Watch out China - Del Boy is coming!


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I never said you was doing anything wrong, but were are those 3,000 members? Certainly not sticking up for her, could that be because they know that she's in the wrong, also trying to manipulate them for a book sale? A more cynical person would say she has 3,000 FB "friends" to know what upcoming TSVs are and the chance of possible freebies and talk to brand ambassadors but no, no, I could be wrong. This conversation is done now Miss Ellie, I don't want a big argument so I'll just say bye.

Sorry you feel that way. You won't get an argument from me - just a difference of opinion. You may well be correct in what you say, but I repeat any one of us can ask to join her group. You can't resent those people who have. It's their choice and they are not doing anything wrong.
Sorry you feel that way. You won't get an argument from me - just a difference of opinion. You may well be correct in what you say, but I repeat any one of us can ask to join her group. You can't resent those people who have. It's their choice and they are not doing anything wrong.

There you go again! I don't resent anyone and never said anyone was doing anything wrong, for goodness sake! You put words in people's mouths and wonder why people get annoyed with you...........unbelievable!
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I think you need perhaps to stop gabbling on and calmly examine what exactly it is about you which seems to get people's backs up. All the banging on about 'my rights to post/belong to this group' etc etc are tiresome, and to my knowledge no-one has said anything to the contrary. You seem to keep coming back to the same thing: 'I have a different opinion to the rest of you and that's what people don't like'. That's simply not true. Lots of people have lots of different opinions on this forum and not just on DF. But we don't go in throwing our weight around, patronisingly and didactically writing paragraphs of essays telling us all how stupid we are. I think it is this which is doing you a disservice. I think everyone is welcome here, but you wouldn't go into a local pub you'd not been previously and start throwing your weight around with the locals and landlord, would you. You've mentioned in a previous post that you're 'a member of lots of other forums'. One would thus assume you would know how to get the best out of them.

Thank you for your opinion. I would not go into a local pub ask start advising people to ignore a newcomer! Unfortunately some people think they can say what they like without challenge. You cannot possibly defend some of the things that have been posted to me and still say that I am welcome. You just want like-minded people to agree with what is being said about a particular presenter and don't like it when you are disagreed with. This is where the problem lies. If those 3,000+ members of her group came over here, you would just be arguing with them all the time. Forums are about exchange of opinions, not trying to deter someone who disagrees with you from posting. And by YOU I mean those people who have already targeted me and continue to do so for defending my right to have a different view.
Sorry you feel that way. You won't get an argument from me - just a difference of opinion. You may well be correct in what you say, but I repeat any one of us can ask to join her group. You can't resent those people who have. It's their choice and they are not doing anything wrong.

Sorry but it does sound like you are frowning on people who are only her Facebook 'friends' so that they get to know about upcoming TSVs and the chance of possible freebies and talk to brand ambassadors. Sorry if I got it wrong.
You just want like-minded people to agree with what is being said about a particular presenter and don't like it when you are disagreed with. This is where the problem lies.

I (and several other posters) have told you repeatedly that this is not the case, and that there are many different views on DF and other issues on this forum, but you choose to ignore this. Presumably because by accepting it, you don't really have an argument left. If you want to believe this forum is composed entirely of people who solely want to hear their own opinions repeated back to themselves then you are merely deluding yourself to feed this victim mentality. We're not going to get anywhere with this, but as I say: maybe some reflection on your interactions with others might prove fruitful.

I also think people reading this forum must be getting terribly bored with you/'us'/DF. We shouldn't be selfish.
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Everyone is entitled to post their opinion on all things Shopping Telly and that includes the presenters. Not everyone will agree on everything, life would be very boring if they did, but please respect that people are entitled to their opinion even if it is not the same as yours.

If you really don't like what someone has to say then put them on "ignore"

All this sniping needs to stop or more threads will be closed and more action could potentially be taken.
Somehow I think the ultimate aim of some people is to get threads closed Sazza. Some folks might call it dogs with bones, others might call it sabotage ..
Back on topic: I'd be interested to learn what the differences are between Western (plus Australian) direct selling and China. Maybe their prices will be lower since some items manufactured in the Far East would have a smaller carbon footprint: not imported to the US and then shipped to the UK or Germany or whatever tortuous route they take before arriving at Chez Akimbo? I also wonder whether QVC China will mostly push Uk and US "designers" which are favoured by the burgeoning Chinese middle classes, would the mass produced in China stuff sell like coals to Newcastle?
I disagree.

That`s your perogative AK but it just seems strange only the threads about DF or her fb groups are targeted ( so it seems ) for disruption but we`ll have to agree to disagree on that.
Back on topic: I'd be interested to learn what the differences are between Western (plus Australian) direct selling and China. Maybe their prices will be lower since some items manufactured in the Far East would have a smaller carbon footprint: not imported to the US and then shipped to the UK or Germany or whatever tortuous route they take before arriving at Chez Akimbo? I also wonder whether QVC China will mostly push Uk and US "designers" which are favoured by the burgeoning Chinese middle classes, would the mass produced in China stuff sell like coals to Newcastle?

I think that also other wider impact factors will have to be considered in this little venture; how much of a free market is China to the Q corporate model/attitude to a western woman mentoring/economic demographics/social acceptance to capitalist culture?

My points may sound like a lazy argument but it is a potentially massive task/risk.
I think that also other wider impact factors will have to be considered in this little venture; how much of a free market is China to the Q corporate model/attitude to a western woman mentoring/economic demographics/social acceptance to capitalist culture?

My points may sound like a lazy argument but it is a potentially massive task/risk.

On the contrary BUSD, I think you're spot on with this. Some of Q's antics, like hard selling, will ironically probably go down quite well over there as the Chinese can be quite complicit in the face of authority (which is why I think they've chosen DelBoy to go over there). There'll obviously be a different inventory over there but what are the things that really won't sell, I wonder and be dropped immediately. I think the Chinese would think twice before paying the equivalent of £24 for six fishcakes, for instance.
They`ll probably do a roaring trade in selling Union Jack cushions or some such. The Chinese tend to love what they deem to be anything British. I was once on a London bound train from Manchester and it was filled to capacity with large groups of Chinese tourists who`d had a day trip to Manchester United football ground and had obviously bought up most of the club shop.
It was the same when I used to stay with a relative in Windsor, there was a large china-ware shop near the castle and also a jewellers which sold obvious copies of Royal engagement rings etc and both shops did a roaring trade to Chinese tourists who wanted to buy British china and look alike Royal jewels. I`m gong back many years so I`ve no idea if the shops are still there.
Perhaps Q intend to showcase all things British and American ?
A relative of mine has his own business and he says you look for an opening out there in the marketplace. I presume that QVC will have done their research in deciding that China is a good road to go down ? The presenters are being trained and presumably QVC China will sell appropriate to the country?
To be honest the Chinese do come over to the UK and shop. Many now have money and want deals, so Mulberry and other high end brands are much cheaper to buy in the UK, even including the air fare over. So hoards of them come over and spend in Harrods, Selfridges and Harvey Nicks, good for them coming and spending money in the UK. Even in Belfast I have seen Chinese women dropping hundreds at the Chanel cosmetic counter of Debenhams.

So unless QVC China made it a really good deal, doomed.
As QVC China is up and running you can see for yourselves what they are selling.
There is no link from the UK site but there is from the USA.

Interesting link FP thank you. At times like this I wish I could read Chinese. It looks as if they`re selling a lot of tat but its difficult to read brands and prices.
I think it is less where the item is manufactured but more at what is preceived as being British or high end designer brands which attracts foreign buyers, especially when they are travelling. Quite what will appeal on their own turf is anyones guess.

If it is anything like Q UK it wont be anything with a " name" unless it is beauty so it will be the worst of B&W etc

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