Vit D and New Health Gudelines


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I identify with lots of comments on here. I was diagnosed as Vit D deficient earlier this year, and was astounded, then I heard of a friend being the same, also a neighbour. It got me thinking that there was probably a Health Dept edict being sent out nationwide to get everyone on Vit D as this was so coincidental. Nevertheless, despite walking my dog every day in all weathers, I started to take Cal/Vit D, and like others on here I started to feel 'better'. Perhaps as we get older we cannot absorb like we could when younger, I know that my digestive system is nothing like it was, and am careful of my intake, with my last meal being before 6pm - the days of a midnight curry are long gone !!!
I too was diagnosed with a severe vit D deficiency this year, despite spending nearly 5 months of the year in a sunnier climate. I also have an under active thyroid and needed an increase of my medication. I had been feeling rough for months but now feel better than I have for years, I am going to put my husband on Vit D supplements now.
A friend of mine was put on very high dosage (solgar) D3 supplement due to balance problems. This friend spends a lot of time out doors, doesn't always wear sunscreen... some people just don't seem to produce as much vitamin D as they need... and I expect that as people spend more and more time indoors on computer screens etc we will become less and less able to produce what we need. Plus as people adopt more restricted diets which exclude whole food groups, the food sources of key vitamins and minerals will be dropped by some. This is particularly true for fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin D... Milk is a good source, but you need the full fat version - same of yogurts. We've been wedded to low fat diet orthodoxy for decades now... so it's really no wonder that we've now discovered that so many of us are deficient.

Going back to the old motto of everything in moderation, nothing to excess, seems like a sensible approach to diet in general.
I agree MML about the low-fat orthodoxy, but have never subscribed to it. I have always eaten butter, full fat milk and taken sugar in my tea, etc - following the pattern of my mum and grandma who survived the last world wars and lived to a grand age. I have always cooked my own food from fresh - as they did, and recently have far enjoyed my own baked cakes and puds as opposed to shop bought ones. Even a quiche I cooked for the first time tasted out of this world compared to the cardboard ones from the shops.

It brought it home to me about this low fat business when a very slender aged aunt, who's fridge was full of 'low fat' everything and skimmed milk, fell and broke a few bones due to osteoporosis. At an older age, its best to have a bit of meat on your bones.
going back to ultrasun the range of sunscreen products have widedned to include eyes, lip and hands and scalp sorry but thats excessive overkill

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