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I heard JR. asking for twatts about Kipling collections but then went on to say she would only look a few times and changed again to say she would do it once during the show. Has something been said?

Mind you I think she has broken her word and being reading ttwatts several

I think it is a vicious circle - the ejits who twat want to feed the ego of the twatting mad presenters
Q are obsessed with Twatter and ****** Blogs ! so much so that I would guess it takes up a lot of airtime overall during the course of a day. What a waste ! IW are a bit of a parody for shopping channels BUT they rarely mention the T word
Q are obsessed with Twatter and ****** Blogs ! so much so that I would guess it takes up a lot of airtime overall during the course of a day. What a waste ! IW are a bit of a parody for shopping channels BUT they rarely mention the T word

I think they just want to blur the distinction between salespeople and friends. If JF or JR says something is great you take it with a pinch of salt but a friend's opinion is more believable, they want us to think the presenters are our friends and therefore more trustworthy.
Twitter and Facebook are de rigeur now and here to stay! Other channels not using these forms are perhaps lagging behind the times! A lot of people do like to think of presenters as 'friends' and I expect that using these forms of social media helps them to feel closer to the presenters and maybe special if yours is read out. I also think that getting a viewer (someone just like you/me) to ring up and/or Tweet to extol the virtues of a product may persuade you to buy.
Twitter and Facebook are de rigeur now and here to stay! Other channels not using these forms are perhaps lagging behind the times! A lot of people do like to think of presenters as 'friends' and I expect that using these forms of social media helps them to feel closer to the presenters and maybe special if yours is read out. I also think that getting a viewer (someone just like you/me) to ring up and/or Tweet to extol the virtues of a product may persuade you to buy.

No antecedent.
Twitter and Facebook are de rigeur now and here to stay! Other channels not using these forms are perhaps lagging behind the times! A lot of people do like to think of presenters as 'friends' and I expect that using these forms of social media helps them to feel closer to the presenters and maybe special if yours is read out. I also think that getting a viewer (someone just like you/me) to ring up and/or Tweet to extol the virtues of a product may persuade you to buy.

Thinking of presenters as friends in my opinion is unhealthy, they are sales people, once the line between customer and sales person gets blurred I really think that there is serious danger that lonely people will get drawn in by the sales person and start buying items that they neither need or can afford.
facebook and all forms of social media are being used by absolutely everyone. its a tool to get more customers and to keep loyalty to a brand. l'occitane has two one is l'occitane and the other is alexis qvc l'occitane. you get to speak to the brand ambassadors and hopefully like them. alexis is as cold as ice but quite ok on facebook. showing her family pics. holidays abroad etc.
Thinking of presenters as friends in my opinion is unhealthy, they are sales people, once the line between customer and sales person gets blurred I really think that there is serious danger that lonely people will get drawn in by the sales person and start buying items that they neither need or can afford.

and they do! its part of life. sales matter to companies and they will do anything to maximise that. there are vunerable people who will latch on but i dont think any company cares about that. its all about the money
Thinking of presenters as friends in my opinion is unhealthy, they are sales people, once the line between customer and sales person gets blurred I really think that there is serious danger that lonely people will get drawn in by the sales person and start buying items that they neither need or can afford.

Totally agree.
The Twit thing is just to make QVC look cool, hey we tweet. So do birds.

Who remembers the TCallers, Oh(fill in name of presenter on air), do you remember I emailed/phoned you six months ago? Presenter smiling and nodding, when you knew of course the didn't. Of course there were a few stalker type ones who phoned up every show. The Tweet thing has killed them off.
in the early days of qvc there were people that phoned in sometimes twice a day. it was hilarious.
As for twatting and FBing etc - it's simply another way of making insecure, lonely, gullible or vulnerable people feel they're communicating with a "friend" they can trust. Sales is unfortunately the name of the game, and love it or loathe it, sales people will try anything, do anything to maximise sales. If it means lonely, vulnerable and gullible folk are drawn into a false sense of security, hey, why should they care? They have no sense of social responsibility, but that's not what they're there for. They are there simply to sell. Of course, if they're caught out and pulled up sharply about it, they'll always come back with phrases like, "everyone has the freedom of choice and nobody's forcing anyone to buy" when they know full well that what they're doing is making it hard not to buy. Their chosen career path isn't necessarily a moral one but then again ...

Morality alone doesn't get you commission and pay your bills.
facebook and all forms of social media are being used by absolutely everyone. its a tool to get more customers and to keep loyalty to a brand. l'occitane has two one is l'occitane and the other is alexis qvc l'occitane. you get to speak to the brand ambassadors and hopefully like them. alexis is as cold as ice but quite ok on facebook. showing her family pics. holidays abroad etc.

I am proud to be one of the minority in today's social media overload. I am not on Facebook or Twitter, or any of the other sites like LinkedIn and have no intention of joining any of them. While I agree that a lot of places now encourage us to interact with them via these media, I'm afraid that as soon as I hear irrelevant tweeting or instructions to 'tell us on Facebook' etc etc, I switch channels, so they lose my sale. While some Tweets may well be useful, if they are reviewing a product or asking a salient question, the majority are simply using that medium to fawn all over the presenters and they serve no relevance whatsoever to what is being sold.

I can understand how some people who are on their own may well use Twitter to 'talk' to a presenter, thinking that they are their friend, I am not one of those ...... and I do live alone. I just think it's sad that some channels encourage people to be sucked in with all this 'we're your friends' malarkey and I agree with Graham ........... thinking of presenters as friends is, also in my opinion, unhealthy.
The World`s gone mad as my Mother used to say. We`ve got presenters thinking they`re demi gods and customers thinking they`re disciples, as well as thinking a few words on a computer, TV or phone screen makes them both best buddies with each other. Totally out of touch with reality !
Thinking of presenters as friends in my opinion is unhealthy, they are sales people, once the line between customer and sales person gets blurred I really think that there is serious danger that lonely people will get drawn in by the sales person and start buying items that they neither need or can afford.

Exactly - and whereas it's easy for us to realise that the salesman doesn't actually give a sh** about the individual consumer, there's a good number of housebound, vulnerable people who massively overspend because their 'friend' is essentially telling them to. There was a hoarding programme on television not that long ago (Channel 4, I think) and I was struck by the number of (unfortunately) late-middle-aged women with rooms and rooms piled high with clutter all with telltale 'Q' logos on the boxes and wrappers. Most of the stuff had never even been opened or unwrapped, never mind used. I know Q is a business and there solely to make a profit for its shareholders, but I do wish the presenters would sometimes reflect on how they are in fact, quite powerful influences in people's sitting-rooms. And yes, I'm looking at you in particular, Delboy.
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I heard JR. asking for twatts about Kipling collections but then went on to say she would only look a few times and changed again to say she would do it once during the show. Has something been said?

Mind you I think she has broken her word and being reading ttwatts several

I think it is a vicious circle - the ejits who twat want to feed the ego of the twatting mad presenters

JR often says this, nothing new for her, she does not spend the whole hour glued to her ipad unlike some!!
I am proud to be one of the minority in today's social media overload. I am not on Facebook or Twitter, or any of the other sites like LinkedIn and have no intention of joining any of them. While I agree that a lot of places now encourage us to interact with them via these media, I'm afraid that as soon as I hear irrelevant tweeting or instructions to 'tell us on Facebook' etc etc, I switch channels, so they lose my sale. While some Tweets may well be useful, if they are reviewing a product or asking a salient question, the majority are simply using that medium to fawn all over the presenters and they serve no relevance whatsoever to what is being sold.

I can understand how some people who are on their own may well use Twitter to 'talk' to a presenter, thinking that they are their friend, I am not one of those ...... and I do live alone. I just think it's sad that some channels encourage people to be sucked in with all this 'we're your friends' malarkey and I agree with Graham ........... thinking of presenters as friends is, also in my opinion, unhealthy.

i agree with you totally....
Okay who remembers the one lady phoned up, she said she was in such a rush to phone in she tripped over her oxygen tank?:mysmilie_13::mysmilie_15:

I don`t remember this but it would be hilarious if it wasn`t such a sad sign of how some people seem to live, eat and breathe Q.
Thinking of presenters as friends in my opinion is unhealthy, they are sales people, once the line between customer and sales person gets blurred I really think that there is serious danger that lonely people will get drawn in by the sales person and start buying items that they neither need or can afford.

Graham never a truer word was said and anyone who thinks differently is just kidding themselves.

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