Update - coated diamonds!


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Reddwarf - why don't you start a new topic because as you've said it's not appropriate here and happened a long time ago. I promise not to post in it as you know my thoughts from your previous thread but I am curious as to whether you ever did go to Safeguard instead of Holts?
Reddwarf - why don't you start a new topic because as you've said it's not appropriate here and happened a long time ago. I promise not to post in it as you know my thoughts from your previous thread but I am curious as to whether you ever did go to Safeguard instead of Holts?

Meeshoo - I don't feel the need to start a new thread over it TBH, I found it to much hard work the first time round and it got me nowhere. I've not gone into it here either only to mention the Ruby experience which was relevant.

In answer to your question, yes I did go to Safeguard amongst others, result was the same, it was a total piece of *****
Meeshoo - I don't feel the need to start a new thread over it TBH, I found it to much hard work the first time round and it got me nowhere. I've not gone into it here either only to mention the Ruby experience which was relevant.

In answer to your question, yes I did go to Safeguard amongst others, result was the same, it was a total piece of *****

Sorry to hear that especially as I know it was your Mum's wasn't it? Hope she's got something lovely now.
Statement from GemsTV

We have always been very open about the treatments used on our gemstones. Our website and Guide to Gems & Jewellery detail the treatments and the gemstones they apply to. Presenters openly talk about treatments on air and our Customer Services team is always available to offer help and answer any questions.

Treatments to coloured diamonds are common practice within the industry, both amongst other TV shopping channels and high street retailers. In fact, it is customer demand for coloured diamonds at affordable price points that has fuelled the growth of treated coloured diamond jewellery. Natural coloured diamonds are rare, expensive and out of reach for all but the wealthiest of people.

It is not true that all our coloured diamonds are coated. We recently started selling pink and purple diamonds from a supplier who did not make it clear at the time that they were coated. All future shipments will be checked for treatments and this information will be communicated at the point of sale. A full list of product codes can be found at the end of this statement along with information about the coating process.

We take the disclosure of enhancements seriously. Over the past year we have been studying our existing documentation and how to improve it. We decided several weeks ago to provide customers with specific enhancement information on all the gems we sell. We are currently in the process of reconfiguring our IT systems to allow this. The new system will be rolled out in the next few weeks and will be the most comprehensive in the industry. We will include treatment information on our screen graphics, sales scripts and website to enable you to make a fully informed decision when purchasing jewellery from us.

To reiterate, we have never been secretive about the treatments used on our gemstones and openly communicate this on air, via our website, through our Customer Services team and in our Guide to Gems. A recent supply of pink & purple coloured diamonds was coated. If you have purchased any of the items listed below and would like further information, a replacement or a refund, please contact our customer services team. However, we recognise that this is not enough and therefore the measures detailed above will be implemented in the coming weeks to ensure you are able to make a fully informed decision.

Coated Diamonds:

Product ID Description

Diamond coating information from our supplier:

The Irradiation & HPHT processes are suited to manufacture most of the colours except True Pink. The reason is that these processes yield very few pink colours and even then most of them have purplish undertones. Hence, we started using a new coating process to manufacture Ice Pink Diamonds. This not only yields a natural looking Pink colour but also the process allows us to manufacture as many as we need.

The coating materials used in the past were very unsophisticated and outdated compared to the irradiation and HPHT techniques used now. But technological advances have allowed us to use more sophisticated and durable coatings. The coating process results in a very thin film at the pavilion of the diamond which imparts the colour to the rest of the diamond. Hence, once the diamond is set the colour cannot be easily damaged as there is no coating on the table. Designs where the pavilion of the diamonds is covered should be chosen.

The beauty of this treatment is that the process can be undone and redone quite easily.

Is the colour permanent?

Coated diamonds, like all diamonds, are hardy and durable, resistant to general wear and tear, unless they’re subjected to extreme temperatures (above 500 C) or the pavilion is exposed to acids or abrasive materials (re-cutting or exposure to jewellery polishing wheel).

How can I clean my coloured diamonds?
Coated diamonds can be cleaned in ultrasonic or by steam but cannot be exposed to acids.

Coating - One of the many challenges we have faced over the years is trying to achieve a pleasant natural looking pink. The pinks achieved using the Irradiation process are almost always purplish and the process yields very few of them. Hence, we started using a new coating process to manufacture Ice Pink Diamonds. This process results in a very thin film at the pavilion of the diamond which imparts the colour to the rest of the diamond. Hence, once the diamond is set the colour cannot be easily damaged as there is no coating on the table.
Firstly..very nice of Gems to finally issue a statement. I would however like to take issue with the first paragraph above, Presenters DO NOT openly disclose wether set pieces have been coated..in fact it is often when fellow FM's email presenters that things do change (upto a point and sporadically) and also when CS are contacted it appears from other FM's posts that getting the correct information is a minefield in itself.

i have emailed them acouple of days ago i bought a AAAA (majestic )tanzanite last Feb in the gems book i have it says that they heat treat Tanzys fine i knew that BUT in there new discolsure page it says that they also coat them i want to know the facts this was a birthday pressie from O/H he work long and hard to save up for this i dont want one that is coated they said that they would pass my email onto a supervisor and he would be in touch but not as yet
I have emailed them as well with item codes of my purchases that i have concerns about and it has been passed on! i bet they have had loads,i have also asked about all the other pink diamonds that are still on the website and i know alot of people bought in the price melt down event back in the summer and i was told they don't have this information and i need to call them back next week!
Hang on a minute - GC did you ask specifically about pink diamonds when asking about the coating?

I know that a forum member asked about BLUE diamonds and were told these were coated.

I would also like to take issue with their opinion on how durable coated diamonds are. THIS IS NOT WHAT THE INDUSTRY SAY. I will try to get a copy of the "fact sheet" that comes with coated diamonds that clearly says these are not durable or stable.

Since they are saying that some of the Mulberry diamonds (a term specific to a set of jewellery recently issued) items are coated how about http://www.gemstv.co.uk/shop-detail.jsp?product=UBM2431&category=preweb&colourScheme=9
Coated or not? Thankfully I returned them!
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With ref to the statement issued, this is all to familiar from Gems tv, something came up a while back where they claimed ignorance, and in paragraph three of said statement they are doing it again.

Not good enough, I don't think shifting blame to their suppliers or passing the buck as more commonly known cuts it with anyone that has bought a coated gemstone. Gems are selling it so should check out what they are selling more thoroughly. Makes them sound like their deals with their suppliers is like a scene from Lock stock!
Hang on a minute - GC did you ask specifically about pink diamonds when asking about the coating?

I know that a forum member asked about BLUE diamonds and were told these were coated.

I just asked about the pink diamond studs as these were the ones i wanted to buy but all the studs were the same price for the same carat weights - the blue, green,yellow and pink so i would imagine they would all be coated!?
Whilst I'm sure that forum members appreciate this response, it really doesn't address concerns and since you have failed to respond to the email I sent to GemsTV I will respond here also:

Statement from GemsTV :

We have always been very open about the treatments used on our gemstones. Our website and Guide to Gems & Jewellery detail the treatments and the gemstones they apply to. Presenters openly talk about treatments on air and our Customer Services team is always available to offer help and answer any questions. Not true. Incorrect information is given by Customer Service. There is no SPECIFIC advice about treatments. The information is generic.

Treatments to coloured diamonds are common practice within the industry, both amongst other TV shopping channels and high street retailers. In fact, it is customer demand for coloured diamonds at affordable price points that has fuelled the growth of treated coloured diamond jewellery. Yes but these have been and are "normally" irradiated or HPHT treated. Please provide details of other TV shopping channels that sell coated diamonds. Natural coloured diamonds are rare, expensive and out of reach for all but the wealthiest of people. Which is why you disclose these as "natural" when you sell them on GemsTV. If you are happy to disclose diamonds as "natural" in an effort to sell for a higher price then you should be happy to sell "coated" diamonds in the same manner if you believe the price point to be correct.

It is not true that all our coloured diamonds are coated. We recently started selling pink and purple diamonds from a supplier who did not make it clear at the time that they were coated. All future shipments will be checked for treatments and this information will be communicated at the point of sale. So you have been buying/selling diamonds WITHOUT checking for treatments? At what point did you discover this? Did you contact the people who bought those products to inform them? A full list of product codes can be found at the end of this statement along with information about the coating process. So are you stating that NONE of your blue, green, yellow or scarlet diamonds are coated? Are you also saying that the problem is limited to the items you listed below? How about the other pink and mulberry diamonds you are selling?

We take the disclosure of enhancements seriously. Over the past year we have been studying our existing documentation and how to improve it. We decided several weeks ago to provide customers with specific enhancement information on all the gems we sell. We are currently in the process of reconfiguring our IT systems to allow this. The new system will be rolled out in the next few weeks and will be the most comprehensive in the industry. We will include treatment information on our screen graphics, sales scripts and website to enable you to make a fully informed decision when purchasing jewellery from us. Welcome news indeed. Can you clarify that all future items will be sold with specific disclosure not only during the TV presentation but on the Certificate of Authenticity in the same manner that The Jewellery Channel does?

To reiterate, we have never been secretive about the treatments used on our gemstones and openly communicate this on air, Not true at all. Very very very rarely are treatments EVER mentioned on air via our website generic guidance only, through our Customer Services team who simply do not have full or up to date information and in our Guide to Gems generic again. A recent supply of pink & purple coloured diamonds was coated. If you have purchased any of the items listed below and would like further information, a replacement or a refund, please contact our customer services team. However, we recognise that this is not enough and therefore the measures detailed above will be implemented in the coming weeks to ensure you are able to make a fully informed decision.

Coated Diamonds:

Product ID Description

Diamond coating information from our supplier Can you confirm that rather than taking the word of your supplier, who, after all didn't disclose that they were selling coated diamonds to you in the first instance, you have undertaken your own research to test their information. The information they have provided to you is hardly likely to be negative as they wish to sell their product. Please confirm that tests you will be undertaking to ensure that the colour is (a) stable and (b) can be used in an ultrasonic and (c) is durable, because your Vendor's advice is contrary to that of other coated diamond sellers.:

The Irradiation & HPHT processes are suited to manufacture most of the colours except True Pink. The reason is that these processes yield very few pink colours and even then most of them have purplish undertones. Hence, we started using a new coating process to manufacture Ice Pink Diamonds. This not only yields a natural looking Pink colour but also the process allows us to manufacture as many as we need.

The coating materials used in the past were very unsophisticated and outdated compared to the irradiation and HPHT techniques used now. But technological advances have allowed us to use more sophisticated and durable coatings. The coating process results in a very thin film at the pavilion of the diamond which imparts the colour to the rest of the diamond. Hence, once the diamond is set the colour cannot be easily damaged as there is no coating on the table. Designs where the pavilion of the diamonds is covered should be chosen. This is nothing new. This is the process used for coated diamonds available in the market.

The beauty of this treatment is that the process can be undone and redone quite easily.

Is the colour permanent?

Coated diamonds, like all diamonds, are hardy and durable, resistant to general wear and tear, unless they’re subjected to extreme temperatures (above 500 C) or the pavilion is exposed to acids or abrasive materials (re-cutting or exposure to jewellery polishing wheel).

How can I clean my coloured diamonds?
Coated diamonds can be cleaned in ultrasonic or by steam but cannot be exposed to acids.

Coating - One of the many challenges we have faced over the years is trying to achieve a pleasant natural looking pink. The pinks achieved using the Irradiation process are almost always purplish and the process yields very few of them. Hence, we started using a new coating process to manufacture Ice Pink Diamonds. This process results in a very thin film at the pavilion of the diamond which imparts the colour to the rest of the diamond. Hence, once the diamond is set the colour cannot be easily damaged as there is no coating on the table.
One last point. If GemsTV didn't know that they were selling coated diamonds - how did they manage to price point them at a coated diamond price? For example these:


These have been sold at exactly the same price as the Evergreen, Blue, Scarlet and Yellow diamonds.

So are GemsTV saying that these should have been cheaper and that the price for the others (if they're not coated) is correct? Why has a customer been told that the Blue diamond studs were coated? If this is incorrect then customer service clearly DO NOT have correct information.
What a ridiculous response from Gems TV! I am shocked with the content of this reply and cannot believe any company would let this go out!

I was an avid watcher and buyer of Gems TV and like many on this forum, my husband and I spent a fortune at one time. Never and I mean NEVER have I heard any presenter mention any treatments whatsoever! They were too busy ranting on about how their prices were so much better than the High Street and how you couldn't buy costume jewellery for the prices they sell genuine gemstones! Now it's the opposite - you can easily buy genuine gemstones for the prices they are charging for tat, fake, plated, crystal rubbish!

On the totally lame excuse that their suppliers didn't inform them that the diamonds were coated - only one word for that BOLLOCKS!!! IF they thought they were buying treated (but not coated) diamonds as they normally did then are they then saying they paid the same price as normal? If so, why are they selling them at a cheaper price than their 'normal' diamonds? Either the buyers are totally incompetent or Gems TV are liars. If on the other hand they paid a much cheaper price befitting coated diamonds then if they didn't know they were coated didn't they think it was strange that they were so cheap?

I really don't know what's going on at Gems TV but they have really sunk to an all time low in my opinion and I am very glad I made the decision some time ago that I would never buy from them again.
Also they used to say loud and proud, that their diamonds were CONFLICT FREE!!! I havent heard anyone saying that for sometime now! Well they certainly have a lot of making up to do; I think at the present moment, their mantra is "If you cant dazzle with brillaince, then baffle with bullsh1t!!"

I am still angry at the fact that when selling Rubies they do not mention that they are filled - if i had been told of this, i would never have purchased my first ring! I cant believe how they cannot be totally up front and state this fact - in fact how they cant be upfront and state about the diamonds with stupid names and amazing wonderful colours have been coated, is beyond me! They are loosing credibility and my respect along with it. My enthusiasm for purchasing from them has slipped somewhat when i had to return a second ring when the stone fell out!

And I will mention something else - Scott yesterday mentioned about how their silver earrings are solid silver and dont cause reactions - well I have a pair of amethyst and citrine earrings -( Yohohosahara ) they match a necklace and I cannot wear them, as they make my ears itch and blister - so the silver content in them is not all that fandabbydoozie!! And of course, they were in a plastic bag, I liked the look of them, and undone said bag - and by the time i had put them in, and worn them for half an hour, before my ear lobes started itching and burning - nothing you can do about returning them - so they are sat in my jewellery box, useless, I cant wear them. So now I know that anything to do with Yahsahara and earrings, I avoid. So the silver cannot be all that fandabbiedoozie if its causing my ear lobes to react this way. I am on a mission today in the moaning department - xx
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My first purchase from gems was a flamenco topaz pendant in jan 2008 but I dont recall then or since being told by the presenter that the gem was coated I did watch a lot at that time and cant remember it ever being mentioned for coated topaz.It was mentioned in the book that was sent but being a first time buyer by the time I read it and realised my 10 day guarantee had gone.Would I have sent it back in any case? Probably not as I really like it especially for bling at this at time of year but it would have been nice to be informed by the presenter at the time of purchase.Possibly if I had found this forum at that time and read the insightful threads here then I might have considered again.In fact if I had found this forum sooner there are a few things that would have been winging there way back! I didnt know Kunzite could fade until I read it here so decided not to purchase any.I cant recall any presenter on any of the channels mention this when I have been watching though I have noticed TJC mention when topaz is coated and when their cheaper pink sapphires have been fissure filled which lets us make informed choices.It is a shame as I have bought some things from Gems that I really like but I dont really watch that much now as their prices appear much higher and a lot of their good presenters have gone.
A friend of mine is a diamond dealer in New York. He specifically went to the company considered one of the best for coated diamonds. He received from them a fact sheet. This is what he has told me:

The coated diamonds came with an instruction sheet. There's a list of "Do's and Dont's"

Heat is a problem - such as when a ring is worked on.

Ultrasonic, and steam cleaning- no-no's.

Abrasive cleaners a problem.

They even need to be set in particular ways.....

"Open settings like a Tiffany" or Tension set" are not suggested for a coated stone

The above statement was in the "Dont's " column from the company that did the coating of the diamond."

He was so appalled by these that he returned them immediately and has never attempted to sell and will never sell them.

Interesting that the company that sold the coated diamonds to GemsTV gave them very different care advice! But I guess you have to balance this with the fact that they also sold them to GemsTV (allegedly) without disclosing that they were coated.

Now ....... which advice would YOU believe?

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