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Dec 10, 2012
I have just read something from Debbie Flint on her Back to You Facebook Group (which I am now banned from) that has made me want to write this quick message.

This site started as a fan site back in 2001, how ironic that this site started because of Debbie Flint, I started the site as I was annoyed that presenters just vanished from channels without any warning or goodbye, so I started the site just after Debbie Flint vanished from Ideal World.

To read that I only have members who are banned from elsewhere is just wrong, maybe we have some members who are Banned from the "Back to You" group, lets face it if you don't think QVC is perfect then your out!


She say's "Anything Really Contentious is being reported to the correct authorities", well the correct thing to do would be to report the post to me, let me take a look at it and remove it within a reasonable amount of time, that is what is expected of forums and we are no different.

To get emails in the early hours of the morning from Debbie, saying she has been told this and that and I should remove, I assume someone from the "Back to You" group sends things to her while she is at work. I ask her to let me know the link and she has no idea. I can only act if I know what I have done wrong.

Got an email from Debbie earlier this year:

"There's a big libel drive at the moment with lots of 'ambulance chasers' after making money sueing the trolls who libel people online. I thought of you when i heard this, since as you know i've always had your back as much as i can."

Advising her group members to take screen grabs sounds like a stab in the back rather thank having my back.

Thank You to everyone who has supported this site since 2001, we celebrate our 15th Birthday next March and it is because of your support.

Finally thank you to Sazza who I believe is the best moderator in the business.
I am all for freedom of speech, whether I necessarily agree with what I read or not, I will always respect the person's right to say it. And let's just remember this is just shopping for goodness sake! The main objections I have about the Back to You site are that members are threatened with being banned if they post anything deemed (by Debbie or Sharon) as being negative ANYWHERE else, so that would include on here, on Twitter, the main QVC Facebook page etc. To me that is censorship gone crazy, (remember these are people only chatting about shopping! ). Debbie also asks BTY members to post en masse to say they like something such as WEN on the main QVC page. I prefer to post what I want, when I want, with nobody else telling me what to say or do. Somehow I think Debbie picked up too many bad habbits when out in China...
Take no notice Graham jealousy is a terrible thing, she can't help herself because your site is fun, informative and honest were as the BTY BTY group. For the record though I, along with most other members, haven't been banned from anywhere, after all why pick cotton when you've got silk right here. Thanks for a great site Graham, keep up the great work.
Same here,I choose to post here because it feels fun and a safe place to spend time .I have never been banned from anywhere and have no interest in joining any groups that are heavily censored and full of yes people. Sounds like the fact this site can't be controlled is getting to some one !
I'm with you. I've never been banned from any site, I've never posted 'vitriol' and I love this site. It gives honest feedback and reviews, but best of all gives me advanced notice of TSVs. I have found out about TSVs I would otherwise have missed, it lets me think about it and buy to keep, rather than impulse buy and return. I've just, for example, seen the post for a Lulu Guinness TSV in December. It's a pricey month, but now I have seen it in advance I can keep some money aside this month as well as next so I can get it. The preview from this site had guaranteed them another sale. Surely that's a win/win!
this site is very special to me as we all know that & we all know what i think i aint going to rant too much, PS if your wondering who "Ian Burkitt" is then that is ME!! (thats if you didnt know that)
Apart from FB,this is the only forum I belong to.Although I don't post much,I've been here since 2004.
And I've never been banned from anywhere.It seems to me that DF is only happy when she is totally in control,so totally jealous of this site.
Carry on Graham,you must be doing something right to put her back up so much x
Perhaps if she spent her time and influence addressing the issues we all have with Q and their current practices rather than issuing rants we just might have a modicum of respect for them.

Surely any genuine disputes with this forum should come from the management not from one jumped up presenter?
At the risk of being sued for libel, it is my opinion that Del Boy is a diva and surrounds herself with sycophants. She is demonising anyone who doesn't conform. I really enjoy this forum as we can express our opinions freely. What an obnoxious woman she is ��
Goodness it seems that someone is incredibly insecure. Whipping people into a frenzy to get screen shots. Making wild accusations about people who are on this forum. Yawn yawn yawn, how dreadfully tedious and dull. If you were secure you would run a group and ignore what happens elsewhere. The posting of info that isn't true is dangerous territory for someone posting on a public forum. Let's face it moles are everywhere!
Banned? Oh for heavens sake. I've never even joined any other site. We're a mixed bunch here but a large number of us are women of a certain age who enjoy the chit chat, want tips on getting good deals and avoiding bad ones and having a bit of a laugh along the way. What on earth is wrong with that. Long live the forum, it's a tonic!
Graham - thank you for this excellent forum! I enjoyed lurking enough to take the plunge and join, a decision I haven't regretted. This is a well moderated site, and I really appreciate all the hard work and dedication which goes into making it a fun place to be on line - so thanks to Sazza, and to so many super-sleuths, including SCW, Autumn, Sazza and other eagle-eyed contributors. I don't belong to many forums, but I've left a few which were utterly ruined by poor moderation.

The remarkable post you have shared is par for the course, I'm afraid. I seem to recall some rather prickly responses to the less favourable reviews of books on Amazon. Clearly differing views are not to be tolerated... whereever and however they arise.

I imagine that there are a goodly number of people who have bought more as a result of this forum, where in the past they would have missed knowing about a great deal on QVC.
OK - let's be logical about this.

She say's "Anything Really Contentious is being reported to the correct authorities", well the correct thing to do would be to report the post to me, let me take a look at it and remove it within a reasonable amount of time, that is what is expected of forums and we are no different.

'Correct authorities'??? Who can she possibly mean? Unless a comment is made which is threatening or discriminatory - and there are clear guidelines on relevant 'protected characteristics' - then no-one in 'authority will be interested.

The 'authorities' are too busy dealing with cuts to their budgets whilst trying to manage criminals, tax evaders and terrorists.

Got an email from Debbie earlier this year:

"There's a big libel drive at the moment with lots of 'ambulance chasers' after making money sueing the trolls who libel people online. I thought of you when i heard this, since as you know i've always had your back as much as i can."

You cannot be 'guilty' of libel if you make factual comments free of discriminatory language - that is the fact of the matter.

You might want to ask DF for the facts which led her to issue her 'warning'.

REMEMBER, though, her continued correspondence to you might itself be considered harassment and you should let her know that her contact is unwanted. Also advise her that you are aware that comments have been made on the BTY site that you might consider unacceptable and she should issue a warning to her members to hold their opinions too.

Advising her group members to take screen grabs sounds like a stab in the back rather thank having my back.

Again, has she cast doubt on your character? Has she made accusations about this site whilst advising her members to take screen grabs?

Is she trying to issue a veiled threat?

In conclusion, I think you should write to DF and copy in the QVC CEO - asking that she refrain from making any further comment about your site.

This works both ways - she cannot malign you whilst accusing others of the very same offence.

For the record, I have never even tried to join the BTY or QVC Facebook groups as I don't use FB.
Does Ms Flint really not see the irony in her saying people on here are guilty of libel and posting vitriol and threats, and then ranting on another public forum about people only being on ST because they have usually been banned from elsewhere (just not true and slightly offensive) and saying certain people (whom she names!) should be careful because they are straying into "dangerous territory".

So comments on ST are being reported to the "correct authorities" eh? Oh no, not the Thought Police!
What a silly woman. I have worked in a large company for 40 years and would not tolerate playground behaviour, QVC should be made aware of her ranting . In my opinion it does not do them any favours.
Heya Debbie, if you're reading are just making yourself look silly. Surely you've been on telly to know that people will form opinions on what they see? You surely can't be so insecure as to attach any great importance to it? Or can you? QVC's PR team have even been in touch with my employers because of rumours they have heard. Remember people have a right to honest comment and opinion. You are going way too far in trying to censor stuff. I'm sorry but you are one of those people that polarises opinion. You should be glad people are talking about you, whatever they say! I'm sure you're an OK person but I do find your on-screen persona jarring. I also think your "novels" are utter tripe. Don't give up the day job! Just be grateful that you're back on the box and not having to resort to flogging "magic" mineral water to earn a crust like you were back in the lean times. I did used to like some of the shows you presented with Paul Lavers when I was a kid. Nowadays you seem obsessed with social media and promoting your books etc. Cut the self-promotion and finger-pointing and leave people to have their opinions.
Oh dear. I am afraid poor Ms Flint has no understanding of the law. I actually feel sorry for her (please note I do not like her but I do feel sorry for her) as she must feel so insecure within herself that she makes threats to others. We have freedom of speech in this country (and this forum) and long may it continue. Keep up the good work. Now for a couple of facts - I think Ms Flint's books are the worst I have ever read and I have never been banned from any other site ...................... now could I sue her for her statement about members on this forum.....................
Who the heck does Del boy think she is? I love this forum, it is of far more interest and use to me than the QVC Facebook page which is generally used by QVC sycophants, where the powers that be delete messages if they are not deemed to be in their interests. I am going off M's Flint more and more by the day!!!

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