What has happened to Daniel


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Greenpeace have highjacked him as a danger to the evironment.:54:

As a member of Greenpeace I would like to confirm that Rainbow Warrior drew alongside. The crew boarded, having wired up a washing-up liquid explosive device, this was secreted in Daniel's trouser turnup. However, this proved insufficient to dissolve the slick so we are now seeking alternative ideas. Any contributions will be gratefully received and considered.

Talking of 'Daniels' is this the point where I can say I still really miss the incredibly camp Daniel from Smashbox. The ladies from Smashbox are ok but they are as nowhere as entertaining.
A big thank you to all, you have made me laugh when I read this thread.:35:
I initially though Daniel was OK, but the more i see of him the more i dislike him. He's coming across as very smarmy, allways appearing to "brag" about going to Mexico or wherever...very JR and AD going on about holiday homes abroad...who cares?!! Just present the item and get on with it!!!
Talking of 'Daniels' is this the point where I can say I still really miss the incredibly camp Daniel from Smashbox. The ladies from Smashbox are ok but they are as nowhere as entertaining.

He has come to Belfast Smashbox counter in House of Fraser and is coming back next month. He is the most wonderful guy and so sweet.
For once just had to turn QVC off, Gems for three hours and the first 20 minutes has been dreadful.
Gosh I feel so sorry for poor Sally the model having to sit though three hours of the same comments over again and repeative pushy stock updates on every item.
I noted when he was on with Debbie Greenwood she said I have Daniel with me this hour, not we are a duo presenting this show.
Spoke volumes when she jested that QVC thought since he'd been on shopping tv in the US, they thought he didn't need the long induction training period new presenters though.
Sorry but who ever decided that looks like they have got it really wrong.
Apart from his looks (cos the people I fancy are always mingers) it's his actual presenting I can't blimmin' well stand, I hate his "oh wow!" junk, he misses out endings on words and he doesn't even describe things right.
I really, really wish they'd get rid of him. (and he's a right minger anyway :D )
He is very fond of mentioning his own name, just had a look to see iof he was any better with Gems than he was with Electronics, sadly just as bad.

Whoever took over from Mark West has made a very big mistake, I really hope we dont have to suffer this man for the next 15 years!

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