Who annoys you??

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Deleted member 3549

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I know we all have our favourite presenters that make us cringe but for me its some of the models........
How I wish Rene wasn't wheeled out for every B&W show. She really seems to model herself on Katie Price. Also equally annoying is the blonde girl whose name escapes me but has her own Quacker Show advert at the moment!!! Shes normally on the Smashbox make up shows.
I would think that both wouldn't fit into Qvc's image with their rather dodgy 'pre QVC modelling past'!!!
The blond model is doing Lady Tena ads at the moment too.

No Simon adores Rene she is a real model in his eyes. Done his catwalk shows, she will stay in B&W.

None of the models anoy me, but then I never really pay them much attention.

Charlie Mr.Smooth or rather Mr.Dull As Dishwater.
Anne Dawson me me me me me. My holiday in Italy, my BQ etc.
Allie Young has annoyed me for a long time now. Her dress sense or lack the rubbish she comes out with.
Yes Beth!!!

The constant moving about, the putting her head on one side, the wrinkling up of her nose as she smiles at the camera, the way when another model comes to stand beside her she will turn and put her face into hers and laugh at some mystery joke, the way she is ALWAYS laughing at something off camera even when there's nothing remotely funny happening......and then god help us when she gets a chance to speak on a jewllery show, she never shuts up.
Rene does get on my wick, she's too pouty & obviously loves herself - her shiny forehead also annoys me, I always want to powder her down :giggle:

other than that I don't mind any of the models, main annoyances are po-faced Kelly Hoppen, RJ (though I'm not a gardener so fortunately can turn him off) Charlie Brooks and Anne Dawson.

And I know it's not a 'who' but this stupid Christmas in July has really wound me up this year, can understand them having a few craft hours for people who want to start making cards etc but TWO WHOLE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS TAT IS BEYOND A JOKE :angry:
What also annoys me is the way they ponce around on the stage when modelling clothes, the arm movements are awful, I end up cringing and switching off.
sharon with her constant posing and messing around constantly with the clothes....

from a presenter point of view its Clair Sutton, she is just way to old for the 'I,m such a girly girl cutesy ditsy rubbish'. I find her extremely irritating. Some of the others annoy me but her I can't watch at all
Jennifer Kirks Folly woman manages to both annoy and scare me, puts me in mind of a madam in a brothel, the faux "niceness" sitting uneasily with the steely, mercenry gleam in her eye.
Don't mind any of the models, in fact quite admire them for wearing some of the tat and not falling around laughing and they have to put up with being touched up by Glen.
I just love Claire. I think shes lovely. My favourite. Also like Catherine & Pippa but I wish she would alter her hair. Looks like a skunk:confused: I don't mind Alison K either.

My all time hate is Kathy Taylor. I think she is a real mess. Her hair is awful & her dress sense is terrible & she just gets on my nerves.:angry:

Jill Franks is a close second.:mysmilie_505:

Out of the men Julian has always irritated me. My favourite male has to be Dale I think
Of the models Renee on the Philosophy shows, the pouting drives me potty especially with copious amounts of lip gloss endlessly applied.

Generally all models in beauty shows where they are sitting at a separate table demonstrating how to use body wash, face wash or perfume, as if we need to be shown!

Worst is Philosophy shower gels poured by the gallon onto those scrunchies, the waste and no one would use that amount poured out in one go unless they live in the hardest water area on the planet! :dull:
Presenters - Catherine & Jill - just connot watch when either one is on!

Models - Frankie who usually does hair products - just cant stand that 2 tone hair thing she has going on! Im not terribly keen on Ammeka (?) - her brows look as if they have been plucked to within an inch of their lives and her skin is way too crepey now for close ups
Jill franks good god could she love every product on qvc anymore its embarrassing having to watch her have a fit over every product. And shes got to that stage where u have to sacrfice face or body and has tried to do both and now looks like a piece of haggerd old celery .
Craig Rowe, can't stand his smarmy ways. The over exaggerated movements of Sharon the model does my head in, nobody walks the way she does.
Not keen on Rene either. Sometimes she can look quite miserable, as if she doesn't want to be there at all.

The guest presenter for Prai - well!!
I just can't take to Jilly Halliday.........................when will she realise that her hair just does not suit her. She has to be in her forties surely, so I think a shorter funkier hairstyle would look a lot better. Plus why won't she get her blimmin ears pierced:devil: Otherwise, why on earth do they have her presenting ear-rings? She has to be the most boring presenter ever. She is so nicey nicey prim and proper it gets right up my nose. Nobody is so perfect.....................are they?:grin:
I think I would find it quicker to say who I DO like!

Presenters - well they all get up my nose to an extent but I do like Claire Sutton tho I know many don't. The rest are too up themselves/smarmy/sickly sweet/just plain irritating.

Models - I like Beth! Guess I'm out of step with everyone else on here! Can't stand Renee, or Tara, the pouting queens. Tanya's ok and seems down to earth, oh and that pretty Ali who does B & W (not that I watch, can't stand Simon or the way he & Julia go on!).

I watch a lot of QVC shows on mute!
Yes Beth!!!

The constant moving about, the putting her head on one side, the wrinkling up of her nose as she smiles at the camera, the way when another model comes to stand beside her she will turn and put her face into hers and laugh at some mystery joke, the way she is ALWAYS laughing at something off camera even when there's nothing remotely funny happening......and then god help us when she gets a chance to speak on a jewllery show, she never shuts up.
Lol Yes, soooooooooooo annoying!! Couldn't have described Barmy Beth better than this!! :grin:

Sharon with her ridiculous exagerrated *modell* walk, stupid hand movements and sultry pouting at the camera. Aaaaaarrrrgggghhhh!!

That's the clothes horses out of the way, now on to the sales assistants. :devil:

JR because she's too full of herself.

Debbie G with her irritating, faltering ingenue voice and her faux surprise oh naughty me reactions to all her carefully stage managed innuendos.

Claire because of her babyish voice and for talking like she's addressing an audience of 5 year olds.

Smarmy Charlie because he's.....SMARMY.

AK because she's very bossy and talks over everyone.

Gobby because she has a voice like nails down a blackboard and she talks a load of *****!!

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