorry - not a cheerful thought!)

When they attempt delivery The DX don't leave a card so you don't even know they've been.

The first you know that they have supposedly tried to deliver is about a week later when you get the letter.

Then the next earliest delivery date is 5 days hence (For me it was on a day I knew I had to be in the office to run a meeting so I had to pick the 6th day which still peed my boss off!)

They didn't turn up - so now it's been 18 days since I ordered (or 13 working days to use QVC's parlance.)

The Carrier Team is obviously swamped since it's taking about two days to reply to each email. And honestly? They're not giving me the impression that they give much of a ****.

Even if you don't work, or work at home a lot - as I do - you leave the house sometimes don't you? And it's not like waiting in for BT where you get a date and vague time. The DX could come any time.

But anyway. I'm trying to be all zen and philosophical about it a la my hubby.

Ooh By the way, he says he ordered me "an item" (It'll be jewellery!) from QVC for me for Christmas which hasn't arrived yet and he's wondering if it has been sent by The DX and that's the reason he hasn't had it. It would have been sent to his work address though - and there is always someone there from 8-6 Monday to Friday.

He only emailed about it on Thursday when the 5-7 working days were up though, so he won't get a reply til Monday at the earliest I shouldn't think.

I'm off to Guildford today to buy myself a lovely big ring from one of the jewellery shops that does chunky silver pieces, or maybe a cocktail ring from one of the department stores. I'm catching the train in an hour so that I can get in and out before it turns into shopping pandemonium! :eek:
L'Akin, i think we should start returning our goods through DX or Hermes. If the goods don't get back to them in time we'll just say well i sent it so i'll have my refund please.

Have fun shopping in the dreaded high st
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My QVC parcels are delivered via courier, so I usually have no problem receiving them. If I am at work, they deliver the next day, and my mum is in anyway.
It's when royal mail attempt to deliver and no-one is in that it's more inconvenient for me. I don't drive so, getting to the depot to collect it is a bit difficult. Still, I just call to re-arrange delivery.
My QVC parcels are delivered via courier, so I usually have no problem receiving them. If I am at work, they deliver the next day, and my mum is in anyway.
It's when royal mail attempt to deliver and no-one is in that it's more inconvenient for me. I don't drive so, getting to the depot to collect it is a bit difficult. Still, I just call to re-arrange delivery.

Mine are usually delivered by a mix of courier and RM, and it's usually V convenient for me either way. This new lot though...! :mysmilie_81:

Different things suit different people so I think QVC should give us the choice of how we want our order to be sent. I think that would be best! :mysmilie_162:
L'Akin, i think we should start returning our goods through DX or Hermes. If the goods don't get back to them in time we'll just say well i sent it so i'll have my refund please.

Have fun shopping in the dreaded high st

Do you know what sweetie- pie. I had a fab time! All the carol singers and street entertainers were out, I bumped into loads of people I hadn't seen for a while and had a bit of a natter. They were giving away chocs, Christmas pud, mince pies M&S Canapes and mulled wine on the street and we had a good girly giggle. It was brill. Really Christmassy.

I found a ring I liked but the lovely girl behind the counter (bless her!)said the sale starts on Boxing Day and everything's half price so I'll got back next weekend maybe. (She's obviously not on commission is she?!)

I did buy some drop dead sexy undies in one of the little tucked away boutiques though. The bra makes my boobs look awesome! (if I do say so myself!) It's our anniversary today and I dare say that sexy undies will be more use to me than a new ring in any case!


I forgot to say: QVC rang this morning and apparently the reason that my ring is showing as shipped from QVC on Dec 4th and The DX have had it ever since is that it snowed for a couple of hours a couple of days ago.

The DX are having a laugh aren't they? Last night my tracking number said they had tried to deliver yesterday - but you and I know they didn't. I was on here all blummen day moaning about it!

No explanation for why they ask for your phone number if they're not even going to ring you and say they're not coming after they've made you take a day off work of course.

Now I've just got to wait for the refund and check QVC refund postage as well. (How much do you bet me that they charge me for postage?!)
Happy Anniversary, L'Akin :mysmilie_965:

Glad you've had a fab day. Maybe the whole glitz will teach us all sth; Christmas shopping is not all about stuffing ourselves with goods while we are hidden away in our homes. It is about going out meeting people and feeling the spirit of the holidays.

I think we have been carried away and as a result have created a culture of tele-shopping as well as a number of professions that all thrive on our back. In return, they've given us a lot of hassle and instead of them fussing about us, it is the other way round.

I do not know about FARTing, but I will definitely change my attitude in the NY.

Happy Anniversary L'Akin, I'm pleased you had a good time. I assume that's a picture of you in your new undies!:mysmilie_12:
Happy Anniversary, L'Akin.

Glad you've had a fab day. Maybe the whole glitz will teach us all sth; Christmas shopping is not all about stuffing ourselves with goods while we are hidden away in our homes. It is about going out meeting people and feeling the spirit of the holidays.

I think we have been carried away and as a result have created a culture of tele-shopping as well as a number of professions that all thrive on our back. In return, they've given us a lot of hassle and instead of them fussing about us, it is the other way round.

I do not know about FARTing, but I will definitely change my attitude in the NY.


Too true my lovely! This morning was waaaay more fun than clicky finger! :mysmilie_1565: :mysmilie_1565: :mysmilie_1565:

I really enjoyed trying out perfumes and picking up samples and generally mingling with people. I had to be dragged out of Space nk kicking and screaming and the Sisley and Bobbi Brown girls greeted me like an old old friend. My friend got made up at MAC and I will smell of Armani Code when we go out tonight in new lippie courtesy of some deluxe BB samples.

We were going to have lunch but we'd snaffled so many freebies up and down the hill that we weren't really hungry.

It really reminded me that shopping can be fun. :mysmilie_497:

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