Where are Debbie Greenwood & Julian Ballantyne?


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I know you're right cheesecake but we love a good conspiracy! It's odd Anna got a goodbye but not the others.
I shall prepare to get shot here.......
This is one of the inherent problems with watching shoppingtelly too much, on any channel, which is people get too over friendly with presenters and seem to feel they have a 'right' to a goodbye. At the end of the day, these people aren't any of our 'friends' or even 'aquiantences'. It's quite likely we haven't got a clue what they are like off screen, the whole presenting style could be just that, a style, like we may put a uniform on for work, or stick that happy face on to serve yet another person at the checkout. You would be quite shocked if you went into your local supermarket and there was a huge notice "janice, usually on tills but occasionally covers on deli, has left for pastures new, we wish her all the luck in the world". I don't doubt that privately, when someone leaves QVC, the internal team or management do say thanks and good luck etc, just like most employers do, but I'm fascinated by the way you all seem to think something is afoot in the way of 'dirty work' because you don't get a full low down on why they are leaving, where they are going etc. They all may seem lovely, genuine, nasty, whatever, but trust me, husbands married to wives for 15+ years can suddenly wake up and their wife comes at them with a shotgun, the only person you truly know is yourself :)

Whilst I agree with you to a certain extent as a previous post said the local checkout girl doesn't blog/twitter/facebook giving us intimate details of health, family relationships etc. Q and presenters can't have it coming and going.

In so saying I personally don't care who goes or stays only to the extent that new intakes are usually a backward step so one wonders how far down the food chain they will eventually go.

Chuntley is the one I will crack open the champers for - the rest will only warrant a spritzer:mysmilie_486:
I shall prepare to get shot here.......
This is one of the inherent problems with watching shoppingtelly too much, on any channel, which is people get too over friendly with presenters and seem to feel they have a 'right' to a goodbye. At the end of the day, these people aren't any of our 'friends' or even 'aquiantences'. It's quite likely we haven't got a clue what they are like off screen, the whole presenting style could be just that, a style, like we may put a uniform on for work, or stick that happy face on to serve yet another person at the checkout. You would be quite shocked if you went into your local supermarket and there was a huge notice "janice, usually on tills but occasionally covers on deli, has left for pastures new, we wish her all the luck in the world". I don't doubt that privately, when someone leaves QVC, the internal team or management do say thanks and good luck etc, just like most employers do, but I'm fascinated by the way you all seem to think something is afoot in the way of 'dirty work' because you don't get a full low down on why they are leaving, where they are going etc. They all may seem lovely, genuine, nasty, whatever, but trust me, husbands married to wives for 15+ years can suddenly wake up and their wife comes at them with a shotgun, the only person you truly know is yourself :)

I think it is more the fact that if someone works somewhere for over a decade they should be able to hold their heads up when leaving and be given the dignity to announce it themselves, in their way, being in agreement with management as to how it is done before word gets out, be it someone on tv and in the public eye or somebody who works in my local supermarket, library etc.

If someone has done something wrong or is going to a competitor then yes of course they should be marched out, goodbyes are not then expected.
Maybe Anna took it on the chin and left with no bad feelings.

or maybe not. Maybe she felt she would get another job more easily while she was still working. Or maybe she was forced to sign some kind of agreement to get a redundancy package. It is a huge bsiness aross many continents. They will lose no sleep if they have wrecked people's lives. They only care about the dollars they are making and we are fools to think it is a caring company. If they treat their workers so shabbily, heaven help us as customers,
I shall prepare to get shot here.......
This is one of the inherent problems with watching shoppingtelly too much, on any channel, which is people get too over friendly with presenters and seem to feel they have a 'right' to a goodbye. At the end of the day, these people aren't any of our 'friends' or even 'aquiantences'. It's quite likely we haven't got a clue what they are like off screen, the whole presenting style could be just that, a style, like we may put a uniform on for work, or stick that happy face on to serve yet another person at the checkout. You would be quite shocked if you went into your local supermarket and there was a huge notice "janice, usually on tills but occasionally covers on deli, has left for pastures new, we wish her all the luck in the world". I don't doubt that privately, when someone leaves QVC, the internal team or management do say thanks and good luck etc, just like most employers do, but I'm fascinated by the way you all seem to think something is afoot in the way of 'dirty work' because you don't get a full low down on why they are leaving, where they are going etc. They all may seem lovely, genuine, nasty, whatever, but trust me, husbands married to wives for 15+ years can suddenly wake up and their wife comes at them with a shotgun, the only person you truly know is yourself :)

Well in some people's opinion, these "checkout" girls/boys who have disappeared are still people and I hope they have been treated properly within the terms of contracts and employment law.It would be unthinkable that QVC as a huge employer, and so called ethical employer have just on a whim decided to axe them, leaving them bewildered and wondering how on earth they are to pay their bills. They are presenters but still have their financial commitments, rent, mortgages, credit card bills etc to pay and do not deserve to lose their jobs on someone's whim. This is not Victorian times, and although there are no unions to speak of these days, there should be to protect the little people.

I personally have enjoyed many a show with Julian and Debbie and am very disappointed with QVC.
I shall prepare to get shot here.......
This is one of the inherent problems with watching shoppingtelly too much, on any channel, which is people get too over friendly with presenters and seem to feel they have a 'right' to a goodbye. At the end of the day, these people aren't any of our 'friends' or even 'aquiantences'. It's quite likely we haven't got a clue what they are like off screen, the whole presenting style could be just that, a style, like we may put a uniform on for work, or stick that happy face on to serve yet another person at the checkout. You would be quite shocked if you went into your local supermarket and there was a huge notice "janice, usually on tills but occasionally covers on deli, has left for pastures new, we wish her all the luck in the world".

I know where you coming from, it would be a big mistake to think they are your friends, but it is a bit different.
I think they should do that on check out tills, maybe it would encourage people to treat each other with a bit more respect!
But I think the reason that would seem odd is that the people on the check out tills haven't been stopping us at every check out saying, text me,tweet me - we're all a family, I'd love to know what you think of the products...follow me on twitter....etc. Supermarkets don't try to create this faux family atmosphere.

QVC really really go for it with that, you're part of the family etc. I don't think they should, it is all just fake and sales techniques, but the fact is they want it both ways. If they want customers to fall for that and make purchases because they enjoyed certain presenters and felt part of things, they can't expect to reap that money one minute, and then to just drop the pretence like no-one will notice. They want the presenters to be identified with and liked to boost sales - why else have the presenter blogs?

Personally I'd prefer it they dropped all this twitter, presenter blog etc nonsense. We are not a QVC family. But even then, they use presenters to sell on tv, a viewer sees them far more than a check out girl. So I think it is fair to publish something, in due course when any details have been worked out, so that if anyone is interested they will find out.
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What makes you think they were suddenly axed, leaving them not being able to pay bills etc? Perhaps they have been working out 3 months final notice, or 6 months, or maybe decided to not renew their contracts so when the XX of July came it was their last day, by their choice? A huge company like QVC is not going to be able to just axe someone with 2 minutes notice, unless that was written into the presenters contract. I'm sure they're all fine anyway :)
In the old days(and a number of presenters have left in the 20 years), we usually got. "Well this is my last show. I have decided to travel, have a baby,( or whatever), I have enjoyed my time at QVC". Sometimes a cake was brought out and the other presenters working that day came on and it looked like a friendly all the best for the new adventure.

The fact that people suddenly disappeared when on holiday, is the thing that is setting the rumour mill going 20,000 miles an hour. QVC have always done we are family not just a shopping channel selling stuff. Encouraging the viewer to phone in, read the presenters blogs and tweets etc. They can't have it both ways. I have always said they are not our friends but there to sell us stuff. I still think its a contract thing(they are as said before self employed, but have contracts to cover their working hours and money etc), Anna the newbie gets the "Bye everyone" on air the others like Julian and DG didn't.
For goodness sake what a hoo haa over the so called axing of presenters. People are being made redundant every day some of them with very little notice,in the past people have been informed by text message. QVC is an American company and run their business in a different way to other companies and I speak from experience. I'm sure if they have got rid of some staff they will have done it in accordance with the law.
The clock cannot be turned back. This has caused a rumpus whether it is a storm in a tea cup or not. The management at QVC need to manage this situation as it is out of control and not good publicity.
Tweet from DG this morning quoting JR: "the sak coming next on qvc"

A very unsubtle hint at what's gone on perhaps.
I remember when Debbie Flint, left all those years back, she mentioned it a few weeks before she left, and she was going like ive 3 weeks left, and kept telling the viewers when her last day was.

I think other the years we. have seen so many things happen on a presenters last day, Kara Trittons, springs to mind, her last show was a Sliver hour, with Dale, and i remember him taking her picture down from the corridors.

It is funny those who left at the time to start up IW, did have a farewell, didnt they, i remember Paul Lavers, must have left at the end of a year, cause i clearly remember him saying, i wont be around next year.

Anthony Heywood, had a proper send off, and of course Anthony, has always seemed very welcomed back, popping up when he is back home, i think he even guested, on a XBox hour, maybe its if your popular or not
People are made redundant all the time and many from a low paid job so from that point of view they are not as badly off as some...... its just an indictment of what the powers that be really think ..... QVC`s idea of family obviously has no resemblance to ours!!
Most of u seem very upset on the side of DG, but ith me its Julian i feel for, been there virtually from the start, done a lot of morning shifts, especially at weekends, with Richard Jackson, who i guess would miss Julian, i wouldnt be surprised if Richard, doesnt bring it up, maybe that would get rid of Gnome.

Julian has always seemed friendly not hard sell, he had that rubbishy pink flamingo to sell years ago, if anybody remembers that. And its odd i thought recently they had given the guy more evening shifts, since beginning of the year, hes done more TSV launches then he had done in last 20 years
Just thinking..... can you EVER imagine JR going quietly ??? she'd be making a meal of it for weeks beforehand, going coy at viewers remarks, all the kissy kissy actions with guests and not forgetting the constant reminders of how long she had been there !!!!! Perhaps at least DG and JB have made a dignified exit, if that IS the case.

Plus the constant reminders to buy her book....:giggle:
I'm guessing no official answer has come back to Facebook queries yet then?

I'm fairly sure that Julian and Debbie Greenwood have other lines of income or funds to cover lean patches. TV is a fickle industry, presenters and actors rarely take job security for granted. There'll be no redundancy package as they aren't QVC employees, more like contractors who bill Q for their time. I doubt we'll see them down the food bank just yet.

It's QVC's silence on the matter which is weird. A simple "new pasture" or "taken a sabbatical" comment would have nipped this in the bud. The speculation will rumble on until we have an answer from any source.

Has Carmel gone as well?

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