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Interview of Cummings this evening BBC2 by Laura K.

Boris said it wasn't worth having a lockdown as only the over-80s would die.
I saw a little bit of that interview, might finish it today. What struck me was the look of total distaste on Laura’s face when she looked at him. And indeed it seemed as if half the time she could hardly bring herself to look at him! You don’t often see such disdain in an interview. But then you don’t often see Cummings being interviewed.
When does Laura Kuenssberg look any different ? she's always has a twisted sneer when either reporting on air or interviewing. Kay Burley looks like Chukky doll and I refuse to watch her, Beff (Beth) Rigby never pronounces a 'g' at the end of words "thinkin" "havin" et al.

I can find fault with all of them 😄
Interview of Cummings this evening BBC2 by Laura K.

I saw a little bit of that interview, might finish it today. What struck me was the look of total distaste on Laura’s face when she looked at him. And indeed it seemed as if half the time she could hardly bring herself to look at him! You don’t often see such disdain in an interview. But then you don’t often see Cummings being interviewed.
Cummings had his hands on his face, often covering his mouth, nearly all the time.

My OH says that's a sign he is lying, what do others think of his body language?
Covering your mouth or part of your face when talking is usually a sign that you’re not telling the truth, as well as not being able to look directly at the person to whom you’re talking.


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Interview of Cummings this evening BBC2 by Laura K.

Boris said it wasn't worth having a lockdown as only the over-80s would die.
I said last year that Boris would be quite happy if the majority of pensioners and those on benefits died. The man's a disgrace. Don't forget his former boss, Max Hastings, said he was a compulsive liar and serial adulterer, though can't imagine anyone with the tiniest bit of taste or brain wanting to go to bed with him.
There's no-one on either bench that's the least bit fanciable. Mind you, just walk around any supermarket and its the same there. It must be years since I've seen any chap in the flesh and gone phwoar !! plenty on the box though. (its the heat - makes me come over all unnecessary :rolleyes: )
Cummings’ arrogance in that interview said it all. Boy does he rate himself. Let him stand for Parliament then and work legitimately to improve people’s lives - oh sorry, he’s only interested in himself. Really ghastly. I can’t bear any of them. My hubby just announced that finally the country’s safe - prime minister and leader of the opposition both self isolating!
Bois supported Cummings all the way, let us not forget that. Cummings knows where the bodies are buried. He kept records and now having his revenge.

Bois is a bumping moron, just look at last weekend. Oh, I am in this pilot scheme instead of having to self-isolate. Which turned out did not exist. One minister on TV saying oh yes this is a scheme and the PM is doing the right thing. Then something like 10 minutes later old Bois had to self-isolate.
One (more) thing which really ticked me off this week was the self isolation regime. Apparently, in law, it is only mandatory if you are phoned by Test and Trace, an operative. Disobey and you can be fined. If you are just pinged by the covid app that is advisory!!!! Well they ****** kept that quiet didn’t they? Apparently that cannot be enforced because downloading tha app is voluntary. So whereas there is a moral question, there is no legal obligation and I would have thought that if you did a PCR test you should be able to walk free.

Oh and another thing. I think it was a Sunday Times reporter who self isolated and took 6 lateral flow tests, all of which were positive. Over the same period he took 3 PCR tests, all of which were negative.

What a shambles.
Doesn't it make you wonder, what sort of people record and categorise every memo/text/email/conversation - for years - in the event that it can be used for future use - only 2 reasons that I could think of....... to write a book or blackmail. Now there's another one - revenge.

Utter toerags.
Sometimes it pays to keep all memos, texts, emails etc. I once had an awful boss, he was nothing but a bully and made my life a misery. He made me ill and in the end I took it all to a tribunal and it was my keeping all communications which proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was being bullied to the point of him trying to push me out of my job. It gave me no satisfaction to do it but there was no way I was walking away from a job I liked and which I did well.
Plus I already knew my job would be ending soon enough because the SA pulled out of running the hostel and a private company was taking over and I would have lost 13 years redundancy pay if I`d walked. I often wonder if that was his intention because all of the workforce except for him were made redundant whereas he got to keep his job as centre manager under the new regime. I later heard he`d only stuck working for them for a few months because without the rest of us under managers doing his job for him and covering his back, he couldn`t cope and his new employers found out the hard way.
When does Laura Kuenssberg look any different ? she's always has a twisted sneer when either reporting on air or interviewing. Kay Burley looks like Chukky doll and I refuse to watch her, Beff (Beth) Rigby never pronounces a 'g' at the end of words "thinkin" "havin" et al.

I can find fault with all of them 😄
I went right off her during the Barnard Castle interview with him - she didn’t call him out at all,in fact gave him a really easy ride in comparison to a couple of junior reporters when they had to queue up to ask x number of questions. She should have been experienced enough to be able to go like a Rottweiler within the allotted time.
You can come across some awful people in working life who today would have been brought to heel.I had a Senior designer who would walk in and if the door was slammed behind her then that set the mood of the day.Also setting people up against each other, it was hell.The company closed after I had finished so she must have gone on to cause havoc elsewhere.The trouble is I came in contact with her in another situation some time earlier but accepted the job ignoring the instinct I had about her!
Another a man who was Factory Manager who used to shout and swear so people stood there like naughty children.I pointed out one day he had contradicted himself, Goodbye, was pleased to get out the atmosphere was terrible.
At one time didn’t BJ say that the bodies could be 3deep before he would do another lockdown. As for Lady CJ she is one ambitious woman and if that means humping the Bo when so be it until such times she has power in her own right by which time he will have moved on and served his purpose . I’d say she knows even more ”bodies” than even Cummings.

Our local hospital is on red alert with 30 in intensive care none of which have been vaccinated.
I can’t understand why they’re going to impose a vaccine passport to anyone who wants to go clubbing (certainly not me) and they’re waiting until September. Surely, as the infection rate is going up the passport should be brought in now. They were the same with closing the borders. They faffed about and in came the Delta virus. They’re also discussing introducing the passports for sporting events with 20000+ attending. Why leave things so late?
Because they're totally useless, we may as well have a paper bag in No.10.

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