Who annoys you??

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Charlie Brook - Kn*b head
Her from Yankee - It's a candle love, it's not that important, you haven't cured cancer!
Her from L'Occitane - Snooty cow
Craig Rowe - Another kn*b head.
Alison Young - Turn it down a decimal, It's a face wash, more important things to worry about!
Beth - How can everything be so funny that you can't manage to do the job you're getting paid for (wearing an overpriced skirt/jumper/T-Shirt)?
Alison Keenan - Too many fillers, can't take her seriously now that she looks like a hamster.
Lulu - Same as AK.
Kirks Folly - Grow up woman for Gods sake! Think of the cleaners who have to vacuum up the glitter after you, before they shove the hoover where the sun don't shine!

Probably loads more, but I've got myself wound up now thinking about it!!
Beth, Claire, Glen, Julia Queen Roberts, Beth, Gobby, Debbie G ohh and Beth, did I mention Beth. and Renee.
oh yeah Ricky... how could we have forgotten the Glaswegian Warbler from Hell? enough to send the shivers through your Gorbals
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Just remembered a couple more:-

Kim Mendlesomebody - Look love, your clothes are sh*t, your fashion sense is sh*t, the material is sh*t and you need to take a breath before you collapse.

Lori Greiner - You need to take a breath as well, you're not in America now with your infomercial way of ignoring what anyone says to you. (I did buy 4 TSV's though)!!

Sharon - Just cos Joan Rivers likes you, doesn't mean you're the next Naomi Campbell, cos believe me, you're not!!

That fella who does WR Memory Keepers - Summat weird about him.

That woman from Philosophy - Please get a personality B4 you come back.

More to come later i'm sure.
Lets keep it going just for the sheer fun of it.:grin:

Alexis from L'Occitane - looks like she is permanently sucking a lemon & the products she is selling smell bad with that snooty face of hers.

Kim Mendellson - some of her stuff is loud garish & I would not be seen dead in.

The guy from Bose with that stupid experiment he does with the candles. In saying that we have got Bose stuff & it is excellent.

JR- I cannot for the life of me stomach her. Been at QVC far too long & I am sick of the sight of her.

Can't say I have taken that much notice of the models but Sharon is way OTT with all the hand actions.

Jennifer Kirk with all that Christmas Cracker junk she sells. I am dead nuts on Kirks Folly having been left with masses of it to get rid of as my Mother with Alzheimers just kept buying it. Any suggestions as to how I flog it? Oh there are some gems in there I can tell you. Foul stuff.

Simon Wilson gets right up my nose & him & JR together :mysmilie_490:

Can't think of any more at the mo but I'm sure I can come up with a few later but last & by no means least the wonderful KELLY HOPPEN:mysmilie_505:
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I HATE that annoying bloke who does the Wash-it balls and various other cleaning products. I actually have to turn over when he is on. Same with the insane South African bloke who does the Furminator and various garden products.
I actually quite like Beth! Her facial expressions are OTT but I think she seems a happy little soul and I like it when she joins in on jewellery shows. I can totally see how she would get on other people's nerves though. I can't take to Debbie who does Liz Earle and Tova shows. All that eyebrow raising and pouting (yes love, we can SEE you have very full lips - you don't need to push them out any more!!) get on my pip.
Can't stand it when presenters say 'if you don't like it, simply send it back. You have absolutely nothing to lose.' What, you mean nothing apart from the £6.95 postage that you won't refund plus another 3 or 4 quid for me to send it back to you? A tenner might be nothing to the QVC presenters, with their holiday homes etc but it's a lot of money for most people to lose.
Another gripe is Sam from Northern Nights massaging and stroking the bedding. I don't know what she thinks she's doing. Does it really persuade anyone to buy? Ditto Craig looking like he's about to have an orgasm when he lies on a NN pillow or smells a Yankee Candle. Stop overacting mate.
Good grief! Don't anything back will you. I thought that I was intollerant but clearly I am not the only one.

I don't mind any of the models and as far as the presenters are concerned it fluctuates. HOWEVER, I saw the repeat of the craft midnight launch and I was so embarassed by Craig and his over done exitement that I blushed on his behalf. It was too cringe worthy to be true. %?sser! He was like a gnome on speed.
[Off topic: Sue sell your Kirks Folly on ebay; always worth watching other similar items on ebay to see what price they make]

Back on topic: Tcallers....do qvc customers trust the opinions of these deranged shoppers?

Jude xx
How could I have forgot this one :doh:

LULU !!!

I have personal experience of her. Not a nice person at all :down: I wouldn't buy her stuff on principal to put cash into her greedy mitts.
Hilarious thread but a lot of truth being posted too. Loving reading it and laughing out loud.
How could I have forgot this one :doh:

LULU !!!

I have personal experience of her. Not a nice person at all :down: I wouldn't buy her stuff on principal to put cash into her greedy mitts.

Can I be nosey and ask why?
Can I be nosey and ask why?

Was standing with my daughters many moons ago when she did the Take That tour & heard what she screamed out the car window to all the young kids waiting outside their hotel.

A lady she is not. :mysmilie_865:
How could I have forgot this one :doh:

LULU !!!

I have personal experience of her. Not a nice person at all :down: I wouldn't buy her stuff on principal to put cash into her greedy mitts.

Ooooohhh pray do tell!
I am with you all the way on this one.

Simon Wilson annoys me comes over as a it's my way or the highway type of person, and why does he always have to be joined by JR and the lovely Reneeee.

Never to sure about her,although convinced she has had something done in the cheek/lip area,also she would get my vote if she just came out with it and said yes i have had something done but my products aren't half bad so give them a go. Dennis Basso ? can't work him out at all maybe ok maybe not.
HA HA I've started something here!!! Been laughing at the responses.......

Begs the question why we buy from them doesn't it...........but then again they do have some very good items. I probably buy more items from QVC then any other 'store'. However, I keep it realistic and realise that some things are not a 'bargain' & that the web sometimes offers better value.

In particular Amazon sometimes is cheaper and includes free delivery.

Keep up the 'what annoys me' ideas...I feel like I'm offering free counselling!!

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