Vit D and New Health Gudelines


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Jun 24, 2008
So it seems we are not getting enough between November and April and the government telling us to take simple Vit D tablets for everyone.

Watching the BBC news this morning they had a doctor on talking about it. So one of the presenters asked about sunscreen as so many wear during the summer months now. Yes AY and Abbey Ultrasun and the evil sunshine, this bit is for you. The doctor stated that Fair skinned people need 10-15 minutes per day without sunscreen to get their Vit D dose, deeper skins up to one hour. She said the vit D added to foods and even foods with natural Vit D will not give enough for the body. So simple Vit D cheap to buy in the winter and recommended sun each day in summer without the sunscreen.

I now have thin bones and had to take high dose from the doctor Cal/Vit D tablets, I should have done this.
I saw that on TV today and yes as long as people are sensible a bit of sunshine does the world of good. Too many young people indoors exercising their thumbs instead of playing outside. And if people included more healthy food in their diets that would also make a difference.
Yes I've stated this on here before that AY and that awful, patronising Abbey Ultrasun fail to tell you in their sun hating frenzy, that everyone needs the sun to actually touch their skin for twenty minutes a day for health benefits, will they tell you your body does actually need it? absolutely not, it may stop a couple of people buying their ridiculously expensive, teeny, tiny sun care. I got diagnosed as having Vit D deficiency a couple of years ago and I got put on Adcal-D3. I didn't go in the sun because of what these two scaremongers were stressing, I don't go in the sun because I hate the heat and the feel of it on my skin, but their scaremongering is stopping some people getting what their body needs, that's why when I was diagnosed I came on here to tell of my disgust that the gruesome twosome are contributing to goodness knows how many people developing Vit D deficiency because of their love of sales and scare tactics. It only takes a second for them to say "but remember your body does need a bit of sun" but I doubt that's one sentence QVC customers will ever hear.

Just editing that of course protection is also needed and to be sensible, it's just that they preach to much of the dangers and none of the benefits, just to make money.
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I work all day inside, travel to work in a car and when I get home don't get much sunlight as there's usually no day left or no sunshine.
I have felt so tired, so I bought a SAD lamp and I am much less tired.
Although I see daylight through the glass, I expect, with modern day technology, that no good sunlight is getting through it.
I now need much less sleep and feel less lethargic.
I do use Ultrasun whilst on holiday abroad, but hardly ever use sunscreen in this country, unless I'm going to be in the sun for a long time.
People always seem to assume you only absorb rays through your face when in reality if they left their arms or legs bare for the required time, they`d absorb it just the same. I`m out with my dog for at least an hour everyday and in all weathers but even my Vit D level on my last blood test taken for an ongoing health issue was borderline. I can only put that down to using sunscreen on my face and having to cover my arms and legs because of the poor weather we`ve had up until the past couple of days. Consequently once the bad weather returns I`ll do 2 or 3 dog walks per week without sunscreen on my face and buy some basic Vit D tablets.
I too resorted to a SAD lamp in the winter after leaving for work in the dark and coming home in the dark. I get very down in the winter I try to get some sun but eat a lot of oily fish and take cod liver oil. I tried Ultrasun but wasn't keen so just protect my face now and stay out of the sun when at its hottest.I cannot even watch Abbi the skin "expert " and her nagging.
I got myself a SAD lamp with Christmas money and I think it really works too, someone told me they have been proved inefficient but I feel that's not true as I do feel a difference.. Haven't used it since March but when I did it was great for early morning starts, woke me up quicker. I take heavy duty vitamin d tabs due to my op last year as well though I do worry about not getting enough sun, have tried harder this summer(!) don't normally sunbathe but have been and enjoy it. My teenagers are not allowed to spend afternoon stuck in the house on a non rainy day if they are home, I insist they spend a couple of hours outside, feel quite cruel when they come in melting but it's all for the good.
Yes I've stated this on here before that AY and that awful, patronising Abbey Ultrasun fail to tell you in their sun hating frenzy, that everyone needs the sun to actually touch their skin for twenty minutes a day for health benefits, will they tell you your body does actually need it? absolutely not, it may stop a couple of people buying their ridiculously expensive, teeny, tiny sun care. I got diagnosed as having Vit D deficiency a couple of years ago and I got put on Adcal-D3. I didn't go in the sun because of what these two scaremongers were stressing, I don't go in the sun because I hate the heat and the feel of it on my skin, but their scaremongering is stopping some people getting what their body needs, that's why when I was diagnosed I came on here to tell of my disgust that the gruesome twosome are contributing to goodness knows how many people developing Vit D deficiency because of their love of sales and scare tactics. It only takes a second for them to say "but remember your body does need a bit of sun" but I doubt that's one sentence QVC customers will ever hear.

Just editing that of course protection is also needed and to be sensible, it's just that they preach to much of the dangers and none of the benefits, just to make money.

Yes, I have to take two of these a day. I always hated sitting in the sun anyway, prefer to be walking round looking at interesting things on holiday.
I'll be interested to see how the schoolmarmy Abby deals with this - she'll probably develop some sort of 'suncream with vitamin D' which she'll shill for some ridiculous price and try to scare everyone into buying it.

For average skin types in this country, there is absolutely no need to slather yourself in suncream the moment you step out the door - it's just another marketing ploy to make money. I think most people have enough common sense to realise that they don't need to empty an entire bottle of suncream on their face if they want to hang the washing out on a bright October morning, but they might want to use some if they're going to lie in the sun in their garden on a July afternoon.
[mum writes]

When I was younger, we never covered up in the sun. Recently, my older sister passed away from melanoma. I never covered my kids up when they were younger and now they're both in their 40s and covered in moles I worry there is a timebomb there. I think it's naive to imagine you don't need any protection at all, especially if you're going to be outside for long periods, but going the other way is just as bad. I have to take lots of vitamin D because of osteoporosis but my specialist has told me that many people he sees are deficient. One thing needs to be noted though - it's important to get the correct sort of vitamin. Vitamin D3 is the one that is needed in supplements.

Also, I don't think Abbi is a bad person, per se. I know she wants to maximise her sales but I do feel that she is genuinely concerned. I couldn't help but notice age spots appearing on AY hand's too, despite her sun avoidance policy. Does she not wear gloves when she's out with the horses?

A lot of things in life come down to luck of the draw. I've know several people who have or had melanomas and there isn't any single factor that's the same between them.

I live on the south coast, down here, life's a beach!
I've lost 2 very close friends in the past 2 years due to Melanoma. Neither of them ever used sun protection. I also have another friend who has had 3 basal cell carcinomas removed from her face, back of her neck and upper arm. She doesn't wear sun protection and she is Vitamin D deficient.
It's fairly simple, really: (1) Put sunscreen on if you're bothered about the ageing effects of sun exposure (2) Supplement with a daily D3 tablet; they're easily and cheaply available on the net. End of problem.
Im retired so my time is my own. Every summer morning I have my first coffee in the garden, sitting in the rocking chair facng the sun. Then a stroll round the garden to deadhead the petunias, 30 mins or so of sunlight exposure. Once I've showered etc I put my sunscreen on for the day.
theres also an issue size when it comes to vit d. if you are overwieght you need more sun exposure just like darker skins need more sun to manufacture a healthy level of vit d. people have been travelling to many far flung places in the last 50 years or so. even on the continent the sun is much stronger but people go much further than that. i dont bother with suncream when in uk as i do have serious low vit d levels have done for years and take solgar as its the best one i believe.

sunscreen may not be something we need in uk. i notice the schools are not rushing to put cream on children at least at my grandaughters school. maybe thats a good thing.
Im retired so my time is my own. Every summer morning I have my first coffee in the garden, sitting in the rocking chair facng the sun. Then a stroll round the garden to deadhead the petunias, 30 mins or so of sunlight exposure. Once I've showered etc I put my sunscreen on for the day.

sound like me love my garden and the petunias are looking grand this year
Basically, in the northern hemisphere, during the months of October to April it is near impossible to get all of your vitamin D from the sun - even if you work outdoors all day.

The Canadian government has recommended supplements for their citizens for years now. In the US, Harvard has issued loads of reports and warnings over the years.

There are loads of sun exposure calculators on the web to help with knowing how long you need... here's one:

I personally don't see anything wrong with Ultrasun presentations - it's mainly marketed for holidays, days out and longer sun exposure.
Fess up - did you use the gnome's manure on them? :)

And hello again Tiddlywinks :) Not seen you around in a while :)

no i use the brand leader miracle gro. i tell you a secret i was at kew garden last week and i asked one of the gardeners what kew uses. she said they use osmocote and a proffessional brand liquid feed...shhhh dont tell anyone else
We've been taking D3 for about 6 months now and both feel so much better, started taking it after an article in the Daily Mail. Its not so expensive and does seem to be doing a good job. Don't feel as fuddled in a morning, and I do have arthritis but even that seems easier the last few weeks. Whether thats down to the tabs, weather or having lost a few pounds who knows, don't really care if its a placebo, its good!!
I've lost 2 very close friends in the past 2 years due to Melanoma. Neither of them ever used sun protection. I also have another friend who has had 3 basal cell carcinomas removed from her face, back of her neck and upper arm. She doesn't wear sun protection and she is Vitamin D deficient.
Sorry to hear about your friends.
I've just had a bit of skin by my collar bone frozen off as it is sun damage. I have not sunbathed in at least 30 years and keep covered up in the summer with long sleeves and do not wear low cut tops. I suppose the top of my neck has been exposed and I have not always worn sunscreen. Asked the doctor if I should wear cotton gloves in the summer as I have some age spots but he said I just needed to apply factor 50 sun cream. If the skin damage does not go I am to return to the doctor to get it frozen off once more. If that does not work then I am to be referred to a consultant.

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