Who are these "theDX" people then?


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Love A'Kin, why don't you just get your orders delivered to your work address. I find that so much more convenient.

I have done in the past but I wouldn't want to lug 4 Elemis TSVs home on the tube :eek: Plus work don't really like it - and I don't really like the receptionist telling everybody that comes in or out I've had another parcel from QVC! :D

Ooh and Sheepdog my lovely,I don't think you can generalise about "people" in one big amorphous lump. I worked in bars and restaurants for years when I was a student, and when my children were small because it fitted with both my owl body clock and when my hubby could be around for the children. My neighbour does evening shifts at Tesco for the same reason. I personally find it the 9-5 routine difficult and when we've got a big project or crisis on I'd rather pull an all-nighter than finish at 5:30 and come back again at 9. I'm often on here at odd times of the night because I'm working on something and checking in for a frivolous QVC break! :mysmilie_17:
Thanks Dasiy. I have lost count of the times i've complained. They told me they will investigate the problem but i've heard nothing. I requested my parcels come via royal mail but apparantly it's not possible. I'm not a happy bunny
Still no sign of the Elemis TSV:mysmilie_73::mysmilie_73:
i've decided to wait a few more days and then i'm going to tell CS, it's way outside their 5-7 working days and ask for a refund on the P&P as i don't see why i should pay first class prices for a third rate service!!

:mysmilie_348:LE Lover, it is possible for QVC to send goods via RM. A friend of mine had many problems with Parcelnet - goods being left outside or not even being delivered.

As she often works away from home, goods left for days outside her front door - and in full view of people passing along the road -provide an open invitation to someone up to no good. She complained to customer services - making sure that she spoke to someone with decision-making responsibilites - and that was it: RM deliver her stuff.:mysmilie_698:
Im really sorry to read that LE Lover and Love A'kin are still waiting for their Elemis tsv's.. What buggers these couriers are.. I suppose if enough people complain to qvc, rather than keep quiet about it, well, surely qvc will have to act.. Otherwise they will lose more custom.. Are you allowed to choose RM as a preferred delivery service, if your current courier is shite?
Did your big grey ring turn up Love A'kin? :)

Nope. I'm still waiting for that too.... Today is Day 12 so it will arrive sometime in the next 4 or 5 days I expect. :mysmilie_701:
I have done in the past but I wouldn't want to lug 4 Elemis TSVs home on the tube :eek: Plus work don't really like it - and I don't really like the receptionist telling everybody that comes in or out I've had another parcel from QVC! :D

Ooh and Sheepdog my lovely,I don't think you can generalise about "people" in one big amorphous lump. I worked in bars and restaurants for years when I was a student, and when my children were small because it fitted with both my owl body clock and when my hubby could be around for the children. My neighbour does evening shifts at Tesco for the same reason. I personally find it the 9-5 routine difficult and when we've got a big project or crisis on I'd rather pull an all-nighter than finish at 5:30 and come back again at 9. I'm often on here at odd times of the night because I'm working on something and checking in for a frivolous QVC break! :mysmilie_17:

:mysmilie_348: LA'k why should you have to? You pay good money for goods and services and therefore should receive it.

I agree with you with about generalisations. I, too, am an owl: on many occasions during a 'discovery', I would work all night, dash back home for a bath and renewal of warpaint, and return to my office to do battle with the other side. Nine-to-five routine has never been easy for me.
:mysmilie_348: LA'k why should you have to? You pay good money for goods and services and therefore should receive it.

I agree with you with about generalisations. I, too, am an owl: on many occasions during a 'discovery', I would work all night, dash back home for a bath and renewal of warpaint, and return to my office to do battle with the other side. Nine-to-five routine has never been easy for me.

:mysmilie_348: I knew I wasn't the only one! :mysmilie_17:

I believe that it's QVC's responsibility to get my orders to me, and if there are going to be additional conditions - such as having to use up a day of my holiday entitlement - then we should be notified of this when we order. (NOT a week after ordering when the shonky fly by night courier says he has failed to deliver)

Some other companies even allow us to select the day our order will arrive...

QVC changed the mode of delivery to one that is unsuitable for people who work the standard 9-5 with no notice - and I'm the one who's supposed to rearrange my schedule to accomodate the change?

I'm pretty sure there's nothing QVC sell that I want that badly!

Loveheart cherub - you'll be pleased because I think this will deter me from ordering from QVC - at all!

I can't take a day off every time I order something from QVC (and I wouldn't know which day to take off anyway until after they've supposedly tried to deliver.)

There's no way to tell which carrier QVC will use -so I just won't bother I guess.

Blimey - I might be cured! :mysmilie_698::mysmilie_696:
:mysmilie_698::mysmilie_698::mysmilie_698: LA'k: if you were to delete 'succumbed to in December: Big grey ring' from your posting, I wonder if the bl***y ring would arrive? Just a thought, as JR would say.

PS: what's the dinnerladies? Hope that I don't sound too much like some old High Court judge:mysmilie_698::mysmilie_698::mysmilie_698:
:mysmilie_348: I knew I wasn't the only one! :mysmilie_17:

I believe that it's QVC's responsibility to get my orders to me, and if there are going to be additional conditions - such as having to use up a day of my holiday entitlement - then we should be notified of this when we order. (NOT a week after ordering when the shonky fly by night courier says he has failed to deliver)

Some other companies even allow us to select the day our order will arrive...

QVC changed the mode of delivery to one that is unsuitable for people who work the standard 9-5 with no notice - and I'm the one who's supposed to rearrange my schedule to accomodate the change?

I'm pretty sure there's nothing QVC sell that I want that badly!

Loveheart cherub - you'll be pleased because I think this will deter me from ordering from QVC - at all!

I can't take a day off every time I order something from QVC (and I wouldn't know which day to take off anyway until after they've supposedly tried to deliver.)

There's no way to tell which carrier QVC will use -so I just won't bother I guess.

Blimey - I might be cured! :mysmilie_698::mysmilie_696:

Are you sure!!!:mysmilie_697: Totally agree with everything you've said here
:mysmilie_698::mysmilie_698::mysmilie_698: LA'k: if you were to delete 'succumbed to in December: Big grey ring' from your posting, I wonder if the bl***y ring would arrive? Just a thought, as JR would say.

PS: what's the dinnerladies? Hope that I don't sound too much like some old High Court judge:mysmilie_698::mysmilie_698::mysmilie_698:

This is dinnerladies: (I have to show you cos there are not words to describe it's full genius:D )


I may have a play with the delete button in a minute. :mysmilie_687:
I have done in the past but I wouldn't want to lug 4 Elemis TSVs home on the tube :eek: Plus work don't really like it - and I don't really like the receptionist telling everybody that comes in or out I've had another parcel from QVC! :D

Ooh and Sheepdog my lovely,I don't think you can generalise about "people" in one big amorphous lump. I worked in bars and restaurants for years when I was a student, and when my children were small because it fitted with both my owl body clock and when my hubby could be around for the children. My neighbour does evening shifts at Tesco for the same reason. I personally find it the 9-5 routine difficult and when we've got a big project or crisis on I'd rather pull an all-nighter than finish at 5:30 and come back again at 9. I'm often on here at odd times of the night because I'm working on something and checking in for a frivolous QVC break! :mysmilie_17:

My qualifier was of personal experience which has been in IT, logistics, production/manufacturing and yes even supermarkets. I'd love to agree with you on it suits some and if the conditions prevail it is great. Personally I find the 4pm-12am time better but I can't do that in my current line of work as others will not and I am not allowed to work in the building alone. Then again I'd miss out on lots of lovely meetings :mysmilie_696:
:mysmilie_348:LE Lover, it is possible for QVC to send goods via RM. A friend of mine had many problems with Parcelnet - goods being left outside or not even being delivered.

As she often works away from home, goods left for days outside her front door - and in full view of people passing along the road -provide an open invitation to someone up to no good. She complained to customer services - making sure that she spoke to someone with decision-making responsibilites - and that was it: RM deliver her stuff.:mysmilie_698:

:mysmilie_348: Minnehaha, thanks for the tip i will try yet again!!!:mysmilie_73::mysmilie_73:
I tried to get QVC to deliver my order by RM when the DX people failed to get it to me. They said it couldn't be sent any other way. It was refunded to my account and I never got it.
My qualifier was of personal experience which has been in IT, logistics, production/manufacturing and yes even supermarkets. I'd love to agree with you on it suits some and if the conditions prevail it is great. Personally I find the 4pm-12am time better but I can't do that in my current line of work as others will not and I am not allowed to work in the building alone. Then again I'd miss out on lots of lovely meetings :mysmilie_696:

I find meetings are a bit like (non animal related) tv documentaries - they take about an hour to tell you what you could have read off a piece of paper in under 3 minutes! :mysmilie_81: :mysmilie_61: :mysmilie_73:
:mysmilie_348:I forgot to say: I got an email reply from QVC that I've quoted in my sig.

Evidently The DX don't require me to take a day off work - it can be anybody so long as they've got my ID.

Oh well - that's fiiiiiiine then!

QVC suggest that I should ask a friend or relation to take a day off and wait in the house for eight hours for The DX to deliver my QVC parcel instead.

Cos, you know, they've got nothing better to do!

I need to ring QVC but I need to calm down first. Letting off a torrent of bad words at some poor Liverpudlian is not going to help is it? :mysmilie_11: :mysmilie_17:
DX are hopeless, i ordered from another channel who use them and they knocked on the door and waited all of 10 seconds for me to answer. I shouted to them that I was coming down the stairs (I have an ankle problem and can't run). I flung the door open to see them walk away so I shouted again, I was completely ignored and he drove off. When I complained to the company they were not interested and would not ask him to return even though he was mere minutes away. I cancelled the order completely coz it put me in a foul mood !! Won't be ordering from them again.
Apologies for not having read the whole of this thread. But what's happened to Hermes? Have QVC changed carrier again, to DX? Or are they using a variety of carriers now.
:mysmilie_348:I forgot to say: I got an email reply from QVC that I've quoted in my sig.

Evidently The DX don't require me to take a day off work - it can be anybody so long as they've got my ID.

Oh well - that's fiiiiiiine then!

QVC suggest that I should ask a friend or relation to take a day off and wait in the house for eight hours for The DX to deliver my QVC parcel instead.

Cos, you know, they've got nothing better to do!

I need to ring QVC but I need to calm down first. Letting off a torrent of bad words at some poor Liverpudlian is not going to help is it? :mysmilie_11: :mysmilie_17:

This is unbelievable! Did you call them?
DX are hopeless, i ordered from another channel who use them and they knocked on the door and waited all of 10 seconds for me to answer. I shouted to them that I was coming down the stairs (I have an ankle problem and can't run). I flung the door open to see them walk away so I shouted again, I was completely ignored and he drove off. When I complained to the company they were not interested and would not ask him to return even though he was mere minutes away. I cancelled the order completely coz it put me in a foul mood !! Won't be ordering from them again.

OMG! They sound sooooo professional! Just the thing to maintain and improve QVC's reputation.

QVC like to try and align themselves in our minds with other respected retailers such as Harrods, Selfridges and John Lewis etc but I wonder how many of those companies use this The DX shower? (none I should imagine!)
This is unbelievable! Did you call them?

:mysmilie_348:Yes. Evidently my parcel can be left at my local Post Office for me to collect at my convenience. Luckily the parcel in question is the ring and not the 4 Elemis TSVs because the PO is in a pedestrian arcade approximately half a mile and two floors from the nearest car park!

It took three emails and conversations with two actual people before anybody volunteered this info.

Nobody wants theirs to be the last CS name on the account who used to spend loadsamoney regularly and has now stopped shopping with QVC altogether do they ;) :mysmilie_454: :mysmilie_275:
Apologies for not having read the whole of this thread. But what's happened to Hermes? Have QVC changed carrier again, to DX? Or are they using a variety of carriers now.

I think they've switched to The DX for jewellery only in some parts of the country.

But as nobody at QVC has had the courtesy to tell us the customer what's going on, I'm only guessing and extrapolating from my own and other people's experiences. We don't know why of course but I suspect cost cutting. I spoke to my local Hermes delivery people (who are fab and lovely) and nobody had told them that they were going to have diminished business either.

The lady at The Post Office said people have been getting the right hump queueing up behind 20 or 30 people in their lunch hour to come and collect their QVC parcels, but luckily there haven't been that many tantrums cos most people don't know that they can do that. (Tell me about it!)
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