TSV Kim and Co


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your own advice AC on another thread....''Disagreeing with what you said on a discussion forum, where you've started the discussion, is "Having a go" at you? The purpose of a forum is to voice one's opinions, whether or not we all share those opinions. If you don't like the heat etc.'' hmmm
Though I never posted an opinion about Kim and Co personally I don't like the range, but I dont see how you have made the leap from me saying for example

"I dont like Kim and Co, the clothes look like they could generate so much static electricity I would be scared to go near the cat"

How does that equate in any way to a personal attack on women who do choose to wear it?
If they do feel like I am making a personal attack on them, just because I chose to air my opinion on the clothes, why would that then be my problem if the comment was not made with that intention? I am not going to censor my opinions to cater for overly sensitive people who assume any attack on something they purchase is a personal attack on them!.
Why should I be bullied into remaining silent on my opinions of products in case I offend someone who has bought one, just incase they are overly sensitive to any criticism of anything they purchase?

I,m sorry I think you are over reacting here. All I see is someone who buys Kim and Co getting upset that others say its cheap nylon tat and taking those remarks personally
Hmmmmmm..................... so we are part of a study group now are we ? I'm being 'studied' without my permission eh ? Don't know if I care for that too much.

It's a large study actually - you don't have to care for it and your permission isn't needed. You're posting on a public forum - every single word you type can potentially be read by millions of people. If you don't want to be studied and profiled by some - and yes, judged by others - then you should give up speaking in public.

Its all very well being high and mighty about bullying,

God, when kids are killing themselves because of bullying, and when people of all ages are starving themselves to death because of what they see on the internet and in magazines about what is and isn't the right way to look and what is and isn't the right thing to wear, you think that someone concerned about cyber-bullying is being "high and mighty"? That says it all.

but regular forumites know what this website is all about - WITHOUT GETTING TOO DEEP about it - a place to air our views, have a good giggle at the many comedians on here, and have a good bitch about qvc in general.

Comedy is a matter of opinion. The fact that this forum was reported to my partner's study by the number who reported it is testament to the fact that I'm not the only one who doesn't find being foul to and about people and their choices funny.

You clearly haven't noticed, but there are quite a lot of "regular forumites" who don't take part in your "comedy" sessions, so by no means everyone is here to bitch. Some of us have a really novel idea that a forum like this is somewhere to have positive discussions too.

So, if its too hot in the kitchen for some .................................................

And yet another "regular forumite" who doesn't really believe that everyone should be allowed to express their opinion.
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Bullying: the use of force or coercion to affect others,
to be fair, that is only part of the definition, but at what stage has anyone tried to change anyone else opinion?

I am seriously confused as I am even starting to think that maybe using your definition AC you could be described as a bully too - or am I seeing cyber bully's everywhere now?
You are perfectly entitled to you opinion, but I have to say you come across as very defensive and aggressive in the way you express it. maybe thats just the inability to hear a tone of voice on an internet forum.
your own advice AC on another thread....''Disagreeing with what you said on a discussion forum, where you've started the discussion, is "Having a go" at you? The purpose of a forum is to voice one's opinions, whether or not we all share those opinions. If you don't like the heat etc.'' hmmm

Yes, I did say that, because just as here the poster was accusing me of "having a go" when I was merely expressing my opinion in perfectly reasonable terms. I questioned his use of a particular word, which was wholly inaccurate, and he accused me of "having a go". Hardly an adult response.

As I have repeatedly said on this thread, it's the WAY these opinions are expressed that I object to, not the opinions themselves. You know as well as I do that this is not a few people simply saying that they don't like something and won't buy it. This is a bunch of people starting a thread every single time these products appear, and expressing their dislike in the nastiest terms possible - about the products, about the people who produce the products and about the people who use/wear the products. These posters are intelligent people who cannot fail to realise the difference.
Gosh, I have never been disected line by line before, this is a first ! Makes me feel rather important !!!!!!

My thoughts on bullying ? I think everyone of us has been 'bullied' at some point in our lives, be it at school, workplace, partnerships and most of us get over it - in fact I remember a time whenever I opened a magazine there was always some celebrity or other writing an article on how they had been bullied as a youngster. Not very nice, but there ARE some who make a career out of it !

My, my, you folk can dish it out but you sure can't take it can you - even when I'm expressing myself politely. I'm merely expressing my opinion on one thread, yet what's this now, three, four people who've suggested I should leave? You defend everyone's right to voice their opiniions, but I challenge the habitual nastiness, and none of you think I should be here and suggest I should leave. That's very telling.

Now who's tarring everyone with the same brush - "You folk" is it now? Methinks THAT's a telling comment Ms Cat :nod:

And there's something quite... hypocritical about someone coming onto a forum and using a pseudonym to state that she and her far more elite friends don't think much of us poor oiks inarticulately expressing our meagre opinions while doing so under a false name. Unless you are in fact called "Alley Cat", in which case I stand corrected.

As for telling you to leave, I think you'll find I was making a suggestion. One made based on the fact that you have made a number of posts stating how unhappy you are with the running of this forum. I apologise if YOU read that as my telling you to leave: I can assure you that was not my intent.

But then, I accept that you would have had great difficulty establishing that from a simple written phrase taken out of context. Maybe if you'd had a tone of voice to work with, or maybe some body language? Would that have helped?

You see, while message boards are fun, they are also the cause of great misunderstandings: without having any verbal or physical tells, going by the typed word alone could lead you to infer meanings the poster did not intend.

Something that you and your friends should really bear in mind when psychoanalysing people on messages alone. After all, without understanding WHY someone has said what they've said, you're left with a heck of a lot of guesswork. Which sounds like a pretty shoddy way of psychoanalysing people. :nod:

Also, I rely on the site owner and the mods to police the forum: that's what they are there for. Or for someone to explain to me why they disagree with something I post.

I don't expect someone to graciously descend from on high to try and educate the great unwashed in the errors of their ways. It's not exactly a great way to make friends and influence people.
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As I have repeatedly said on this thread, it's the WAY these opinions are expressed that I object to, not the opinions themselves.

And isn't that why Graham the site owner set up a fantastic facility where you could report abusive posts?

Or was it his intent that we all ignore this and instead wind other posters up instead.

I think this is known as "trolling", or are you just seeing what reactions you can get for your study group to chuckle over? :wonder:
Thought I'd just ask........anyone go for the TSV in the end? I didn't because I didn't actually like it but that's only my opinion although I do appreciate that it might appeal to others because we ARE all different!! :wink:
Thought I'd just ask........anyone go for the TSV in the end? I didn't because I didn't actually like it but that's only my opinion although I do appreciate that it might appeal to others because we ARE all different!! :wink:

i would have if it had come in puce and 7xl with matching shorts
Thought I'd just ask........anyone go for the TSV in the end? I didn't because I didn't actually like it but that's only my opinion although I do appreciate that it might appeal to others because we ARE all different!! :wink:

BusyLizzie! You're not ALLOWED to disagree with anyone else, especially other women!

Because women are so fragile any kind of opposite opinion could make them feel so undermined that they do something DRASTIC: like go buy some skincare from the dreaded high street or summat!!

So you better retract that comment, or you'll make a clinical psychologist cry :nod:
Oh dear, Joolyer is presenting with Kim now.
The easily offended should leave now........ I'll get my coat.
Oh dear, Joolyer is presenting with Kim now.
The easily offended should leave now........ I'll get my coat.


I was going to post something along the lines of "Thank Gawd La Roberts wasn't presenting!" as well!

This should be fun, then.

Now, I'm going to be really brave here and admit to something which others may totally disagree with but that's fine by me because we all have different tastes!!!

Yes, I've gone ahead and ordered one of Kim's Faux Wrap dresses to give it a try and, quite honestly, I really don't mind who knows it! Just fire ahead with your comments but I won't take them personally and think you are bullying me for one minute.............:tongue: I love all your one-liners and jibes, they help to brighten up my day!! :smirk:
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