Waitlist Orders - What's (not) happening


Help Support ShoppingTelly:


Registered Shopper
Oct 20, 2009
Hi, forgive me if this has been posted anywhere else (I'm a newbie (poster at least). Can anyone explain QVC's Waitlist? The last five items I've ordered using this facility have all come back into stock, but, when I've looked at my account, it has shown as 'Awaiting Stock'. Each time I have had to email CS and ask if anyone there has a few minutes to pop down to the warehouse, put the item in a jiffy bag and, if they're not too busy, nip along to the Post Office and POST THE B****Y THING TO ME. (Apologies if that sounded a little sarcastic)

Today was the last straw, I decided, having found yet another item not sent, to phone them. I was told that the item isn't 'in stock', it had been reserved by a customer paying by cheque, who hadn't sent the cheque. This means that the item goes to 'whoever' buys it next, not the next person on the waitlist. Ok, it seems a little odd but I could go with that if I hadn't ordered it on the 18th Sept. Surely they would only wait for around 10 days for the cheque before cancelling the order? That would take us to Sept 28th, and it has only just come back in stock on the website, 22 days later! Also, if it isn't 'in stock as such' why does the website say 'In Stock'? I know it has only shown as in stock since this afternoon because, after my last four waitlist experiences, I have been checking every day for this to come back.

Also, I find it hard to believe that out of five different orders, ALL FIVE have been due to someone not sending their cheque??? Yeah, it's possible but is it likely? But d'you know what really, really hurt? After explaining all of the above, the lady I was speaking to actually had the nerve to ask 'Would you like me to send this order to you now sir?' NO DARLING, you hang on to it until someone else wants it, THEN I'll have it!!:doh: Sorry for the rant. I'm normally such a sweet natured guy too.
Hi and welcome.

For some strange reason it has always been like that with waitlist. The stuff comes in or back in if returned, you do have to be careful about the latter. Check it well. Anyway the stuff always goes on sale and it is up to the customer to spot this. Rather than QVC's system immediately allocating one to each person on the list. Everytime it just goes out for general sale.

I may be wrong but it might be if only some stock comes in the computer does not recognize it until a certain figure is reached then it starts allocating to waitlist.
Hi Laurie and welcome to the forum Do you feel better now you've got that off your chest?
Yes this is annoying isn't it!

If I see things back in stock that I have on waitlist - I just order it and then cancel the waitlist item.It seems to be the easiest way round it.

Welcome by the way!
Hi Laurie,
I personally havn't been affected by the waitlist nonsense, but you made a grand entrance. I like a bit of drama!:hi::hi:
I'm sure someone here said that waitlist orders are only fullfilled when there are a certain number of the item (10?) in stock.

Also beware that returned items (which QVC swear are not resold) can make their way back into stock and you can end up with one of these when you order on waitlist. This happened to me when I received a Leighton Denny lip/cuticle balm with a big finger print in it!
Hi Laurie and welcome to the forum Do you feel better now you've got that off your chest?

I do feel better actually, but I think that's more to do with the company I'm keeping here rather than getting a sensible (or any) answer from QVC:flower:
This happened to me , they said they would send the item. When I checked my account it said item cancelled. I phoned them, they said my card had expired................the item had sold out again by this time......sob!

( I just checked. I am still on waitlist but the item is showing as in stock. I am reluctant to order as it is a makeup item and it may be a return?)
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This happened to me , they said they would send the item. When I checked my account it said item cancelled. I phoned them, they said my card had expired................the item had sold out again by this time......sob!

( I just checked. I am still on waitlist but the item is showing as in stock. I am reluctant to order as it is a makeup item and it may be a return?)

Hi Northernlights. To be honest, I get the feeling (from the various posts here) that the majority of the shopping channels have a list of ridiculous excuses that they are legally bound to use on a rotating basis. Whenever I've had a problem with my credit/debit cards - which is often, and I suppose I must take part of the blame as I'm the only one using them:angel: QVC have always contacted me straight away. Presumably they can't bear to lose my contribution the the Annual Staff Party....oops, I mean cost of postage, of course.
I have never been told that an item has since sold out, as they always hang on to it until I've sorted 'the problem' out. Mind you, that could be that I'm the only person interested in the item.

I would think that (allegedly), from time to time they stray from the 'official' script and give you an answer to a completely differently question, hoping that you won't notice. Or maybe they just have a really obscure sense of fun.:wink2: Their stock levels appear to be complete strangers to reality. All the carp about being 'in stock' on their website, while 'out of stock' on your account makes no sense whatsoever. Maybe they should send every customer an English-QVC / QVC - English dictionary. On second thoughts, the postage would be astronomical. It's frustrating, annoying and, downright diabolical Customer Service when we have to keep checking on our orders and then, in your case decide whether to actually accept them just in case they've been used (ugh) Thank goodness they don't sell condoms (ugh x 2). But, having said all of that, we do still seem to love QVC and they definitely adore* us.

*Actually, I meant to say 'our money' there. All we can do is remember that in an Ideal World, we'd be lucky to get any of our orders at all:11:

To anyone who has managed to stay awake to the end of this post, I promise I will learn the art of being concise (maybe coherent too) xx

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