Waring Pro comes to Ideal World


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<img src="/images/waringpro.jpg" border="0" alt="Waring Pro" title="Waring Pro" hspace="4" vspace="2" align="right" />Waring Pro is Launched at 11am tomorrow then again at 2pm on Ideal World.<br /><br />"We have fought very hard to secure this brand so we are very proud to add them to our current range of high quality Kitchen items.<br /><br />We start with their Waterfall blender on Four flexipays, their full range can be viewed online <a href="http://www.idealworld.tv/SearchGridView.aspx?fh_location=//idealworld/en_GB/$s=waring%20pro" target="_blank">here</a> tomorrows product can be found <a href="http://www.idealworld.tv/Waterfall_Blender_154132.aspx?fh_location=//idealworld/en_GB/categories@lt;{idealworld_1001}/brand_iw@gt;{waring20pro}" target="_blank">here </a>"<br /><br />Waring are universally known for introducing the first blender in America, is one of today's leading manufacturers of professional quality appliances for the home, food service and laboratory industries.<br /><br />The company manufacturers Waring Pro line of professional quality consumer products that includes everything from blenders, juice extractors, citrus juicers and drinks mixers.<br /><br />Waring was established in 1937 when Fred Waring, a popular entertainer, introduced the blender (then called the 'Miracle Mixer') at The National Restaurant show in Chicago and has grown successfully ever since.
if youve ever owned anything made in america ull know just how cheaply everything is made esp cars and electronics :thinking2::tongue2:

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