TSV Kim and Co


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what about the new denim trousers? looked like dish rags to me.
It annoyed me that now they are finally doing a petite size, they did not give the inside leg measurement, not sure about that as was not listening all the time, there is only so much this old girl can take, but saying it is 3 inches shorter than the long ones does not really help.
not a problem really, as not buying.
Wow, the spirit of sisterhood really is dead and buried on this forum isn't it? We all have to like or dislike the same things or we and they get ripped to shreds.

Reading this thread is like watching a gang of bullies in a school playground.
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Wow, the spirit of sisterhood really is dead and buried on this forum isn't it? We all have to like or dislike the same things or we and they get ripped to shreds.

Reading this thread is like watching a gang of bullies in a school playground.

I actually read the thread again in case I missed the bullying.
I have to say that I also thought the TSV was vile and very over priced
I also thought that some of the clothes I saw throughout the day were not nice, and again over priced.
I also would state that KM was very hard for me to listen to as sometimes I only got every 3rd or 5th word, or gave up.
expressing an opinion is not bullying IMO
During my childhood I lived quite close to a mental hospital and the resident men who were allowed out all wore trousers which came above their ankles, i.e.other peoples castoffs. That's what Kim's trousers look like on me. It seems to me that Kim, Pippa and the tiny girl who was appearing yesterday are the only ones the trousers are made to fit. IMO, if you're tall and top heavy or tall and slender these trousers don't work and is compounded by said models wearing killer heels with pointed toes. M&S make their trousers in leg lengths 27-33, no question there of one length suits all. Sorry, I forgot her petite range,a massive three inches shorter. Would I be correct in thinking that her clothes are designed for Mrs/Miss average who is 5'4"-it would make sense of that 3inch difference.
Best wishes from Springflower.
I am , as you must all be sick of hearing by now, a huge fan of Kim&Co's more sober offerings. I think the TSV is ugly and badly-fitting and I wouldn't wear it to the corner shop. I have felt that way about most of her TSVs and many of her more garish stuff for the last few years, apart from her last one which deserved it's huge star rating.

As for Ms Mendlesson, I do wish she would employ someone to present her clothes, someone that doesn't sound as if they have just sucked all the helium out of a balloon.

I havn't seen any bullying on this thread Alley Cat and I'm pretty sensitive to it. Kim always engenders an explosion of incredulity and derision amongst the folk on here. I wear loads of her clothes and get teased a bit but I don't mind as I could remedy it in an instant by keeping my mouth shut.
So Kim and Co ......clothes for mental patients eh? A tad harsh.
I actually read the thread again in case I missed the bullying.
I have to say that I also thought the TSV was vile and very over priced
I also thought that some of the clothes I saw throughout the day were not nice, and again over priced.
I also would state that KM was very hard for me to listen to as sometimes I only got every 3rd or 5th word, or gave up.
expressing an opinion is not bullying IMO

I totally agree with everything you say WildRose. Whilst I agree that it would be very boring if we all liked the same things,the fact is,we do not! As such, we are bound to have our own opinions about the products offered for sale . We have the priviledge of free speech and are fully entitled to use it regardless of how others react. I also re- read the thread and could find no evidence of bullying. The posts are expressing personal opinions only.I feel sure that if there was any evidence of bullying the relevant posts would be removed from this thread as has happened in the recent past.
Oof! Thank you so much for this - that's adorable. I'm such a sucker for the 20s look. I'm going to save up my pennies for this I think!

I actually thought that hat looked great too. Might have to have a look when I get to M&S:blush:
. . . I havn't seen any bullying on this thread Alley Cat

I see nothing but. A bunch of people drawing strength in numbers to make savage - and yes, they are savage - attacks on these products and, by implication, the people that wear them. Those people may not be named, but the posters are well aware that many people here like these products, yet they egg each other on to make ever more vicious comments which, by implication, are being directed towards their fellow posters.

. Kim always engenders an explosion of incredulity and derision amongst the folk on here.

Exactly my point. It's repeated, again and again and again, which is completely unnecessary, and is always, equally unnecessarily, nasty with no thought as to the feelings of others. This is not just people expressing an opinion, it's perfectly possible to express an opinion without being vicious - many of these comments are deliberately vicious.

. I wear loads of her clothes and get teased a bit but I don't mind as I could remedy it in an instant by keeping my mouth shut.

Yes, you could always be bullied into silence, as I know for a fact some people have been. I also wear Kim & Co and don't like the TSV but, as you've demonstrated, it's perfectly possible to express your opinion without being vile. This is by no stretch of the imagination "teasing", it's organised nastiness. I also have a healthy self-esteem, so don't give a toss what people here say, but not all women - for many unpleasant reasons - have a healthy self-esteem, and I feel for them if they have these products and read this.

I was first told about this forum by my partner, who is a clinical psychologist and has spent a lot of time over the past two years heading up a widespread study on cyber-bullying. As I do all my shopping online he suggested I might like to read here. For their study he and his colleagues asked people to nominate examples of what they considered to be bullying on the internet, and a number of people (almost all women) nominated this forum. The team studied and profiled this forum as a classic example of subtle bullying in just such threads as this. One of the problems is, apparently, that people justify the kind of comments made by claiming it's just an opinion, or that it's just a joke, when in fact it's classic bullying - strength in numbers with each person trying to outdo the other in terms of nastiness. The repeated returning to attack the same products - and by implication those that like them - is another characteristic of bullying. The fact that the people doing this across the net don't realise that this is what they're doing is, apparently, possibly the biggest problem that needs to be addressed.

I'm not saying this is deliberate bullying, but I do think people need to understand the power of the internet and the impact it can have on (in this case) women who are not as fortunate as us in the strength of their self-esteem. We can all voice our opinion without tearing the products and, by implication, the people that buy them to shreds. We all know that women have a very hard time in this world, in particular with their appearance. Surely the people on this forum are able to express the fact that they don't like something without telling another woman who likes it and feels good in it that she looks horrendous and that her clothes are cheap tat. Surely they can just be kinder to their fellow women, who have enough to deal with in life without having their appearance and taste savaged by other women.

As I started the thread, I hope to finish it on a good note AC. I have not noticed any browbeating of people on here who do enjoy wearing various Q ranges that do not appeal to all. My thread questioned the appalling TSV as I believe we deserve better. I really question your membership of this forum as I think you will be eternally disillusioned by it. Expression of opinion taken as bullying will always provoke debate. You could have just remained a reader of this forum without joining, and then stopped reading when it became too upsetting.
I admire your stance, AC, but it just isn't going to happen when one is allowed anonymity. All forums have their share of bullying and their share of compassion and support and this is no exception. I belong to several and were I to voice an objection every time someone is disagreeable, I would have found myself a full-time job, albeit unpaid.
Nor would it leave me any time to appreciate the truly good things that can happen and some of the lovely people I have met in forums too.
Hmmmmmm..................... so we are part of a study group now are we ? I'm being 'studied' without my permission eh ? Don't know if I care for that too much. Its all very well being high and mighty about bullying, but regular forumites know what this website is all about - WITHOUT GETTING TOO DEEP about it - a place to air our views, have a good giggle at the many comedians on here, and have a good bitch about qvc in general.

So, if its too hot in the kitchen for some .................................................
I admire your stance, AC, but it just isn't going to happen when one is allowed anonymity.

And isn't that a sad indictment of human nature. That people feel it's ok to criticise, mock and savage others and their taste because the opportunity's there and they don't have to answer for it.

All forums have their share of bullying and their share of compassion and support and this is no exception.

I agree that many do, but not all. I belong to a few that have no bullying - just decent people enjoying each other's company. Not everybody agrees with everybody else, but they don't make vicious and spiteful comments about each other's taste or opinions. And they certainly don't return again and again to hammer their point into the ground. I also spend time on Usenet - that is completely no holds barred, but that's accepted by all who go there. I just find it really sad to see women attacking women over their appearance - there is so much prejudice in the world in this area that we really should be supporting each other, not being destructive.

I belong to several and were I to voice an objection every time someone is disagreeable, I would have found myself a full-time job, albeit unpaid.
Nor would it leave me any time to appreciate the truly good things that can happen and some of the lovely people I have met in forums too.

I've also met some nice people in forums. This one's an odd one though - threads like the one debating the use of English and the decline of standards are excellent. People voiced all sorts of opinions and nobody was aggressive or vitriolic. That's how it should be. I just don't understand what it is about this forum that some members get pleasure from being unpleasant when it comes to others' appearance. They've made it quite clear in the past that they think Kim & Co is dreadful and that those of us who wear it have no taste, so they're obviously waiting up to watch the Kim & Co TSV precisely so they can come on here and be foul about it. It's nasty and quite unnecessary, and this world's nasty enough without adding to it unnecessarily.

I see nothing but. A bunch of people drawing strength in numbers to make savage - and yes, they are savage - attacks on these products and, by implication, the people that wear them. Those people may not be named, but the posters are well aware that many people here like these products, yet they egg each other on to make ever more vicious comments which, by implication, are being directed towards their fellow posters.

Exactly my point. It's repeated, again and again and again, which is completely unnecessary, and is always, equally unnecessarily, nasty with no thought as to the feelings of others. This is not just people expressing an opinion, it's perfectly possible to express an opinion without being vicious - many of these comments are deliberately vicious.

Yes, you could always be bullied into silence, as I know for a fact some people have been. I also wear Kim & Co and don't like the TSV but, as you've demonstrated, it's perfectly possible to express your opinion without being vile. This is by no stretch of the imagination "teasing", it's organised nastiness. I also have a healthy self-esteem, so don't give a toss what people here say, but not all women - for many unpleasant reasons - have a healthy self-esteem, and I feel for them if they have these products and read this.

I was first told about this forum by my partner, who is a clinical psychologist and has spent a lot of time over the past two years heading up a widespread study on cyber-bullying. As I do all my shopping online he suggested I might like to read here. For their study he and his colleagues asked people to nominate examples of what they considered to be bullying on the internet, and a number of people (almost all women) nominated this forum. The team studied and profiled this forum as a classic example of subtle bullying in just such threads as this. One of the problems is, apparently, that people justify the kind of comments made by claiming it's just an opinion, or that it's just a joke, when in fact it's classic bullying - strength in numbers with each person trying to outdo the other in terms of nastiness. The repeated returning to attack the same products - and by implication those that like them - is another characteristic of bullying. The fact that the people doing this across the net don't realise that this is what they're doing is, apparently, possibly the biggest problem that needs to be addressed.

I'm not saying this is deliberate bullying, but I do think people need to understand the power of the internet and the impact it can have on (in this case) women who are not as fortunate as us in the strength of their self-esteem. We can all voice our opinion without tearing the products and, by implication, the people that buy them to shreds. We all know that women have a very hard time in this world, in particular with their appearance. Surely the people on this forum are able to express the fact that they don't like something without telling another woman who likes it and feels good in it that she looks horrendous and that her clothes are cheap tat. Surely they can just be kinder to their fellow women, who have enough to deal with in life without having their appearance and taste savaged by other women.

I wasn't aware that people on here "egg each other on": that does sound rather paranoid. As this is a site for people to share opinions, could it simply be that in a thread where someone states their dislike for a product range others choose to agree? There have also been threads complimenting QVC on presenters, guests and products: as these may put people off disagreeing, does this also constitute bullying? By your definition then yes, it does.

And as for asking women to be kind to each other just because they're women: I hope that Germaine Greer never hears you say that! When did women become so weak and powerless that they can't speak their minds? It's THIS kind of thinking that sets equality back 60+ years! Would you rather be in a place where people are free to say what they think, regardless of ethnicity/age/sexual orientation/gender, or would you rather so called "minorities" get patronised because they're poor widdle lambikins? I know what I'd rather have!

And I have to say WHY are you clutching at your pearls and decrying this thread if you were "warned" about the forum? If you knew you wouldn't agree with it, then WHY post here to start with?

Rather than have a go at us lot for not matching your standards (which you knew about in advance, by your own admission!), why not find somewhere more to your taste?
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I really question your membership of this forum as I think you will be eternally disillusioned by it.

Oh believe me I'm not disillusioned. The older I get the less I expect of people, and they rarely surprise me. And do you realise what you're saying? You question the membership of this forum of someone who questions the need to be foul to other people. What does that say?

Expression of opinion taken as bullying will always provoke debate.

I am the first person to defend everyone's right to express their opinion - but the way in which that opinion is expressed is another thing entirely. In expressing mine I have the right to question why it's necessary for otherwise rational people to become so unpleasant - repeatedly - when this particular subject is discussed. At a time when we're being told that children as young as 5 are being hospitalised for eating disorders because so many people are being affected by the world's warped view of personal appearance, why on earth are people here continually posting criticism of the appearance that their fellow women choose. Why, when they can't stand the product, do they make sure they watch every programme just so they can come here and be foul about it? That isn't just someone expressing their opinion. I have personal experience within my family of the effect these kind of comments can have on a person, and I find it hard to believe that anybody posting here would want to contribute to it.

You could have just remained a reader of this forum without joining, and then stopped reading when it became too upsetting.

I'm not upset. Disgusted yes, but not upset. And while I'm sure it would have been easier for some people if I'd remained a reader, as you said yourself I'm simply expressing my opinion. I've watched this forum long enough to expect these threads, but I'm also someone who will never be prepared to sit by and not question something if I think it's wrong.
Sometimes a comment saying that a QVC product looks great or rubbish is simply that.

Considering this is in the QVC forum, it seems like the best place for the thread.

And just because people disagree does not make things "wrong"; as we're all individuals we cannot agree over everything.

But just because I have different tastes to someone else does not make either of us "right" or "wrong".

And since buying clothes is a subjective activity, surely one person stating that they don't like a jacket should not make someone who does like it feel "bullied"?

People should wear what they like and what makes them feel comfortable. But that doesn't stop the outside world from having an opinion.
And I have to say WHY are you clutching at your pearls and decrying this thread if you were "warned" about the forum? If you knew you wouldn't agree with it, then WHY post here to start with?

My, my, you folk can dish it out but you sure can't take it can you - even when I'm expressing myself politely. I'm merely expressing my opinion on one thread, yet what's this now, three, four people who've suggested I should leave? You defend everyone's right to voice their opiniions, but I challenge the habitual nastiness, and none of you think I should be here and suggest I should leave. That's very telling.

As for being "warned", yes I was told that some members frequently post vicious and destructive posts, but those people are by no means representative of the entire forum. And the person who told me knows that I needed no "warning" about anything, he was simply telling me that I'd find this in some threads.

Rather than have a go at us lot for not matching your standards (which you knew about in advance, by your own admission!), why not find somewhere more to your taste?

So only the people who loathe Kim & Co are allowed to be expressive in their opinion then? Expressing my opinion far less unpleasantly than everyone else is "having a go"? You're quite clearly saying that you want to be able to voice your opinions in as nasty a way as you choose, and you don't want anybody coming here questionning that. And you don't see that this is a form of bullying.
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