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<img src="/images/waringpro.jpg" border="0" alt="Waring Pro" title="Waring Pro" hspace="4" vspace="2" align="right" />Waring Pro is Launched at 11am tomorrow then again at 2pm on Ideal World.<br /><br />"We have fought very hard to secure this brand so we are very proud to add them to our current range of high quality Kitchen items.<br /><br />We start with their Waterfall blender on Four flexipays, their full range can be viewed online <a href="http://www.idealworld.tv/SearchGridView.aspx?fh_location=//idealworld/en_GB/$s=waring%20pro" target="_blank">here</a> tomorrows product can be found <a href="http://www.idealworld.tv/Waterfall_Blender_154132.aspx?fh_location=//idealworld/en_GB/categories@lt;{idealworld_1001}/brand_iw@gt;{waring20pro}" target="_blank">here </a>"<br /><br />Waring are universally known for introducing the first blender in America, is one of today's leading manufacturers of professional quality appliances for the home, food service and laboratory industries.<br /><br />The company manufacturers Waring Pro line of professional quality consumer products that includes everything from blenders, juice extractors, citrus juicers and drinks mixers.<br /><br />Waring was established in 1937 when Fred Waring, a popular entertainer, introduced the blender (then called the 'Miracle Mixer') at The National Restaurant show in Chicago and has grown successfully ever since.