To be fair, over the years I have bought rings, earrings, bracelets etc. and not one stone was lost from any of them. Granted, this was before all the changes when the current management team took over. The jewellery then was mostly very good quality and, if you did your research before buying, you got some good, reasonably priced items, well made!
Unfortunately, I can't trust the present day format and terribly dishonest sales tactics being used and, in my opinion, once trust is lost, it can't be bought back.
A big feature of the obvious decline, was the loss of some of their best Presenters, really good, professional people, who actually MADE the company the success that it was. Heck, even Satnam the well-known cameraman, bowed out.
So, where did it all go wrong?
No 1: Misplaced family loyalty when selecting new management - a complete disaster!
No 2: Employing new 'Presenters' who scream at us, like deranged chimpanzees. Please remember, overdone market-stall selling should stay in the market!
No: 3: What can I say? We've all complained over and over about this, but nothing has changed. The constant droning on-and-on, day-in and day-out by a certain manager, who no-one listens to and, in fact, when he appears on screen, most of us make a dash for the remote!
Arrogance, how are you? And it's so, so boring. Get him off before we all expire from boredom and disinterest.

Bring back a bit of entertainment, and let us actually enjoy the shows - after all, it is a "show" isn't it?
Meanwhile, rant over!