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It is not true to say that Debbie Flint is telling people not to eat fruit. She has posted a link to a Daily Mail article about the danger of taking in TOO MUCH sugar from eating TOO MUCH fruit. Debbie, nor the article, tells people not to include fruit in their life. I would advise people to read things for themselves and NOT to believe everything that some people post about someone they hate and seek to discredit at every opportunity.
I was having a nose on the BTY page. They're talking about cutting out sugar completely from your diet.

Debbie wrote a long rambling comment but this bit caught my eye:

I do private consultations and frequently - frequently - get to the bottom of an 'I can't lose weight, I've plateaued' problem, when the client suddenly realises they are eating too much sugar, and it's often from too much fruit. One person took 'free fruit' literally, eating TEN pieces a day.

I do private consultations?????!!! What is she qualified in? If her freedom eating plan is soooo good, why did she put on weight and go back to this method years later?!

And surely you shouldn't cut fruit out entirely from your diet? What about vitamin C?

It doesn't half half annoy me when self professed gurus like Debbie Flint talk like this, there are a lot of gullible people, also known as followers and fans, that will follow this advice, potentially doing themselves harm. Debbie Flint is not a personal trainer, nutritionists or trained in weight loss in any way, shape or form and should keep her "advice" to herself, considering she has lost no weight whilst selling her Fat Lady Sings book should alert people. Fruit is full of good sugars and vitamins too and as for the bad sugars you'd have to eat a shed load to put on a lot of weight. Hope people only take health advice from health care professionals, and not a professional manipulator.
She already has!!!


A country girl at heart, Donna found cities bold and exciting, none perhaps more so than Shanghai. The cityscape was breathtaking. The sky was dark blue like lapis lazuli, and speckled with a few silvery stars. There was something modern, exciting, almost sexual about it. But then again, cities were very sexual places. London had the gherkin, the Shard and umpteen distinctive buildings. Shanghai had so many more. It was so dense, so intense, so thrilling. She felt a buzz in her stomach as she walked towards the conference venue. Everything pivoted on today's PowerPoint presentation. She had to nail it or it was game over. She clutched her briefcase tightly and made sure her shoulder pads were correctly adjusted under her lilac jacket. She took a chocolate bar out of her pocket and bit into it. The hotel loomed ominously in the distance, a steely glass tower that glinted in the light. Her smartphone vibrated in her pocket and a cuckoo sound played. Text message alert! She took out her 'phone and read the message: "Go girl! Girl power!" She replied back: "Lot's of luv.. Donn xxxx She logged onto Twitter and looked up #Shanghai. Then her battery died. "****" she said, just hoping she'd remembered her Android charger, and more importantly, her power adaptor. Without her smartphone she felt small, like a pinprick in the cosmos.
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It is not true to say that Debbie Flint is telling people not to eat fruit. She has posted a link to a Daily Mail article about the danger of taking in TOO MUCH sugar from eating TOO MUCH fruit. Debbie, nor the article, tells people not to include fruit in their life. I would advise people to read things for themselves and NOT to believe everything that some people post about someone they hate and seek to discredit at every opportunity.

This is true, generically, in all walks of life. A story starts and, after each recipient has added his/her twopennyworth, is totally different to the truth. A definite recipe for stirring up trouble, although the case with Debs and sugar, is more lighthearted, it is the same principle. Certain folks will believe what they want anyway. To this, we are all entitled; the luxury of living in a democracy.
practically everything you eat has calories you just have to eat less and move more:mysmilie_5:
Sharon now has a beauty blog on FB Back To Beauty.

Now here is the thing, I follow a number of bloggers(there have been a number of scandals about people being paid for reviews. The good ones never ever do this, they will say if they bought the product or it was sent as a Promo), so they tell you what products are coming out from the different brands. I had a quick nose on Back To Beauty, the products are all QVC, she does state she buys her products from here, and will say if they have been given.

BUT, she is not actually reviewing anything. Bloggers, talk about the price, colour, the pay off from the colour, the texture and rate accordingly. Not everything will be wonderful, will Sharon actually do this, or say she sent something back? One I do read even gave a MAC product an F, this sent shock waves through MUA as she is a big MAC fan. Most even buy different shades of the foundation to compare and say this will suit this undertone of skin(Beauty Professor does the best colour swatches of foundation), which is a big help if you have to buy online.

Oh and a word of warning Back To Beauty do state the lawyers are watching. :mysmilie_11:
This is true, generically, in all walks of life. A story starts and, after each recipient has added his/her twopennyworth, is totally different to the truth. A definite recipe for stirring up trouble, although the case with Debs and sugar, is more lighthearted, it is the same principle. Certain folks will believe what they want anyway. To this, we are all entitled; the luxury of living in a democracy.

People who are not on Facebook may take comments about anyone on the site as true and because they are not a Facebook user, have no way of checking for themselves the truth of the matter. I, and I'm sure most people, would not like to go online and read lies about themselves. Sadly, some people use anything to attack someone they don't like. We do have the luxury of living in a democracy but people saying whatever they like whether it is true or not making serious accusations and in effect defaming someone's character is not on. We have laws in this country and if indeed the lawyers are watching, some people might regret what they have put out there.
People who are not on Facebook may take comments about anyone on the site as true and because they are not a Facebook user, have no way of checking for themselves the truth of the matter. I, and I'm sure most people, would not like to go online and read lies about themselves. Sadly, some people use anything to attack someone they don't like. We do have the luxury of living in a democracy but people saying whatever they like whether it is true or not making serious accusations and in effect defaming someone's character is not on. We have laws in this country and if indeed the lawyers are watching, some people might regret what they have put out there.
I personally think that the administrators of this site keep a close eye on what is posted on here and trust them to remove anything which they feel is inappropriate and I don't see the need to be talking about lawyers etc.
Donna255 wrote "Oh and a word of warning Back To Beauty do state the lawyers are watching. "

Part of my post referred to this comment.
I`d love to know what tripe she spouts in her one to one consultations with people. Dangerous ground seeing as she isn`t medically qualified and all it would take is one piece of wrong advice to the wrong person and the lawyers would be after HER not us. Maybe her mate Sharon Whatsherface knows a good defence lawyer !
I'm not a 'fan' of anyone (except Fred Astaire), nor do I waste time reading 'blogs' - life's too short for me to read why complete strangers are having a hair cut, - so all this talk of blogger fans and cult following, remind of someone else.................. anyone remember David Icke ????
Sharon now has a beauty blog on FB Back To Beauty.

Most even buy different shades of the foundation to compare and say this will suit this undertone of skin(Beauty Professor does the best colour swatches of foundation), which is a big help if you have to buy online.

Oh and a word of warning Back To Beauty do state the lawyers are watching. :mysmilie_11:

Not when if you do it yourself QVC closes your account because you've breached their 50% return rate.
People who are not on Facebook may take comments about anyone on the site as true and because they are not a Facebook user, have no way of checking for themselves the truth of the matter. I, and I'm sure most people, would not like to go online and read lies about themselves. Sadly, some people use anything to attack someone they don't like. We do have the luxury of living in a democracy but people saying whatever they like whether it is true or not making serious accusations and in effect defaming someone's character is not on. We have laws in this country and if indeed the lawyers are watching, some people might regret what they have put out there.

I don't give a toss I'll carry on saying my opinion.
Donna255 wrote "Oh and a word of warning Back To Beauty do state the lawyers are watching. "

Part of my post referred to this comment.

DISCLAIMER WITHOUT PREJUDICE : As mentioned previously items are my own and come from my own personal collection unless otherwise stated. If an Item is a PR sample, it will be clearly stated. The items on this page are Qvc items as this is where I purchase all my beauty products. People with questions or concerns should contact me directly rather than guessing and making false claims. Lawyers are watching. Thank you

So here is the actual comment and the lawyers.

So in my original post do point out the comments which I need to be careful of?

I was talking about the beauty bloggers I read and how they do things. Most been doing it for many years. I asked if Sharon would say if she did not like a product or send it back? If that libel do let me know the Rules , so I wait for the knock on the door. I did say she has stated she buys the products or if not she will state it is a Promo if you care re read.
Perhaps I didn't make myself clear. Don't you think that the lawyers are watching other stuff too?

I am not affiliated to any group or individual and this is my personal view to which I am entitled.
Sharon now has a beauty blog on FB Back To Beauty.

Oh and a word of warning Back To Beauty do state the lawyers are watching. :mysmilie_11:

Oh I'm getting confused, I thought this was the first mention of lawyers, did I miss an earlier one? Anyhoo it seems a strange thing for a beauty blogger to mention.

I think, from a wider perspective, a forum does have to be mindful of the law - remember when Ryan Giggs had a super-injunction and on other forums posters were advised not to post his name even though it appeared to be fairly common knowledge. An extreme case but do you understand what I mean?
Crikey this forum is downright tame to some of the threads I`ve seen on Q`s facebook page, especially around the BCC auction era, hundreds of posts long and hardly complimentary to certain presenters or Q itself. So either someone had better have their lawyer on speed dial and have very deep pockets because at this rate they`ll be suing half the population.
This is ST not Back To You, we ARE actually allowed a negative opinion as well as positive ones and the forum is full of both.

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