Who’s going to the Feeling Fabulous With Ruth???


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Yes, I agree and I'm not anti-women in journalism. However, I cannot stand women commentating on men's football. They squawk like a seagull fighting over a fish supper. Awful. Please leave men's sports to the men and let the girls comment on the many women's sports. Just my opinion of course and I know it's not popular (having got pelters many times!).

The pelters weren't from me. Good to know.
Rhymes with CAT!
And do feel free to provide details on how exactly he’s being a toot! 😉
Mr Know It All, Mr Sarcastic, Mr Dickhead, Mr will be getting skinny and sweet in his coffee if he doesn't sort himself out (9-5 Dolly Parton).

We bought a new shed (in pieces). How many times did I say "have you measured up properly" Oh yes, of course he has with a withering voice and look. Shut up woman, it's a shed, I'm a man. I know what I'm doing. Shed's too big. Did he measure? No. I will be eternally grateful to our wonderful neighbour who not only moved all the shed pieces round the corner, through the farmland and into our back garden (we're in a terrace) but he then built it (even put the roof on), made it fit (moved some of the pebbles and ground) and then, I know this is just too good to be true, he put all the old shed wood which was piled up in the corner into his van and drove it all away to a farmer who has bonfires. Gold medal for that man. Mr CC held the nails/screws and made the tea.

Sometimes when I think no one cares and people are crap, someone restores my faith in the human race.

Yes, I agree and I'm not anti-women in journalism. However, I cannot stand women commentating on men's football. They squawk like a seagull fighting over a fish supper. Awful. Please leave men's sports to the men and let the girls comment on the many women's sports. Just my opinion of course and I know it's not popular (having got pelters many times!).

I completely agree but never confessed to anyone. I’m so pleased to discover I’m not the only one.

I’ll go a step further and say that I don’t like women’s professional team games - football, cricket or rugby. They don’t look right, I’m used to watching big strapping muscley men !
I completely agree but never confessed to anyone. I’m so pleased to discover I’m not the only one.

I’ll go a step further and say that I don’t like women’s professional team games - football, cricket or rugby. They don’t look right, I’m used to watching big strapping muscley men !
Totally agree and I never watch women's football/cricket/rugby, however, I think young girls these days love women's team games and I'm totally all for girls getting involved in sports of any kind. I just don't think women commentators bring anything to the table when it's a man's event. I know, I'm a dinosaur🐲 (and a dragon as well - no dinos in emojis).

I hate all sport but do watch the winter Olympics. Now Robin Cousins was a good professional skater but he gets on my chesticles rabbiting on and on and on when you are trying to listen to the music and concentrate on the figure skating. The bliddy yapping over the curling was so annoying.

Nice and all as JJ Chambers is what credentials does he have to front the WO one minute and Money for Nothing the next and then walking around somewhere the next
i just can’t take to Alex Scott who seems to be flavour of the year - that game show she did was woeful.
I hate all sport but do watch the winter Olympics. Now Robin Cousins was a good professional skater but he gets on my chesticles rabbiting on and on and on when you are trying to listen to the music and concentrate on the figure skating. The bliddy yapping over the curling was so annoying.

Nice and all as JJ Chambers is what credentials does he have to front the WO one minute and Money for Nothing the next and then walking around somewhere the next
i just can’t take to Alex Scott who seems to be flavour of the year - that game show she did was woeful.
Alex Scott is pretty, seems a lovely girl, but please keep her out of men's sport as well. As for the comments someone made on her pronunciations and accent, where she then made a point of making it worse on purpose, she just made herself look ridiculous. If you're going to be a presenter/broadcaster then you need to speak in a way that makes people want to listen to you, not change channels.

Totally agree and I never watch women's football/cricket/rugby, however, I think young girls these days love women's team games and I'm totally all for girls getting involved in sports of any kind. I just don't think women commentators bring anything to the table when it's a man's event. I know, I'm a dinosaur🐲 (and a dragon as well - no dinos in emojis).

Are men allowed to commentate on women’s games?!
Totally happy for others to have and express their opinions (genuinely!) but slightly fearing for feminism at this point! 😉

I’m not of the bra-burning variety and certainly not anti-men... but do feel that women have fought for years to reach this level of equality (which is still WAY off in so many areas)...

But appreciate people’s personal tastes when it comes to presenters etc, just sometimes worries me!
I agree TLL that yes, women have been second class citizens for decades, so its right we have a level playing field - HOWEVER, like it or not, there are things that men are simply better at ! On the one hand I don't mind listening to Hazel Irvine being a presenter of snooker, or Clare Balding on horse racing, but football/rugby/cricket is best reported on by men.

Erics Mum said she doesn't like watching women playing mens sports, and coincidentally today I was invited to a VPs lunch at a local Rugby Club. This very subject was discussed by myself and my friend (wife of a VP) who invited me. The Club has a ladies team - some were in attendance, a few of whom were downright beefy which created the conversation. Yes, women should be able to play whatever sport they wish, but we both agreed that watching these male dominated sports makes uncomfortable watching ladies taking part. Swishy ponytails as they lunge each other to the ground just doesn't make me want to watch.

On another tac, I also heard today that Morris Men can no longer be referred to as 'men'. They are now either Morris dancers or the name of their area with Morris on the end, ie Anytown Morris, making way for ladies to partake - although they already have their own groups.
I completely agree but never confessed to anyone. I’m so pleased to discover I’m not the only one.

I’ll go a step further and say that I don’t like women’s professional team games - football, cricket or rugby. They don’t look right, I’m used to watching big strapping muscley men !
Wish more people were as brave as you (& I)

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