Update - coated diamonds!


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Well that confirms that my Majestic Ruby is filled and dyed. :mad: And no, they have never stated these facts at point of sale and I certainly wouldn't have bought the ring if they had. I shall now be contacting GemsTV CS because I want to return the ring in question for a full refund. :pPC:

Sue, I also bought a Majestic Ruby ring (November 2007) and at the time thought the term "majestic" meant it was something a bit special .... obviously not. :mad:

Now, of course, I'm wondering about a little blue diamond ring I bought in January 2007. :(

Good luck in getting a refund ... I stand no chance because mine have been re-sized.
If anyone does receive any info from GemsTV regarding previous purchases could you let me know as well. This is something that all customers past and present need to know the outcome of.

[email protected]
Thanks Meeshoo and Graham

I've been louping my rubies tonight (bet lots of you have!) and have come to the conclusion that they have been filled. That's the Gems rubies - and the Theo Fennell rubies - and the High Street rubies.

Actually I'm not at all surprised as I was always under the impression that all rubies are filled (and all emeralds oiled) as a matter of course - unless bought from a gemologist who specialises in natural gems.

My question is, why doesn't everyone know this? Because we're not always told by the vendors. And, obviously, we should be.
Sue, I also bought a Majestic Ruby ring (November 2007) and at the time thought the term "majestic" meant it was something a bit special .... obviously not. :mad:

Now, of course, I'm wondering about a little blue diamond ring I bought in January 2007. :(

Good luck in getting a refund ... I stand no chance because mine have been re-sized.

That shouldn't make any difference Fluff because you bought the ring in good faith and naturally wanted to wear it. The inportant fact in all this is that GemsTV sold Majestic rubies without fully disclosing the fact that they had been filled which may have prevented you from buying, as it would have me. :pPC:
Holy. Whistling. Duck do.

At the end of the day, and to my mind this is what the ASA ought to be concerned with, most people who watch Gems are like my mum. She loves Gems. Buys tons and tons from them. She has NEVER EVER EVER looked at their website. She watches the tele and if she sees something, she phones and buys it. She is not a big internet fan, and she just can't be bothered fannying about with the internet when she can just phone them and buy stuff.

So at what part of the sales process have these enhancements been declared to my mum??????
Holy. Whistling. Duck do.

At the end of the day, and to my mind this is what the ASA ought to be concerned with, most people who watch Gems are like my mum. She loves Gems. Buys tons and tons from them. She has NEVER EVER EVER looked at their website. She watches the tele and if she sees something, she phones and buys it. She is not a big internet fan, and she just can't be bothered fannying about with the internet when she can just phone them and buy stuff.

So at what part of the sales process have these enhancements been declared to my mum??????

Exactly! That's my point PR also does your mum know anything about treatments? Does she even know treated gemstones exist? I know up until a few years ago I didn't! To me back then a diamond was a diamond was a diamond!
As far as I know GemsTV has sent out a Gems and Jewellery Guide to all new customers and I've just checked the 2006 (pink) version and it refers to Gemstone treatments on p190. Ruby and Sapphire are included in the gemstones listed.
As far as I know GemsTV has sent out a Gems and Jewellery Guide to all new customers and I've just checked the 2006 (pink) version and it refers to Gemstone treatments on p190. Ruby and Sapphire are included in the gemstones listed.

Exactly. This is what GemsTV will rely on. So to disclose they issue (each year) a book with each order and they also have the enhancements page. They will argue that the information is available to customers (who can also ring customer services).

The problem with this is that to Joe Public when you say "ruby" they think "ruby". When you say "diamond" they think "diamond". They DON'T think "ooooh I must go and find out what treatments have been applied to this gemstone". Only people who become serious hobbyists or collectors start to think like this.

IF each auction had in the title "irradiated diamond" "coated diamond" "fissure filled ruby" etc etc people would then know to ask. There's no way that GemsTV could argue non-disclosure if they sold like this.
Thanks Meeshoo and Graham

I've been louping my rubies tonight (bet lots of you have!) and have come to the conclusion that they have been filled. That's the Gems rubies - and the Theo Fennell rubies - and the High Street rubies.

Actually I'm not at all surprised as I was always under the impression that all rubies are filled (and all emeralds oiled) as a matter of course - unless bought from a gemologist who specialises in natural gems.

My question is, why doesn't everyone know this? Because we're not always told by the vendors. And, obviously, we should be.

There are many outlets that won't touch filled Rubies. In fact they will only accept heating or totally natural. I have many Rubies that haven't been filled. However, the majority of rubies from TV shopping channels (except TJC) have. The problem in the marketplace now is that Ruby rough is actually filled before it even gets to the cutting stage - so it's even difficult for lapidarists to detect. I had a really interesting conversation with a gemstone cutter who said that detecting enhancements in Rubies was probably one of the most difficult.

I also have 2 Emeralds that have not been oiled which are antique pieces (although the majority of Emeralds have). Oiling isn't a problem - it's an accepted practice (a bit like heating). Filling, clarity enhancing (with a treatment called Excel) and various other awful treatments are the ones to be wary of.
The 'filled Ruby' problem was an issue when I was kicking off about the Tanzanite a few years ago. I was stood in a jewellers in Hatton Garden when a lady was told that her Ruby from Gems was 'filled' just before we were told we had been ripped off for our Tanzanite, I thought that I had mentioned it here but it was possibly overlooked in my haze of fury with Gems and their practices.

I'm sure I read about it on another forum where a very clued in lady was educating everyone about how it was done. I am still stunned at the lows Gems will sink to for a sale!!!
This thread has been very informative(sp). I did know that rubies where filled etc from reading here rather than Gems.

But this coated diamonds thing is a new nail in their coffin. GemsTV have been circling the toilet for quite a while now. I think someone has just flushed again and it has now hit the drain.
My Mum and Dad have bought lots from Gems, they don't now because they're no longer on Freeview, but they do NOT have internet access, and having received a copy of the book, I doubt very much whether they've read every page of any new copies they have received over the years to see if there have been changed and amendments.
No I don't suppose they have Mad and why would/should they, or indeed anyone else do that?? We rely on retailers (and shopping channels in particular because they are distance selling) to be upfront and honest about the goods they are selling and clearly GemsTV have been less than transparent over the various treatments their gems have been subjected to. The coated diamonds issue is particulaly serious. :pPC:
As far as I know GemsTV has sent out a Gems and Jewellery Guide to all new customers and I've just checked the 2006 (pink) version and it refers to Gemstone treatments on p190. Ruby and Sapphire are included in the gemstones listed.

Now you see that I could accept IF they said to people on screen that the book is gonna come with your order, and TAKE A LOOK AT PAGE whatever COZ IT TELLS YOU ALL ABOUT ANY TREATMENTS WE USE ON OUR GEMSTONES, JUST COZ WE WANT YOU TO BE 100% HAPPY WITH WHAT YOU HAVE BOUGHT, and they say it reasonably regularly. That's all they would need to do, but the majority of people that get that book don't even know to look for that. It's like sending someone the answer to a joke no one has ever asked them before without telling them and squidging it in the middle of a ream of blank paper....yeah, coz people are gonna know what the hell that is about aren't they!!!

What really gets my goat is that the 'normal' TV channels have a whole spiel they legally HAVE to say every time they want you to take part in a vote or a competition or something, yet Gems (et al) can get away with this. Far more money is at stake here, and they are blatantly mis leading people.

As for my mum, I really don't have the heart to tell her all about this. She has bought so much stuff from them and loves it all and I don't think I could do it to her. Maybe it's best that with the stuff she already has that she doesn't know. I do think they have hoodwinked her though, and would much prefer it if she were making informed purchases in future.

Come on Gems! Shape up or ship out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:
PR you're 100% right BUT none of the jewellery shopping channels do that.

Rocks and Co never disclose and simply have an enhancements page (based loosely on the GemsTV one) so they're exactly the same. In fact, GemsTV are slightly better in that at least when they were selling irradiated diamonds they said so!

RocksTV don't even have an enhancements page! So you've got no chance there.

TJC do have a limited enhancements page but the treated is normally listed in their auctions and the presenters do talk about it so are probably the best at this.

QVC - no idea because I don't buy from them.

There should actually be legislation on this but there isn't :(
The 'filled Ruby' problem was an issue when I was kicking off about the Tanzanite a few years ago. I was stood in a jewellers in Hatton Garden when a lady was told that her Ruby from Gems was 'filled' just before we were told we had been ripped off for our Tanzanite, I thought that I had mentioned it here but it was possibly overlooked in my haze of fury with Gems and their practices.

I'm sure I read about it on another forum where a very clued in lady was educating everyone about how it was done. I am still stunned at the lows Gems will sink to for a sale!!!

I am intrigued (or a glutton for punishment lol!) can you tell more about being ripped off over tanzanite - it seems that will be another stone to put on the list of gems not informing us about xxxx mind you, they keep banging on about how R A R E tanzanite is, and when you look across the jewellery shopping channels - QVC, TJC, IW, R&C RocksTv, and Gems, they are all selling it - and so one asks oneself, just how rare, is RARE if its presented on most channels throughout the day! Sometimes i do think they have a hold on our minds at time! same as gemstv mention lemon citrine is rare! how many times a day do we see that?
ShoppingTelly.com has been asked to post the following statement from GemsTV:

"We take your concerns very seriously and are investigating this matter. We will post an update in due course and if you have concerns regarding a recent purchase please get in touch with our Customer Services team on [email protected]."

How long does it take?
How long does it take?

Well Richard Hughes is American so presumably he's on holiday celebrating Thanksgiving.

However, this should be simple for somebody in Thailand to answer (and they're not having Thanksgiving)!

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