I've noticed a few things relating to our moggles lately.
Firstly, the newcomers. Lots of them. Mainly terrible too. There was a dark haired one on the Gabby Skye frock show Saturday evening who couldn't walk in heels. And every time she turned to show the back of the dress she smoothed the dress down across her bum with both hands as if she were checking her booty in her mirror at home. Totally wrong. I imagined Sharon and Goody texting eachother about it
"Shar ave u seen state of this 1 with the hair? cant walk.. hilaire luv Goodyx"
"Hi Hun I no! i cant take eyes off! old too! u still on for pizza xpress tomoz? love Shazza"
I mean I'm all for new faces but a basic requirement is that a model can walk in heels in a dress. Someone have a word with casting.
Secondly, the smiling and looking into the camera. I know they ALWAYS smile and look at the camera but I reckon there's been some edict that they weren't smiling enough because now they all smile and look at the camera like maniacs ALL the time even when the natural thing to do would be NOT to smile and look into the camera. Like when a make up artist is stood to your side, and asks you to turn to face him so he can apply lipstick, the model is still trying to look at the camera and smile while he's doing it. Whats that about? it looks ridic.
Thirdly, and this is bugging the bejeezus out of me at the moment, the Gatineu promo. It's the one where the old bag and two younger types are "acting" doing girly chat on the sofa with various G products. It's possible that we're being asked to believe its three generations of women of something cringey like that. Anyway the old girl waves a tube of something, laughing, as if to say "I wouldn't be without this one kids!" and the camera cuts to a shot of the younger one giving the oldie a right dirty look up and down as if to say "get away from me you stinking old biddy". Then at the end of the ad they all come out the front door arm in arm, trying and failing to look like they know each other, and for a split second the old girl commits the cardinal acting sin and looks into the camera. It's only for a split second but she completely pulls focus. I wait for it as soon as I hear the music start just so I can shake my fist at the telly.
Firstly, the newcomers. Lots of them. Mainly terrible too. There was a dark haired one on the Gabby Skye frock show Saturday evening who couldn't walk in heels. And every time she turned to show the back of the dress she smoothed the dress down across her bum with both hands as if she were checking her booty in her mirror at home. Totally wrong. I imagined Sharon and Goody texting eachother about it
"Shar ave u seen state of this 1 with the hair? cant walk.. hilaire luv Goodyx"
"Hi Hun I no! i cant take eyes off! old too! u still on for pizza xpress tomoz? love Shazza"
I mean I'm all for new faces but a basic requirement is that a model can walk in heels in a dress. Someone have a word with casting.
Secondly, the smiling and looking into the camera. I know they ALWAYS smile and look at the camera but I reckon there's been some edict that they weren't smiling enough because now they all smile and look at the camera like maniacs ALL the time even when the natural thing to do would be NOT to smile and look into the camera. Like when a make up artist is stood to your side, and asks you to turn to face him so he can apply lipstick, the model is still trying to look at the camera and smile while he's doing it. Whats that about? it looks ridic.
Thirdly, and this is bugging the bejeezus out of me at the moment, the Gatineu promo. It's the one where the old bag and two younger types are "acting" doing girly chat on the sofa with various G products. It's possible that we're being asked to believe its three generations of women of something cringey like that. Anyway the old girl waves a tube of something, laughing, as if to say "I wouldn't be without this one kids!" and the camera cuts to a shot of the younger one giving the oldie a right dirty look up and down as if to say "get away from me you stinking old biddy". Then at the end of the ad they all come out the front door arm in arm, trying and failing to look like they know each other, and for a split second the old girl commits the cardinal acting sin and looks into the camera. It's only for a split second but she completely pulls focus. I wait for it as soon as I hear the music start just so I can shake my fist at the telly.