Social Media - That was an eyeopener


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Blimey that thread now has over 200 comments! Highlights include screenshots of nasty posts from the alleged friendly group bty, a random picture of judge rinder, numerous memes, a chief inspector of some sort who likes to use exclamation marks inappropriately claiming to know what a troll is when in fact she doesn't seem to have a clue, a passing mention of this forum and lots of posts from groupies praising their cult leader....sorry I mean their admin.
Have to credit the social media team for not deleting it though.

They are probably enjoying it as much as we are. Makes a change from the usual rubbish on a wet Sunday afternoon.
I'm on an ipad, not on FB but am able to read all 31 (saddo or what?) posts. But it is just the same thing over and over. Groupies rising to defend all saying how lovely and polite everyone is whilst tearing the tripe out of the ones who disagree.

Seems like a nice harmony bunch, NOT!!! Do the Groupies all wear Special Badges??? :mysmilie_15:
Blimey that thread now has over 200 comments! Highlights include screenshots of nasty posts from the alleged friendly group bty, a random picture of judge rinder, numerous memes, a chief inspector of some sort who likes to use exclamation marks inappropriately claiming to know what a troll is when in fact she doesn't seem to have a clue, a passing mention of this forum and lots of posts from groupies praising their cult leader....sorry I mean their admin.
Have to credit the social media team for not deleting it though.

200?! I wonder how many are Debbie Flints, she probably has a profile to suit all occasions. :mysmilie_17: the rest are probably from the QVC faithful. There's never a single day goes by that I'm glad that FB never has/never will appeal to me, although I've got to say, reading QVCs now again is good for a right old giggle. :mysmilie_17:
"The members of the shopping telly forum loathe everything about QVC. All they do is endlessly moan, criticise and post venomous comments about the presenters. They also like to spend a lot of time mocking the regulars here on the Q FB page, and live under the illusion that they're vastly superior to the people they mock. It's just the same old thing over and over on that forum nowadays, very boring."

Boring enough to read us! And yes we are superior because we have free speech
Why would they post that? What relevance does this forum have to a debate about Laura Geller name checking two FB groups, inappropriately in the view of the original poster. It would be like me slagging off the BTY FB group on here in the middle of a YC thread surely?

And how come they never mention the times we comment favourably on TSVs etc?
"The members of the shopping telly forum loathe everything about QVC. All they do is endlessly moan, criticise and post venomous comments about the presenters. They also like to spend a lot of time mocking the regulars here on the Q FB page, and live under the illusion that they're vastly superior to the people they mock. It's just the same old thing over and over on that forum nowadays, very boring."

Boring enough to read us! And yes we are superior because we have free speech

You're right, we're far more superior, I wouldn't pay too much attention to someone whose chose the surname of a presenter as their surname (if real I apologise) but when I read a bit further down, she seems to have done a fair bit of slagging QVC off herself, so a few pots and kettles knocking around hey? :mysmilie_17: We're all proud of this forum and everything it offers so if she's reading this, what is it that the die hard QVC faithful say?....oh yes...."if you don't like it don't read/there is an off button".
I'm shaking at the knees as AC/DC once sang. Oh no wait, actually I am PMSL!!! Being a poisonous person, no wait that would be able to think and have a opinion of my own on here! Not having a glorious leader to follow and agree with their every fart, thinking them so clever and witty with their ego dictating what we can say(as long as not personally attacking others. Disagreeing yes), in their groups or forums. Yes I am superior
I went and read the thread again. Yes, its still there and QVC apart from saying they are not affiliated are keeping well out. Someone even print screened from a private group name calling those on the thread disagreeing with the koolaid gang. :mysmilie_19:
"The members of the shopping telly forum loathe everything about QVC. All they do is endlessly moan, criticise and post venomous comments about the presenters. They also like to spend a lot of time mocking the regulars here on the Q FB page, and live under the illusion that they're vastly superior to the people they mock. It's just the same old thing over and over on that forum nowadays, very boring."

Boring enough to read us! And yes we are superior because we have free speech

Ah bless, must be lovely to be perfect and right all the time.

My message to them is - read and learn !
How typical that Q pulled the post without wading in with any opinion whatsoever! Why bother letting it run so long if they're just going to delete it anyway?!
One of the nice things about posting here as opposed to "The other place", is that although both have moderators, this forum has very, very few posts removed, or posters temporarily removed. We sometimes don't all agree, we are not all "Happy Clappy" people and more importantly, no one gets booted off, or removed for stating a truthful personal opinion. We have a giggle at the best of times!
Free speech is great on here, I don't want to be part of any forum that edits, or removes anything that others have written, only to be removed for asking relevent questions. Thanks to our Mods!
How typical that Q pulled the post without wading in with any opinion whatsoever! Why bother letting it run so long if they're just going to delete it anyway?!

Technically they did provide an opinion, that they weren't affiliated with any FB groups...LAME-O!!!!

I guess the mods only had the one-liner response in their script, but maybe they fancied letting it run just to see ;)
I think they enjoyed reading it to provide a bit of a excitement in their lives.Answering posts asking about presenters clothes and the abysmal customer service has to be boring.They pulled it after they'd decided they better get back to work. In my opinion.:mysmilie_59:
Whatever the rights and wrongs of the thread and I read it all but didn`t comment, it certainly showed the depth of anger on all sides. QVC can`t afford to have so many disgruntled people so even if they don`t care a jot about the groups/freebies/on air mentions etc you think they`d advise guest presenters to button their lip and stick to talking about whatever they`re flogging.
The groups don`t help themselves though and like to chuck their clout about or expect the rest of Q`s customers to dance to their tune, one group admin is moaning as we speak and declaring how upset she is that her group was brought into the thread and her woe is me attitude is doing her no favours. The bottom line is if you`re going to have a group or run a group then there are times people won`t agree with you for whatever reason. Accept it, get on with it and the World and its wife really won`t give a toss whether you feel hard done by or not. Like all situations you have to take the bad with the good, grow up. Getting freebies comes with a price, like it or not.
Q must be struggling and they`ve had few sell out tsv`s lately, in fact some have totally bombed and their prices and p and p charges have shot up so it will go in their favour to keep the peace and if that means asking brand reps to not mention specific groups or people, then so be it.
Whatever the rights and wrongs of the thread and I read it all but didn`t comment, it certainly showed the depth of anger on all sides. QVC can`t afford to have so many disgruntled people so even if they don`t care a jot about the groups/freebies/on air mentions etc you think they`d advise guest presenters to button their lip and stick to talking about whatever they`re flogging.
The groups don`t help themselves though and like to chuck their clout about or expect the rest of Q`s customers to dance to their tune, one group admin is moaning as we speak and declaring how upset she is that her group was brought into the thread and her woe is me attitude is doing her no favours. The bottom line is if you`re going to have a group or run a group then there are times people won`t agree with you for whatever reason. Accept it, get on with it and the World and its wife really won`t give a toss whether you feel hard done by or not. Like all situations you have to take the bad with the good, grow up. Getting freebies comes with a price, like it or not.
Q must be struggling and they`ve had few sell out tsv`s lately, in fact some have totally bombed and their prices and p and p charges have shot up so it will go in their favour to keep the peace and if that means asking brand reps to not mention specific groups or people, then so be it.

I read some of it yesterday and tried to more posts today, but couldn't read anyone's replies to posts, so I presume they deleted it whilst I was trying. Some of the replies I did read though were just laughable - some people really need to get out more. I like this - sorry love this forum - because of all our different opinions. What a sad place it would be it if it was like those facebook pages, where a different opinion is shot down and the person ganged up on for daring to voice it.
I read most of the thread and the OP was clearly the voice of reason - she wasn't criticising either of the groups, just voicing her concern that Q continued to allow the promotion of closed FB groups. I saw the screenshots of the convos from the BTY group and they did pretty much make her point for her - unpleasant, personal comments, entirely missing the original point.

I am a member of the Get Geller Gorgeous group and like one of the posters said on the thread, it is a really nice group (as some of you know, I have relayed my less than pleasant experiences of being in the BTY group so I'm definitely balanced!) and I do not recollect the admin blocking anyone or hearing that anyone was refused membership.

However, this doesn't detract from the original point which is that these groups should not be promoted on Q as it is ultimately divisive and in no one's interests and as others have said, Q needs to take note and take action.

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