Watch out Basso's about!


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Registered Shopper
Mar 15, 2009
He has a TSV scheduled for this Tuesday. Guessing it will be another monstrosity, glamorising the look of real fur.:9:
Somebody on another thread described him as odious I believe, a perfect description I would say! I can normally find something nice to say about people, even those I occasionally mock but he is truly skin-crawlingly awful & his revolting 'faux' collections are equally repulsive!
Somebody on another thread described him as odious I believe, a perfect description I would say! I can normally find something nice to say about people, even those I occasionally mock but he is truly skin-crawlingly awful & his revolting 'faux' collections are equally repulsive!
Odious is the right word to describe Basso, as he is detestable. I find him quite scary, he reminds me of one of those characters, you'd expect to find in a New York Mafia film.:46:
Thought you would all be interested to know.

Joan Rivers is a big fan of Basso, and wears quite a bit of his stuff.
So remember when buying items from her, you are helping her keep her fur wardrobe up to date.

On the community board on QVC US they where talking about her and how she an animal lover. Then discovered she loves fur and refuses not to wear the real stuff.
I'm afraid if you go to many countries on the Continent you will be able to buy (and regularly see people wearing) real fur items. I had a discussion about this with a group of Italians I was teaching and they really couldn't understand our attitude in the UK. Their argument was that it's possible to regulate the fur industry in the same way as the meat industry, so that's what we should be striving for. If we eat meat and wear leather, we are being hypocritical. We rather stand alone on this one and I notice that many of the models who wouldn't wear fur in the past now seem to have lost all their inhibitions!
I have to admit I find our attitude a bit hypocritical too. I'm guilty of eating meat and wearing leather, but wouldn't wear fur. I feel guilty about indulging in the first two and consequently eat very little meat, but that's no excuse! There's no real need to use leather these days as there are plenty alternatives, but I still buy it. I personally loathe the fur trade but while I keep on consuming meat and leather I feel I can't in all honesty cast any stones.
I find him obnoxious and arrogant, what I don't understand is why he needs the money he gets from selling faux furs if he has all these super rich stars paying thousands for the real thing. Be satisfied with that and don't come here making us all feel sick. I also hate how A.K. and S.G. drool all over him in a way they don't act with anyone else. I find it cringeworthy
I hear what you're saying about eating meat and wearing leather but this man uses animals for the fur coats he peddles not from the human food chain but from beautiful wild animals and animals that are endangered. Surely, we can all agree that this is wrong and that he has no place on QVC making money from his fake fur range to plough back into this immoral industry.
I just find him totally OTT and creepy beyond belief. The way he fawns over the presenters and the models - and that voice of his!! Did he put his mouth over a boiling kettle at some point in his past?
I have to admit I find our attitude a bit hypocritical too. I'm guilty of eating meat and wearing leather, but wouldn't wear fur. I feel guilty about indulging in the first two and consequently eat very little meat, but that's no excuse! There's no real need to use leather these days as there are plenty alternatives, but I still buy it. I personally loathe the fur trade but while I keep on consuming meat and leather I feel I can't in all honesty cast any stones.

You cast as much as you like Petpixie. The fur trade is about nothing more than greed, vanity and one-upmanship. It takes between 30 -55 minks to make one jacket/coat, not to mention the damage done to habitat and balance by escapees. Why does anybody want to strut about covered in dead animals?

The food industry is a totally different matter. Eat no more than you need, waste none and only use leather that is a by-product of the food industry and I think there is no relation between the two. Personally, I only eat fish and choose not to use leather because I don't eat meat. (However, if I ever manage to get my vroom vroom, I'll need to wear leathers as so far we haven't come up with a suitable alternative). This however is a matter of taste more than morality, and modern meat farming methods. If I could afford completely freerange I would probably eat more meat (white at least) if I'm honest.

So don't feel bad PP, just stop throwing bones on the floor!

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""></a>
Thought you would all be interested to know.

Joan Rivers is a big fan of Basso, and wears quite a bit of his stuff.
So remember when buying items from her, you are helping her keep her fur wardrobe up to date.

On the community board on QVC US they where talking about her and how she an animal lover. Then discovered she loves fur and refuses not to wear the real stuff.
I cannot understand how a <b>real</b> animal lover, can wear real fur. What a walking contradiction.
I can't stand Basso - and I woudn't wear real fur either.

To be honest I'm not a fan of fake fur - it gets up your nose.

I abhor the fur trade and killing animals, not just because it endagers species, but mainly because of the inhumane processes that are/were? used to kill them in order to make the fur stand away from the skin as the animal dies, including suffocation so the pelts wouldn't be damaged.

Maybe I read too much Sunday People as a child, i don't know....but I'm sure they wouldn't have got away with printing such details if they weren't true.
Thanks Argey. Being a meat eater is a sensitive subject with me. I feel guilty coz I feel very strongly it's wrong, but I still do it! I was a veggie for many years and was badly anaemic so on docs advice started to eat meat, stupid I know, and never stopped!
I loathe Basso and his kind but just feel I'm doing something I believe is wrong, so I'm not in a position to take any moral stance. I bought a waterproof coat from him years ago, before I realised what he did and that makes me feel guilty (and furious) too. If I still had it (it fell to bits after a year) I'd parcel it up and send it back!
However I'll go and cast a huge stone at him right away as he's an unbearable pustule of a man!! :12:
FYI Approx 1/3 of the value of a cow is the leather. Hardly a biproduct!

"FYI" (? sorry I spoke) but I believe cows are not farmed specifically for leather but for the meat and dairy industry, irrespective of the leather value, thus by-product.
Thanks Argey. Being a meat eater is a sensitive subject with me. I feel guilty coz I feel very strongly it's wrong, but I still do it! I was a veggie for many years and was badly anaemic so on docs advice started to eat meat, stupid I know, and never stopped!
I loathe Basso and his kind but just feel I'm doing something I believe is wrong, so I'm not in a position to take any moral stance. I bought a waterproof coat from him years ago, before I realised what he did and that makes me feel guilty (and furious) too. If I still had it (it fell to bits after a year) I'd parcel it up and send it back!
However I'll go and cast a huge stone at him right away as he's an unbearable pustule of a man!! :12:

There must be a trillion of sins I've committed unwittingly and still don't know about, and if I beat myself up with guilt about them all I wouldn't be posting to you now. Sometimes it's good to be kind to yourself. Whatever the rights and wrongs of meat eating, it takes time to adjust to vegetarianism and sadly we can't all live an exact idyll, just do the best we can.

No longer helping to fund the likes of the deeply repulsive Bosso is an excellent place for anyone to start.

Argey xxx

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