was that model sharon's daughter modelling today?


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thanks for admitting that youre not qualified to comment BFG. i suspected as much you cheeky minx

(i'm probably older than you) so i'm going to stick with my initial assessment. lets hope it wasnt a one-off appearance and that next time you actually SEE her on QVC before spouting forth.
as for "super recognisers" i am one too! who knew! i'm surprised we havent bumped into eachother at the monthly mingle. we may even be related? i have THREE trillion images stored
I'm more than qualified to comment as I possess eyes. Get over it, she's NOT Sharon's daughter or even a blood relative 35 times removed.

You couldn't possibly be a super recognizer otherwise you couldn't possibly make such a ridiculous statement. Betise shares similarities with several people, but I wouldn't immediately assume they were related, no more than me looking at picture of Debbie flint and Nicole Kidman and thinking they were sisters coz they have red hair.

However,you can stick with your intitial assessment and bask quietly in your wrongness,lol.

Ta rahhhhhhh!
as for "super recognisers" i am one too! who knew! i'm surprised we havent bumped into eachother at the monthly mingle. we may even be related? i have THREE trillion images stored
I'm more than qualified to comment as I possess eyes. Get over it, she's NOT Sharon's daughter or even a blood relative 35 times removed.

You couldn't possibly be a super recognizer otherwise you couldn't possibly make such a ridiculous statement. Betise shares similarities with several people, but I wouldn't immediately assume they were related, no more than me looking at picture of Debbie flint and Nicole Kidman and thinking they were sisters coz they have red hair.

However,you can stick with your intitial assessment and bask quietly in your wrongness,lol.

Ta rahhhhhhh!

BFT one of these days you will get a sense of humour, or irony, and realise what youve been missing.

or perhaps not.
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.. so no need for those all important DNA results then Jeremy!

Jude xx

Ya got that right kid, no need for those specialists on Maury Povitch and Jeremy, just give me two secs and you'll get your gotdang results!,lol.

BFG one of these days you will get a sense of humour, or irony, and realise what youve been missing.

or perhaps not.

One of these days you'll realize I have an abundance of both. How else could I exist on st.com??:mysmilie_481:
Oh, I remember that well! Among other things, JR made Sharon change into a bigger sized garment, because she was too 'fat' for the size she was in...

Oh dear when was that I missed that hour ?

Gosh Julia would never be on air if she had to change everytime something was too small for her

Sorry, but the main premise of your thread was whether Betsie was Sharon's spawn and if so it would make your day, life, etc.

Since you submitted no video of Betsie I could not possibly comment on her mannerisms.

So, I had just had to disabuse of that notion. Nowt wrong with my facial mapping system I assure you. I'm sure I have over 1 trillion images stored in my personal hard drive and am only half kidding when I say "like the robot I am".
What a load of old bollox BFT. Facial mapping is viewing two or more images of faces and performing a specialist range of forensic tests and procedures in an attempt to determine whether or not they may contain one and the same person. So are you saying this is your line of work, or (more probably) are you just chucking in an expression that sounds like you know what you are talking about??

I'm what is known as a "super-recognizer"-look it up, we exist............and nothing gets past my scanners.
Super recognizers are credited with never forgetting a face even from decades ago, but as you haven't even seen Betise that clearly is another load of nonsensical bollox you've spouted.

One of these days you'll realize I have an abundance of both. How else could I exist on st.com??:mysmilie_481:

Well you didn't exist on here for long last time did you?? As for sense of humour or irony, unfortunately they are heavily disguised by your tendency to be a sarcastic know-all.
Well you didn't exist on here for long last time did you?? As for sense of humour or irony, unfortunately they are heavily disguised by your tendency to be a sarcastic know-all.

One of my many talents.

Thank You.:ninja:

Oh by the way, how long did you imagine I existed on st.com?? a decade seems a pretty long time, but maybe that's just me.
Whoops! sorry, I didn't notice the rest of your retort,these double quote posts can get confusing, will respond now.


What a load of old bollox BFT. Facial mapping is viewing two or more images of faces and performing a specialist range of forensic tests and procedures in an attempt to determine whether or not they may contain one and the same person. So are you saying this is your line of work, or (more probably) are you just chucking in an expression that sounds like you know what you are talking about??

Wrong, it is also the ability to take a cursory glance at someone's features and compare it with photographic evidence to tell if that person is who they claim to be.
Very handy skill when working in immigration and a few hundred dodgy passports come into your hands everyday.
And no, I do not work for immigration.

Super recognizers are credited with never forgetting a face even from decades ago, but as you haven't even seen Betise that clearly is another load of nonsensical bollox you've spouted.

What do mean I haven't see Betsie?. Did BurlyBear not post a link to several pics of her, which I clearly saw, or was I hallucinating?

As for me being a know it all, this is clearly not true. I only respond to threads when I am confident about something or I have an opinion to offer. There are many threads on here which I know nothing about or do not have an opinion. You will see that you don't find me there.

I operate under the assumption that most st.commers are reasonably intelligent and I refuse to hide my light under a bushel because noone likes a challenge or to be contradicted or deabted in any way, sorry, but that is just never going to happen.

Its interesting that another poster in this thread said she didn't see the resemblance, yet somehow no one felt the need to challenge her,lol.

If it will make everyone feel better, YES!, Betsie is the SPIT of Sharon, her doppleganger in fact, I don't know how I didn't see it before.
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thanks for visiting my little thread and putting us all right dear. i for one feel better for it.

come again soon!
thanks for visiting my little thread and putting us all right dear. i for one feel better for it.

come again soon!

Come now BurlyBear, you know there's nothing about you which could be considered little.

Oh yes, and I will come again, thanks for the personal invite.:grin:
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there was a fashion show on this lunchtime-ish and there was a very gorgeous model who was the image of fabulous sharon but younger! she didnt just look like her, she had a few of the "movements" too. i think she was called Betsy?

please someone make my day and tell me that the fabulousness of Shazza is being continued down the family line...

I too saw Betsy and thought the very same thing; that she was very, very similar to Sharon in many ways.

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