What’s happened to Jill?

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Boris, contrary to his buffoon persona, is not as stupid as he comes across.
a lot of it is an act, not entirely sure why he portrays himself in this way perhaps it is to put them off guard whilst stabbing them in the back.
Yes, he managed to do that to the DUP three times.

Came over, of course I support you, next day the psycho theme played in Westminster as he stabbed them in the back. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
The one undeniable fact about this virus is that humans caused it by interfering with nature. One day this arrogance will wipe out the human race, hopefully someone will have dealt with all the nuclear nasties so that the world won't disintegrate but just carry on turning.
Boris's hair started out, I think, as a distingishing trademark that he now has to continue - the arrogance of thinking he's intelligent, well-brought up and interesting enough not to have to do things the way the rest of us do. The government was slow off the mark at the beginning when nobody knew anything about this virus, which is understandable, but right now I think they're handling it as well as anyone could, and all the better for being Cummingsless. If only everyone had observed lockdown properly we'd be even further forward than we are but not everyone could or would. I feel better just knowing there's light at the end of the tunnel.
When all the facts & figures are collated the high number of cases of covid caught in UK hospitals will shock many. My daughters both have good friends who are charge nurses & their tales from the wards are horrendous. One recently moved to our nearest hospital & can't believe how slap dash the hygiene protocol is compared with her last place & was horrified when she saw staff leaving the site still in uniform.
But that’s the narrative - blame rule breakers

but a lot of people have no choice and pick up the virus from having to work whether that’s transporting us, teaching kids of key workers or working in a supermarket or hospital. Some papers want us to blame a very small minority instead of an inept government who locked down too early, spent millions on useless PPE or tech from their mates, told us to go out and eat out, then told us to stay in, then told us to meet up at Xmas and then told us not to far too late - which led to huge increase in death rates in Jan. Left the borders open for months without any kind of testing or checking on quarantine. Rolled out track and test solution (from their mates) that didn’t work. Over 120k people dead in this country - one of the top death rates in the world and that is not due to a few people not obeying the rules whatever they might want us to believe. Sorry I just hate it when we are made to blame each other where everyone I know has done their very best to comply. A few not complying does not lead to the death toll we have had. I won’t be letting Mr Johnson forget this either

I was not including the people who are teachers, the police, medics and those who have to go to work etc. In my book, the selfish ones are those who gather in large groups when we have been told to stay in (the illegal raves, crowded beaches last year and so on.) In other words, the rule breakers and the ignorant ones who think that the virus doesn’t exist.

I agree that we did lock down too late and the track and trace issue was farcical at the start. I also think that the “meet people on Christmas Day” was a big mistake and the rise in infections after that showed that it wasn’t a good move. I know of someone who had stayed in for months because they were at risk, they met the family on Christmas Day and sadly caught Covid from that interaction and passed away in January. 😞

I do think that the vaccination roll out has been amazing and is the start to our way out of this, but I hope that Boris continues to take things at a very slow pace and really does base our “exit” on data and not dates.
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I think the Country has got to the point now where we are in so much debt it will never be paid off, where so many people have lost their jobs or couldn`t find a job, where the hospitality businesses, wedding businesses, travel companies, the NHS, schools and high street shops are on their knees and that the vaccination programme is last chance saloon. Our children and grandchildren have lost so much, our older generations have lost valuable time with their families and each of us have lost our freedom and many have almost lost their lives or their mental health and of course thousands have died and left devastated friends and families behind them and the true figure will never really be known.
The vaccine programme is a sticking plaster not a cure, it might stop the bleed a little bit but is no cure and from this Summer we will have to learn to live with covid as a part of our lives forever, much like flu. Of course science will continue to move forward and new vaccines etc will eventually arrive but so will new strains from new mutations and other parts of the World as well as our own. The Country needs to open up again we simply can`t afford or face another full lockdown.
I’m a bit worried about this vaccine passport which, if it happens, could be downloaded to your mobile via an app. Well that’s all well and good but my mobile doesn’t even accept the NHS Tracing app so that could be tricky. And I haven’t a clue how to use things like QR codes, although I suppose if I did get a new mobile my neighbours (who run an IT company) would help me. You get a card when you have your jabs so why can’t we use those I wonder.

I did my longest walk so far since the ankle incident today. 😇. Only 45 minutes which I know isn’t much to some, but I was quite done in by the end! I shall revert to previous routes for a bit now I think, 😁
They are going to have to address people who just have no access to the latest mobiles etc. A friend has an Apple phone given to her by her daughter when she got a new one. She has been shown many times how to find this and that and still just forgets passwords etc. Now she is not senile just not great with devices. When it came time for her vaccine group she had to wait to be able just to phone and book as filling in online forms was out of the question.

COVID-19 is going to be like the flu and new vaccine every year to help protect. People seem to just never think, or it was rarely mention thousands every year died from flu in the UK. Humans have screwed nature and now nature is going to wipe out the human race. There is a new bird flu version on the loose which is transferable to humans. In parts of Africa Ebola has been running wise never reported now because of COVID-19 making the headlines. It has no cure.
Wonderful Mazza you have come a long way, just be careful as muddy paths can be as slippy as ice.

Just can’t wait for weather to improve to get out and about in the garden and get the odd pink gin on the “poop deck”
I’m a bit worried about this vaccine passport which, if it happens, could be downloaded to your mobile via an app. Well that’s all well and good but my mobile doesn’t even accept the NHS Tracing app so that could be tricky. And I haven’t a clue how to use things like QR codes, although I suppose if I did get a new mobile my neighbours (who run an IT company) would help me. You get a card when you have your jabs so why can’t we use those I wonder.

I did my longest walk so far since the ankle incident today. 😇. Only 45 minutes which I know isn’t much to some, but I was quite done in by the end! I shall revert to previous routes for a bit now I think, 😁

Whatever vaccine passport is introduced it won't be long before fakes are being sold or downloaded.

I would think everyone will need to be vaccinated every year, maybe the scientists will develop a combination flu/covid jab like the MMR or perhaps Covid will mutate till it burns itself out and becomes as mild as a cold.

Well done on the walk, you might be knackered but it shows you are well on the way to a full recovery.
I’m a bit worried about this vaccine passport which, if it happens, could be downloaded to your mobile via an app. Well that’s all well and good but my mobile doesn’t even accept the NHS Tracing app so that could be tricky. And I haven’t a clue how to use things like QR codes, although I suppose if I did get a new mobile my neighbours (who run an IT company) would help me. You get a card when you have your jabs so why can’t we use those I wonder.

I did my longest walk so far since the ankle incident today. 😇. Only 45 minutes which I know isn’t much to some, but I was quite done in by the end! I shall revert to previous routes for a bit now I think, 😁
Considering what you went through a 45 minute walk is fantastic. As far as vaccine ID is concerned there will have to be several options available & some form of fraud protection, what could possibly go wrong..?
Oh, on a US forum seems if you have facial fillers the vaccine can make your face swell up. All round horror, and I am not getting the vaccine replies. Someone did put a link-up from their derm saying not to get fillers within 4 weeks of getting the vaccine.
Oh, on a US forum seems if you have facial fillers the vaccine can make your face swell up. All round horror, and I am not getting the vaccine replies. Someone did put a link-up from their derm saying not to get fillers within 4 weeks of getting the vaccine.
Well if their faces swell it would smooth out the wrinkles, daft bints!
Never mind bliddy fillers, apparently you shouldn't have any alcohol 2 weeks before and after the jab. Not entirely convinced as it comes from an alcohol awareness organisation, however I did abstain for a week either side just to hedge my bets.
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I have my first covid jab on Thursday but yesterday I received a hospital appointment for a guided steroid injection under ultra sound deep into my wrist. The appointment was for March 8th but the covering letter says you can`t have the procedure within 2 weeks of receiving a covid jab. Consequently I had to ring and ask them to send me another appointment as it will be only 11 days since my covid vaccination. Don`t ask me why I can`t have the steroid injection or how a covid jab stops me having it but the woman I spoke to was adamant I couldn`t have it and they`ll send for me in a few weeks.
Never mind bliddy fillers, apparently you shouldn't have any alcohol 2 weeks before and after the jab. Not entirely convinced as it comes from an alcohol awareness organisation, however I did abstain for a week either side just to hedge my bets.
Drinkaware suggests no alcohol for the two days before having the vaccine & for two weeks after because that's when the body is building up immunity.

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