Too long fringes!


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Jul 26, 2010
DF and CH must shove their fringes out of the way about 30 times an hour. Time to get them cut ladies. In fact, thinking about it, all the female presenters shove, flick, head swirl or shoulder hold their hair out of the way. It's like watching a wrestling match, where has good grooming gone to? New product idea Q, scrunchies, love 'em!:mysmilie_866:
All the flicking, rearranging etc of all is about attracting attention. It's saying "look at me". I have even known men who do it, they often toss their heads.
Ali Young's is the worst as it practically sticks to her gazillion layers of mascara and moves up and down when she blinks. So distracting.
Fiona Decleor is another culprit of the long fringe syndrome. Worst offender outside of QVC is Claudia Winkleman although it was cut when she started SCD this year it seems to be creeping downwards.
I agree Alison Youngs is the worst offender for fringe covering her eyes. My question is what is she trying to hide as she seems to wear much heavier make up these days. Perhaps she can't afford to let us see her wrinkles or ageing skin as she has to make us believe all these expensive products she flogs do work.
All the flicking, rearranging etc of all is about attracting attention. It's saying "look at me". I have even known men who do it, they often toss their heads.

I think it also may be a sign if one is lacking confidence and needs something to fiddle with i.e. pen, pencil, hair.
We have always called JF "Flicky" for the very reason that she does it every few seconds, in fact Mr LATI doesn't know her proper name.
See JF is a true professional! Her fringe covers her eyes but she just ignores it and gets on with it.

As the last poster says, she may well ignore her fringe, but boy does she keep inspecting herself in the floor monitor and 'doing a Miss Piggy' with the throwback hair !!!!! Its not all about you love !!!!

My bugbear are the kitchen demos where food is on offer or being prepared - all that hair swishing about, without a thought of it being tied back - ugh !!
I think someone posted on here not that long ago about Fiona and her fringe. They met her at Beauty Bash I think, and said she had loads of wrinkles on her forehead and eyes but hides them with that mega fringe ;-)
I'm not a fan of he fringes and find most if not all of the presenter hair styles on qvc quite dated/ old-fashioned, colours included... Deb's look is the classic 'bigger hair the better' with tacky colour in it. I adore Claire's hair (or rather I'm jealous of how thick and lush it is!) but again it's hardly a v modern look. Pipa's used to be bit more funky but now that's even grown out and just sought of look and boring ;)
Pipa had grown her hair out by the time I started watching QVC but I've seen photos and clips of her old style on the beauty channel and she looked amazing! Really gorgeous short hair and gorgeous clothes too. She's just like the others now in style really. Shame.
Debs' hair is stripped lol! She's got red and white wide stripes in it. Looks daft and very dated. I had those colours in the mid 90s.
Debs flint seems to colour her hair often and it lacks shine and looks a bit patchy.

Claire's hair is very unflattering elongating her long face-and its not blonde, its yellow and harsh.She needs a serious chop.
Jilly, Pippa, Claire and Julia all need a chop if you ask me! In varying degrees...Pippa needs to go short again, Jilly needs any amount off, just please have some layers! Claire needs a good 6 inches, although I could actually see her with a sleek chin length bob. Julia's hair is lovely but too thick around the bottom. I think this woud look best at shoulder length. I love Jackie's hair and hope she is not growing it. I'm sure I heard her mention she was. I forgot Anne. Again, above shoulders with layers.

Free advice from hairdresser of the year!! ;-) (tongue firmly in cheek)
Saw Claire with a Ken Paves wig on one day, she looked really good. I too like Pippa with a pixie haircut
On a different subject, I was paying at a till yesterday and when I looked up I made eye contact with the young cashier. I must have looked quizzical because she explained that she liked my hairstyle pointing out its symmetry and cut. I was pleased to tell her that I cut it myself using instructions from Cosmopolitan on the internet. My hair is a shoulder length bob with layers.
I think the longer hair is a QVC request as they all seemed to grow it a similar time.
I love my fringe because it covers up a lot of forehead horrors, but I hate it hanging in my eyes . My hairdresser is always telling me off for trimming it.

Think C H may be growing her fringe out. I also heard Jackie say she is growing her hair.
I love my fringe because it covers up a lot of forehead horrors, but I hate it hanging in my eyes . My hairdresser is always telling me off for trimming it.

Think C H may be growing her fringe out. I also heard Jackie say she is growing her hair.

I prefer CH with a fringe, and Jackie with short hair!

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