The Huntley - where has she gone ?


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In any job there are a few who labour under the delusion they are indispensable. At the end of the day in a work context no one is indispensable. To friends and especially family we are more than likely indispensable, which shows Ali Keenan is making a great decision.

It is always saddening when people sneer at “leaving to spend more time with family” is given as the reason for leaving public life - politics, sport, media, showbiz… but this life may be the only shot, so why waste it spending time with colleagues you tolerate? The sneerers should take a look at themselves and ask why they think so little of spending time with loved ones.
Totally agree MML. One day you wake up and realise that the future is actually now and there's not a whole lot of time for planning what you'll do one day. One day is today. In the last year so many people I know have passed away, including family and what would you have given to have had that bit more time to spend with them if you had only known. I intend to retire as soon as is feasibly possible, visit my mum more, walk my dog more, be kinder.

Alison Keenan is
One of many who should retire,they don’t do QVC any favours at all,stare down the camera,flick of the hair,pose in front of the monitor,write a book,add another item to your basket or else,it’s all about me me me,they dont know anything about the products they are selling,presenting since the dawn of time and don’t we know it 🦕
The wickedness of the government pushing the retirement age again and again. The reality is a lot dont make it and all thier pension and taxes paid is for nothing.
Of course, when they started the old age pension, it was assumed that few people would reach that age and contributions were calculated to account for that. Nowadays most people do reach that age (and many years beyond), thankfully, and it makes it so much more expensive. Having people work longer, or raising a great deal more tax (who likes paying more tax?) would seem to be the only options.
Of course, when they started the old age pension, it was assumed that few people would reach that age and contributions were calculated to account for that. Nowadays most people do reach that age (and many years beyond), thankfully, and it makes it so much more expensive. Having people work longer, or raising a great deal more tax (who likes paying more tax?) would seem to be the only options.
I have a deep suspicion that we have some of the least generous pension age and wages. With high inflation not a good combination. I could be wrong though.
They are going nuts over in France as the retirement age was being raised to 64!!! The UK government are looking for those who retired early to return to work 50+, now the only people who are in that group are loaded anyway. Raising and raising for normal people who could have health problems and expecting to just keep working on and on. I did laugh when one of the ministers (morons), mentioned that construction had a major shortage of workers. Yes, they want people in their 60s running around building houses etc. Doctors are retiring and no one wants to take over surgeries which are then closing.

The problem is people are just living too long and can have complex health problems. That is the truth.
The 'sneerers' probably think that people who are leaving a job because they say they want to spend more time with the family are covering up what they are really planning to do or not admitting that they were elbowed out. Who knows but A Keenan didn’t want to take any more criticism of her skin damage and her use of cheek fillers. She's well out of QVC IMO.
In any job there are a few who labour under the delusion they are indispensable. At the end of the day in a work context no one is indispensable. To friends and especially family we are more than likely indispensable, which shows Ali Keenan is making a great decision.

It is always saddening when people sneer at “leaving to spend more time with family” is given as the reason for leaving public life - politics, sport, media, showbiz… but this life may be the only shot, so why waste it spending time with colleagues you tolerate? The sneerers should take a look at themselves and ask why they think so little of spending time with loved ones.
Of course, when they started the old age pension, it was assumed that few people would reach that age and contributions were calculated to account for that. Nowadays most people do reach that age (and many years beyond), thankfully, and it makes it so much more expensive. Having people work longer, or raising a great deal more tax (who likes paying more tax?) would seem to be the only options.
Apparently people are living beyond retirement for 9 to 10 years more now than in 1970 despite the increases in retirement ages. The average time retired for women is 24 years
Gosh all these statistics sounds like people will get bumped off for planning on claiming thier pension. Hospitals generally have not gone back to normal post covid. Its a case of work all your life then just die. Probably waiting for an op or treatment
It feels like that's what the government's plans are. Keep working and hopefully you'll die before you collect your pension. I honestly don't feel up to working anymore not because of laziness but because of health but I just have to keep going. There'll be worse off than me though and at least I can still have whisky - speaking of which, have you seen the time (where have the smilies gone? Mine aren't working).

One of my relatives had to take early retirement on health grounds, retiring at 63. He did not make it to 65, sadly, having worked since the age of 15.

I think it’s the actuarial tables that get used to plan the optimum retirement age… pensions are funded by the workforce. In reality our own pension contributions while working fund the already-retired.

The next planned hike in the retirement age has been delayed as life expectancy is going down rather than up.

It is always a numbers game and not just for pensions. When Tony Blair set a target of 50% going to University that spelled the end of the student grant except for the poorest students. A grant system was affordable when approximately 10% went to uni. Once it went up the cost burden on councils ruled it out.

It also works the same with bookmakers. They follow where the money is going and adjust the odds to reduce the impact on their own coffers of paying out on who wins. Probably some of the best mathematicians in the country have never seen 6th form, never mind university…
I have noticed a trend, no not the little white T as QVC love.

But reading online newspapers, the hate that is now being aimed at pensioners from posters. Mainly, it was always the unemployed, or scroungers as they are called, people not being able to work due to ill health and add pensioners. Get rid of the free bus passes for pensioners I read a lot, let them pay like the rest of us, getting free rent etc. The I work, why should I have to fund them? Look at the extra money they get from the government winter fuel allowance etc.

One local online newspaper put up the COL payments given to those who qualify, including pensioners. A few posters kept up the get out get a job, even when it was pointed out many are on the extra benefits because they are pensioners and no in good health.
Our supine willingness to be collectively controlled, essentially through emotional blackmail and false ‘Digging For Britain’ wartime sentiment regeneration by relentless media control during the Pandemic, has essentially told any government, the population can by manipulated to comply with virtually anything - including having us all work through our 60s with no state help via pensions. We moan and we might even protest at times, but when push comes to shove we comply. With the lies we were told by the Conservatives, not only through Covid but equally over Brexit, you would think they wouldn’t get a single MP back, wouldn’t you? But I am sure they’ll get 200 to 300 MPs when they eventually deign to grant us a vote again. I’m equally certain the Government could announce the state pension age is rising to 100, and still people would take it. After all, any mass civil disobedience would be dealt with at its worst by army intervention. The State will always protect itself before its people.

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