What’s happened to Jill?

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Oh, on a US forum seems if you have facial fillers the vaccine can make your face swell up. All round horror, and I am not getting the vaccine replies. Someone did put a link-up from their derm saying not to get fillers within 4 weeks of getting the vaccine.
Sounds like more fear-mongering to me. The anti-vaxxers will stop at nothing to prevent others having a vaccine for covid.
I have my first covid jab on Thursday but yesterday I received a hospital appointment for a guided steroid injection under ultra sound deep into my wrist. The appointment was for March 8th but the covering letter says you can`t have the procedure within 2 weeks of receiving a covid jab. Consequently I had to ring and ask them to send me another appointment as it will be only 11 days since my covid vaccination. Don`t ask me why I can`t have the steroid injection or how a covid jab stops me having it but the woman I spoke to was adamant I couldn`t have it and they`ll send for me in a few weeks.
Actually I went for my shingles jab and she asked me if I had had my covid jab, which I had but with a sufficient gap thank goodness. I suppose that is more understandable though, being another vaccine. It hadn’t occurred to me when I booked it though.
Never mind bliddy fillers, apparently you shouldn't have any alcohol 2 weeks before and after the jab. Not entirely convinced as it comes from an alcohol awareness organisation, however I did abstain for a week either side just to hedge my bets.
Well the doctor didn’t mention this to me! Actually I had a drink that night to celebrate!! I’m sure we would be told if there were any truth to this.
Actually I went for my shingles jab and she asked me if I had had my covid jab, which I had but with a sufficient gap thank goodness. I suppose that is more understandable though, being another vaccine. It hadn’t occurred to me when I booked it though.
I think it is because until your immune system has begun making antibodies, your immune system is essentially underperforming, so you would likely get a stronger reaction from the covid jab.
With steroid injections your immune system is temporarily compromised too. A friend of mine had to shield after her steroid injection for that reason.
Standard advice from NHS is for flu jab, don't have within 2 weeks of a covid jab or vice versa.
Well the doctor didn’t mention this to me! Actually I had a drink that night to celebrate!! I’m sure we would be told if there were any truth to this.
I had my jab today, only booked it yesterday. Had alcohol each evening 3 nights before, going to abstain for a few days anyway, but if this were the case shouldn’t that be on the website or asked before jab.
I’m a bit worried about this vaccine passport which, if it happens, could be downloaded to your mobile via an app. Well that’s all well and good but my mobile doesn’t even accept the NHS Tracing app so that could be tricky. And I haven’t a clue how to use things like QR codes, although I suppose if I did get a new mobile my neighbours (who run an IT company) would help me. You get a card when you have your jabs so why can’t we use those I wonder.

I did my longest walk so far since the ankle incident today. 😇. Only 45 minutes which I know isn’t much to some, but I was quite done in by the end! I shall revert to previous routes for a bit now I think, 😁
Well the card we were given does not even have our names on it! Just the date and batch no of the vaccine!
Well the card we were given does not even have our names on it! Just the date and batch no of the vaccine!
If a passport system is introduced it'll be when the vaccine has been rolled out to all adults. Let's face it very few of the fun or joyful aspects of life aren't going to be allowed until much later this year so that'll give civil servants & advisors a fair amount of time to introduce a complicated & expensive system that'll still be open to fraud & exploitation.
A friend went to one of the vaccine centres in the Ulster Hospital. Her vaccine card has no batch number filled in, and it was like cattle market. Standing filling in forms no questions asked. I went to my own doctor, batch codes filled in booklet explaining everything, asked questions, and they filled in the form.

She is still suffering from a headache, I have told her to phone her doctor, but she can't be bothered.
The batch number part on my card wasn’t filled in but there was a sticker at the top with other info and it was part of that.

Mine at a leisure centre was very slick Mr L‘s at doctor was very laid back. I think the bigger and busier the centre the less slick it will be, the one they are doing at SEE arena will be manic IMO. My flue jab at health centre was much like your friends recent experience.
I just wanted to know if Jill Franks back on telly yet. Last time I saw her she seemed to have a sore throat I think? I really like her, one of my favs. Not watched too much of QVC lately. Thanks x
I think it is because until your immune system has begun making antibodies, your immune system is essentially underperforming, so you would likely get a stronger reaction from the covid jab.
With steroid injections your immune system is temporarily compromised too. A friend of mine had to shield after her steroid injection for that reason.
Standard advice from NHS is for flu jab, don't have within 2 weeks of a covid jab or vice versa.

For both jabs we were asked if we had had any vaccinations recently and if we were well.

Many men brush their hand through their hair to smooth it down and tidy it up, but Boris always ruffles his to make it into his trademark untidy look.

But yesterday it was even worse than usual. I think he was trying to convince people he hadn't had it illegally cut during the lockdown.

But it hasn't actually got any longer during the lockdown, so I bet he has had it cut. And I expect he pays a great deal of money to achieve his unkempt look.
I can't remember what programme and who it was who said it but apparently Bozo's hair was neat and tidy and just before going on TV be ruffled it up with his hands.
I don’t wish her I’ll health but she may have to rethink her profession if she is unable to speak and have to take prolonged absences.

After Larry sold the agency years ago what did he go on to do?
I’m not sure the agency was sold as such. Looking on Companies House he was a director of three companies that were wound up. Disqualification action was taken against him when Improperganda was wound up. The details are in the public domain on Companies House website.
So Jill might be the one who has to work in the couple?
It goes back a few years so would have run its course now and wouldn’t stop him from working elsewhere. However he did have to pay £100k back to the company.
BTW the address is Myrtle Cottage that is their address isn’t it? I wouldn’t want to slander him if by some slim chance there was another Larry Franks.

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