Who are these "theDX" people then?


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

I am assuming that the last line in the quoted reply is added to the original as a joke? the it may not suit you but it suits us bit? If it isn't then wow QVC have really lost the plot, if it is a joke or addition then it might not be a good idea to suggest that QVC said it as big companies can be a tad touchy about such things and it might give Graham some grief.....just IMHO
I am assuming that the last line in the quoted reply is added to the original as a joke? the it may not suit you but it suits us bit? If it isn't then wow QVC have really lost the plot, if it is a joke or addition then it might not be a good idea to suggest that QVC said it as big companies can be a tad touchy about such things and it might give Graham some grief.....just IMHO

:mysmilie_348:I take your point hon, and I wouldn't want to cause Graham any grief - but since I've posted similarly all over the internet QVC couldn't really get the hump with Graham unless they also want to get the hump with Facebook, Twitter, my blog, several other blogs I post on, a couple of beauty oriented sites and about 16 other places!

It's good to talk. :mysmilie_17:

Just to clarify. I definitely added the "tough titty" part.

The actual email says:

DX dont request you take a day off work, they just need someone to be at home to sign for the parcel. 
If you do want it to be signed for by another person you will need to provide that person with some form of your ID so they can prove to the driver that they are signing for the parcel on your behalf.

Unfortunately QVC can not guarantee that your parcels will not be delivered by DX as we will be using them for our deliveries for the foreseeable future.

I like my versh better. :D
Rightio, so todays the day I'm waiting in for The DX and I'm bored witless from sitting around.

My roots need doing and my legs need waxing and I'd LOVE a long hot bath - or a snooze cos I haven't been getting much sleep lately but instead I'm pacing round my own living room like a caged animal and twitching the curtains like Hyacinth Bouquet. Every time I hear a car outside I'm at the window rubbernecking to see if it's my delivery.

So basically I'm not having any fun and I'm certainly not doing this again!

What time do you reckon they're going to turn up?

a) 5:30

b) Never
Rightio, so todays the day I'm waiting in for The DX and I'm bored witless from sitting around.

My roots need doing and my legs need waxing and I'd LOVE a long hot bath - or a snooze cos I haven't been getting much sleep lately but instead I'm pacing round my own living room like a caged animal and twitching the curtains like Hyacinth Bouquet. Every time I hear a car outside I'm at the window rubbernecking to see if it's my delivery.

So basically I'm not having any fun and I'm certainly not doing this again!

What time do you reckon they're going to turn up?

a) 5:30

b) Never

The moment you go to the loo of course!!
Couriers are the same the world over. I was in the office the other day from 9.30 until 13.00 and then from 14.00 until 17.00 then I had to go out for half an hour. Guess when the courier came?? Yes, you guessed it, 17.05!!!
Rightio, so todays the day I'm waiting in for The DX and I'm bored witless from sitting around.

My roots need doing and my legs need waxing and I'd LOVE a long hot bath - or a snooze cos I haven't been getting much sleep lately but instead I'm pacing round my own living room like a caged animal and twitching the curtains like Hyacinth Bouquet. Every time I hear a car outside I'm at the window rubbernecking to see if it's my delivery.

So basically I'm not having any fun and I'm certainly not doing this again!

What time do you reckon they're going to turn up?

a) 5:30

b) Never

They'll turn up as soon as you're in the loo Love A'kin, lol..
Is it your Elemis tsv's that are coming?
Hope they arrive soon :mysmilie_1102:
LA perhaps you need a different approach: put the gunk on your roots and slap some immac on your legs, while you're at it bleach your top lip and apply a mud face mask and I'll almost guarantee the doorbell will ring!

Ofcourse the danger is you'll have to answer the door...but it'll be someone you know and like...or worse...someone you know and don't like!

Jude xx

Seriously tho I hope you're out of your misery soon luv!
Great minds think alike! I daren't go to the loo! I'll probably have internal injuries by the end of the day. Can't risk hanging the washing out either - I might not hear the door, or take too long to get to it. (IT's hard to sprint whilst laden down with a basket of laundry and with the entire neighbourhood feline population winding themselves around your ankles cos you're the only human vending machine around at the moment.) :D

It's the big grey ring that's coming. The Elemis TSVs turned up yesterday -much to my relief - cos one of them is my boss' Christmas present from my colleagues and I and one is for my colleagues mum for crimbo so I'm very glad it made an appearance!
LA perhaps you need a different approach: put the gunk on your roots and slap some immac on your legs, while you're at it bleach your top lip and apply a mud face mask and I'll almost guarantee the doorbell will ring!

Ofcourse the danger is you'll have to answer the door...but it'll be someone you know and like...or worse...someone you know and don't like!

Jude xx

Seriously tho I hope you're out of your misery soon luv!

:mysmilie_687: Knowing my luck It'd be a live tv crew! :eek: :mysmilie_17:
I'm waiting for some bedding from America via UPS, who are utterly appalling, here. Other courier companies manage to be as reasonably efficient as one can expect but UPS....grrrrrr

We ordered a slow cooker. It was exceedingly slow. The vendor rang to ask why it had been returned to him in the U.K. marked 'undeliverable'. UPS said they came to our house several times and there wasn't anyone in (lies!) though failed to explain why they couldn't have rung one of the 3 phone numbers we'd provided. The cooker was duly dispatched again and arrived back with the vendor three weeks later again. UPS "couldn't find our house" despite the fact that, this time, they had the 3 phone numbers AND detailed instructions.I doubt either parcel had even left their depot. We had to cancel the order and get one from QVC who use RM and it arrived a fortnight later, without incident.

The company in the States only use UPS so I was rung by UPS and told it was on their van for today. It hasn't arrived. Driver couldn't find our house, which is strange because he told the depot that his mother only lives 2 streets away! We have arranged to collect it from the depot tomorrow........:mysmilie_73::mysmilie_73:
They are all the same. As a company, we have used UPS, Fedex, DHL, etc. They are as bad as each other. It is a nightmare for companies cross the board and it costs them a fortune in terms of disgruntled customers.
Oh God - I'm sorry that you're having similar troubles Artemis. I'm really beginning to get antsy now. Ten past four and no sign of them... :eek:
They are all the same. As a company, we have used UPS, Fedex, DHL, etc. They are as bad as each other. It is a nightmare for companies cross the board and it costs them a fortune in terms of disgruntled customers.

I fail to understand it, I really do. DHL and Fedex are pretty good here, actually. Our house is no more hard to find than anyone else's, especially as our official address is "No.6 Bus stop, behind the bicycle shop". The bicycle shop caught fire last year. Thankfully, it didn't burn down or we'd have been stuffed!:mysmilie_697:

Oh God - I'm sorry that you're having similar troubles Artemis. I'm really beginning to get antsy now. Ten past four and no sign of them... :eek:

Oh dear, Love A'kin, I hope it arrives.......
5:34 and no sign.

That's ****** marvellous isn't it?

Make me wait around all blimming day and then not turn up.

*insert long stream of expletives here*
I fail to understand it, I really do. DHL and Fedex are pretty good here, actually. Our house is no more hard to find than anyone else's, especially as our official address is "No.6 Bus stop, behind the bicycle shop". The bicycle shop caught fire last year. Thankfully, it didn't burn down or we'd have been stuffed!:mysmilie_697:

I fail to understand it, too, especially with the fees they charge.
Irang CS to order a Gtec sweeper and asked could they tell me who would be delivering it (after reading all the probs on here) she told me it would be Hermes which is fine in my area. I said oh thats good because if it had been DX I wouldn't have ordered it, I said that a lot of people have had terrible problems with them and I can't understand you using them they will lose you money before long. She didn't comment.!!!
5:34 and no sign.

That's ****** marvellous isn't it?

Make me wait around all blimming day and then not turn up.

*insert long stream of expletives here*

Thats really bad LA, id be fuming, as you`ve wasted your time waiting in for them.... Id ring QVC CS & rant.... get them to investigate where your parcel is & why is wasn`t delivered today - THEY are DX`s customer, so its up to them to track it & find out the details! Tell them you took a day off work specially (you didn`t did you?)....... Its a really bad service & QVC should do their best to sort out people`s delivery problems, instead of sending out poxy letters for peeps to sign & say the item wasn`t delivered :(
Any sign of them yet L'akin. I have visions of you sitting with puffs of steam coming out of your ears
Oh, no - you have my sincerest sympathy. (Been there, done that.)

If they're like many other delivery companies, they probably have extended delivery hours up to Christmas, which means you'll have to cross your legs until 9.00 p.m.!

What makes TheDX worse than any of the other companies is that they won't just deliver to a neighbour if you happen to be out. Even if my next-door neighbour hears my doorbell (it's loud, and I live in a semi) and goes to the door, they won't let her have my parcel because (a) it must be delivered to my door and no other and (b) my ID must be produced. None of the other companies are like this - if I'm out, they just leave it with one of the surrounding neighbours.

Irang CS to order a Gtec sweeper and asked could they tell me who would be delivering it (after reading all the probs on here) she told me it would be Hermes which is fine in my area. I said oh thats good because if it had been DX I wouldn't have ordered it, I said that a lot of people have had terrible problems with them and I can't understand you using them they will lose you money before long. She didn't comment.!!!

Loving that! :mysmilie_17:

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