What in heavens name is the larger model wearing on her knees


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

What's wrong with using words like 'hideous' and 'vile' to describe something when in my opinion it is exactly that? To be honest l could think of far worse adjectives to describe some of the offerings on QVC! You like it, l don't!!! At the end of the say this is a forum where everyone should be entitled to their own opinion.

I've no problem with people not liking the clothes and they've every right to say so. But as I've said before its the words that are used and the strength of feeling. A YK viscose v neck top may not be something everyone will like but vile? Hideous? I cant see how a simple item of clothing warrants that kind of vitriol. It comes in a placky bag and goes on a coat hanger. And its not just the use of certain words. I don't understand the strength of negative feeling. Its like the clothes have had a dose of the plague.

I've asked if forum members would be prepared to tone it down a bit to potentially encourage others to discuss and ask questions. But that's been meet with a resounding no. Clearly it doesn't stop me or I wouldn't chuck in on a regular basis that I like Join and Yong Kim and I'll continue to do so.

And as for it not being fair for me to use the phrase "sticking my head above the parapet" ... erm won't that be me doing the same as everyone else and saying what I think and feel?
I've no problem with people not liking the clothes and they've every right to say so. But as I've said before its the words that are used and the strength of feeling. A YK viscose v neck top may not be something everyone will like but vile? Hideous? I cant see how a simple item of clothing warrants that kind of vitriol. It comes in a placky bag and goes on a coat hanger. And its not just the use of certain words. I don't understand the strength of negative feeling. Its like the clothes have had a dose of the plague.

I've asked if forum members would be prepared to tone it down a bit to potentially encourage others to discuss and ask questions. But that's been meet with a resounding no. Clearly it doesn't stop me or I wouldn't chuck in on a regular basis that I like Join and Yong Kim and I'll continue to do so.

And as for it not being fair for me to use the phrase "sticking my head above the parapet" ... erm won't that be me doing the same as everyone else and saying what I think and feel?

Why do you assume people need forum posters to tone down their comments to allow them to discuss and ask questions? It doesn't stop you so why do you think it'll stop others? I just don't get that. No one would think to ask you to tone it down if you showed great passion if a top is "beautiful!" "gorgeous!" so I think it's only fair that others can speak with equal passion if they don't like something.
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I was quoting your post, in what way have I misunderstood your statement? It's not fair to whom that some QVC fashion shoppers feel uncomfortable discussing clothes they wear when faced with scathing remarks from others?

I never said you misunderstood my statement, where did I say that? Also, why do you assume that people won't post on here to praise an outfit that many don't like? I've seen two people just now who have, so why do you think others won't or too scared to? Have you ever thought that either people can't be bothered to post or simply don't want to because others are speaking for them? Give the people that like these clothes some credit.
Why do you assume people need forum posters to tone down their comments to allow them to discuss and ask questions? It doesn't stop you so why do you think it'll stop others? I just don't get that. No one would think to ask you to tone it down if you showed great passion if a top is "beautiful!" "gorgeous!" so I think it's only fair that others can speak with equal passion if they don't like something.

Because honestly sometimes I actually don't participate. I don't say I like or wear Yong Kim because it just all too negative and vitriolic. If I was a new member would I get involved? I probably wouldn't. If wanted help on sizing or colours or whatever? I wouldn't bother.

But as I've said I've asked for comments to be toned down to see if it enables a wider discussion once in a flipping while and been met with a resounding no. So that's that.

Sorry edited to add: the people speaking up for YK in this thread are all long standing members. That might give a bit of a clue.
I don't bother posting on YK threads (except this one lol). I have posted in the past that I own a couple of YK tops and love them, but I don't like all of the range, and I do think it is too expensive. Have never bought Join but that's because I haven't seen the shows.

My view is the vitriolic comments are OTT when no one would mind if you just say you don't like something. Would you walk up to a stranger in the street and say to their face "your top is absolutely vile and you look like you have got it from the bottom of a rag bag"? No you wouldn't, and if you would then it is your personality that is vile and unkind. I think if you won't say something to someone's face then don't hide behind a keyboard to dish it out.

As for people being put off posting then not everybody has skin as thick as rhino -hide and a mouth bigger than the river Mersey. I however don't care what people post, am not afraid to say what I think but just can't be bothered wasting my previous time discussing clothes when threads can become so unpleasant.
For the record, I've never said anything about Yong Kim before now, it's not something I'd wear, but my post is defending people's right to be as passionate about disliking it, as people are who like it. I wouldn't be offended by people I don't know, or know for that matter, saiying they didn't like a brand of clothing that I like, not because I've got skin as thick as a Rhino, because believe me I haven't, it just wouldn't bother me.
We either dress to please ourselves or we dress to please others. If it`s the former, then people`s opinions shouldn`t matter, no matter how they phrase those opinions and if we`re confident enough in whatever we wear, then it`s a case of "sticks and stones" and nothing else. How many of us have told our kids that sticks and stones will never hurt you ?
I dislike YK, I also dislike most of Q`s other brands too and some brands do look horrible on screen but I daresay equally as many other clothes/bags/jewellery could look good on screen and be awful in reality. Clothes are like Marmite and how many people say they hate Marmite and exclaim it`s vile, gross and horrible. So what ?
I seriously am thinking of stopping posting on this forum! Why should certain posters think they have the right to ask others to 'tone' it down? Why can l not post my honest views? Of course l wouldn't go up to someone in the street and slag their top off, that is not the place for airing those sort of views! I really thought a forum was a place where people could vent and get feelings off their chest and on the flip side shout if they find something amazing - which l have done in the past! I am fed up at work of having a gagging order on opinions and l definitely will not be told l have to do the same on this forum! As far l am aware we still live in a democracy and have a voice!
Of course I have the right to ask! That's democracy in action. I don't have the right to tell people what to do or expect others to change just because I've asked. I've asked because I think it could benefit the wider conversation on the forum. Not because I'm upset or hurt or have been offended.

I've asked. I've explained and I've been told no by most. So that's that really.

Don't stop posting on my account. I'm all for free speech and democracy. But it works both ways ... up, down and sideways. It means I can ask whatever I like. I can say whatever I like. And so can everyone else. If the majority don't want to change it won't change end of but I have the right to stand up and ask.
Of course I have the right to ask! That's democracy in action. I don't have the right to tell people what to do or expect others to change just because I've asked. I've asked because I think it could benefit the wider conversation on the forum. Not because I'm upset or hurt or have been offended.

I've asked. I've explained and I've been told no by most. So that's that really.

Don't stop posting on my account. I'm all for free speech and democracy. But it works both ways ... up, down and sideways. It means I can ask whatever I like. I can say whatever I like. And so can everyone else. If the majority don't want to change it won't change end of but I have the right to stand up and ask.

Fair enough Tinkerbelle! You are quite right......
I've just started reading this thread. Once again, it's about freedom of speech. Should I be allowed to say something is vile? Who's to stop me? Well, I'll tell you - the moderators!!!! It's not our decision what's appropriate or not, it's theirs, so let's just get back to honest opinions, good or bad, in whatever way they're expressed, stop being so prickly and trust the moderators to do their job. If I have an honest opinion about something, I'll say it like it is, and although everyone has the right to criticize and say whatever they like back in return, I won't stop them, either. In the same way, anyone can ask me to stop slagging something off because they have the right to say what they feel, too, but it's not actually their decision - it's the moderators'. I've bought stuff on QVC that other people have slagged off, well, tough *****. So what? I like it, they think it's cheap and have said so and nobody disagreed with them, so am I supposed to leave the forum because of it? Ridiculous. Internet forums are no place for thin skins. I don't like YK stuff and wouldn't pay the ridiculous prices because I do have crinkly skirts bought much cheaper that look lovely on.
Talking of split knees, my 19 year old DD thought she was grabbing a second pair of black trousers for work and college in Miss Selfridge yesterday, went to put them on this morning to find they're the tatty knee version, she's not impressed! I didn't even know one could buy ready torn knees? She said if she wanted that look she'd rip her old pair herself. I confess I have a very old very loved pair of jeans which have developed a few holes over the years (mainly helped by a naughty house rabbit!) but I don't think of them as a fashion statement, more as gardening/oven cleaning etc jeans. I love them to bits (almost literally) and they're my best jeans ever (M&S circa 1997) and for some reason I never spill hair dye or paint on them even though it wouldn't matter if I did.

I do recall a fashion in the early 70s when I was about 10 - flared trousers of two different colours or textures with an inverted V seam at the knee which I knew as "split knees". I had a fetching denim and chambray combo split-knees, worn with cheese-cloth tie waist shirt, bright yellow clogs and a beany hat covered in fabric patches and badges with the brim turned back. I though I was the bees (split) knees!

Anyone got a favourite, can't throw it out garment? Or jeans with split knees - maybe from their first incarnation in the early 90s?
I confess I have a very old pair of Wrangler jeans which I use for dog walking and not only are the knees ripped but the bottoms are frayed and the backside part is looking very thin too but they must be 20 years old and boy have I had my moneysworth out of them.
If I still had anything I wore in the 60's and 70's I would frame it just to prove I once had a good figure!
No point in keeping them as one leg wouldnt fit into the waist size now!

I do have a wedding dress in the atic if that counts

When I was in Marks last week looking for jeans there were loads with rips and pulls and worn bits also ones designed to give the impression that they were faded and then a couple of pockets ripped off to show the unfaded shape underneath
And ones with a star pattern all over.
There are websites where you can actually buy pre worn jeans which are ripped, faded and battered through genuine wear and tear. I wonder how much I`d get for my Wranglers lol ?
I seem to remember a stall in Manchester selling "vintage" jeans in the late 70s / early 80s - possibly in Aflecks Palace. It was hard to source drainpipes living in the sticks after a decade of flares, although I managed to alter all mine using the sewing machines at school. I even made a pair out of upholstery pleather that I had to be sewn into for the evening :mysmilie_19: good times!

Remember flares that covered your shoes and got worn, wet and grubby within minutes of wearing them outside?
I seem to remember a stall in Manchester selling "vintage" jeans in the late 70s / early 80s - possibly in Aflecks Palace. It was hard to source drainpipes living in the sticks after a decade of flares, although I managed to alter all mine using the sewing machines at school. I even made a pair out of upholstery pleather that I had to be sewn into for the evening :mysmilie_19: good times!

Remember flares that covered your shoes and got worn, wet and grubby within minutes of wearing them outside?

Sure do with platform shoes.
Being a child of the 60's I wasnt that keen on the 70's fashions even when I was wearing them and I certainly dont like them now

Partly I think because I was just married and money was very tight. I dint have a lot in the 60's either but I was able to "do" bits and pieces whereas once married there was no spare money or time for worrying about high fashion - it more or less was purchased because it was what was in the shops when you needed to buy something.
Akimbo;79625 Remember flares that covered your shoes and got worn said:
The flares used to flap together when it was windy and get caught around the legs. I had a lovely pair of Canary yellow cotton ones that I used to wear with a yellow checked jacket! Inconspicuous I was not.

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